Minecraft Bedrock Update 1.14 Brings Crossplay to PS4 Version

The incredibly popular and blocky world of Minecraft will finally be crossplay across all platforms with Bedrock update 1.14 coming to PS4 tomorrow.

A future where there is crossplay for every non-exclusive video game released may not be near, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start now. Some of the biggest titles are crossplay, and with a new update coming very soon to the PS4 version of Minecraft, Mojang’s pixelated survival game can be added to the list.

That is right, with the Bedrock update coming to the PS4 version of Minecraft, the game will feature crossplay across all of its platforms. Starting tomorrow, PlayStation players will be able to play with Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Gear VR, and iOS and Android mobile device owners.

Additionally, all purchases and progress from the PS4 version will now carry over across all the aforementioned platforms. This means you can start a world on your PS4 version, save it, and continue right where you left off on the many platforms Minecraft is available on. It should also be noted that moving forward, any purchases made for the game will be for this new version.

If you already have Minecraft installed, the Bedrock update should automatically download. Don’t worry, this is a free content update, so you won’t have to pay for the new feature. In order for crossplay to work, you must have your designated platform’s online service, and you and any pals you want to play with must-have update 1.14 installed.

So, what else can you expect from the new update? Update 1.14, which is aptly named “Buzzy Bees,” adds bees and bee-related items to the game. This includes bee hives and nests, honeycomb blocks, honey bottles, and more. It also implements some changes and fixes that improve Minecraft overall.

Minecraft is available now for all the aforementioned platforms. In our article “The 50 Best Video Games of the Decade (2010-2019),” Minecraft made it on the list. Exactly where on the list, you will have to see for yourself.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/minecraft-bedrock-update-1-14-brings-crossplay-to-ps4-version/


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