Apex Legends is getting its own esports league

Respawn is kicking off a new competitive series for Apex Legends.

The Apex Legends Global Series is a new banner for all things Apex Legends esports. This series of tournaments will take place online, and at live events around the world.

For the first year, Respawn is planning 12 live events and over $3 million in prize money. The Global Series is available only for PC players, and registration opens in early January.

The first online tournament will be held on January 25, where eligible players from 60 potential countries will be able to compete from their homes. Players will be able to earn Global Series Points, which help them advance to the first of four majors taking place in 2020, scheduled for March 13-15.

The first three majors will follow the familiar 100-player, three-player squads format. Things shift to just 60 players in the fourth and final major. Just like the recent preseason invitational, scoring will be based on the match point format.

In short, this scoring system tracks placement and team kills and awards points accordingly. Teams looking to reach the final will have to reach certain point thresholds.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://www.vg247.com/2019/12/17/apex-legends-global-series-online-local-esports-tournaments/


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This is what apex needs I play everyday and happy to see this finally happening