Nintendo Switch Online service now has over 10 million subscribers

The number of subscribers for Nintendo Switch Online has steadily increased since the service launched in September 2018.

Nintendo Switch Online accounts now number over 10 million. Nintendo announced the new milestone during its General Meeting of Shareholders this week.

The figure is up from 9.8 million which Nintendo revealed during its Q4 and fiscal year 2018 results.

Lifetime Switch sales are sitting at 34.74 million as of the last report, so there are still quite a few Switch owners who aren’t using the service. However, Nintendo expects the number of subscribers to climb with offers to make the service attractive to users.

One previous offer to subs included Tetris 99 back in February, and the company currently has a deal going for Twitch Prime members.

The Nintendo Switch Online service also includes access to NES titles and offers cloud backups.

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"Nintendo Switch Online service now has over 10 million subscribers" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Wow i would've thought they would of had a lot more than that but 10 Million is still a hell of a lot.


I'm so surprised that Nintendo has this many subscribers they must be making good money


Wow that's a huge number but also good.