Star Wars Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition Releasing, Via Leak

It’s been a busy time for Star Wars of late. In addition to The Mandalorian premiering on Disney+, EA recently released Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, while later this month, The Rise of Skywalker will be in theatres as well. On top of that, it’s looking like EA’s previous Star Wars game, the DICE-developed Battlefront 2, could be coming back to the forefront again.

As per leaked details over at True Achievements, Star Wars Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition is going to release in two days, on December 5- which means we should expect an official announcement soon (if this is true, that is).

The package is supposed to include the following content:

Base Game, including all past and future free game updates as they release
More than 25 Hero Appearances, including six Legendary Appearances, plus one Appearance each for Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren inspired by Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker
More than 125 Trooper and Reinforcement Appearances
More than 100 Hero and Trooper Emotes and Voice Lines
More than 70 Hero and Trooper Victory Poses

Though Battlefront 2 suffered an infamously bad launch – what with all the controversy surrounding loot boxes – EA and DICE have both been of the opinion that the game’s been turned around quite effectively. A Complete Edition release might be a great way to get (or get back) into what’s now an improved game.

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This game is a lot better than what it was at launch and I'm very excited to pick this copy up on release.