PlayStation Store refund policy allows for refunds within 14 days

Sony has updated its refund policy for content purchased on the PlayStation Store.

Digital content bought on the PlayStation Store now comes with a 14-day refund policy that, under certain conditions, allow players to get their money back. In all cases, the refund is added to the PlayStation wallet balance, regardless of the payment method used.

Full games, and add-ons (DLC) can be refunded within 14 days of purchase, but only if you didn’t start the download, install or stream process. If the content is “faulty”, you may be granted a refund after downloading or installing it.

The same goes for pre-ordered games, and content. Players who pre-order games can request a refund anytime before the official release date, and for up to 14 days following the release date – assuming, of course, the content wasn’t downloaded, or installed.

Subscription services like PlayStation Plus, PlayStation Now, and Spotify Premium can be cancelled within the 14-day trial period. After that, Sony will deduct a certain amount of the subscription fee based on how much the service was used.

PSN name changes are not refundable.

Unfortunately, the refund process is not automated like it is on Steam, Xbox Live and other services. Instead, you’ll need to contact support as you normally would to request a refund.

The new refund policy can be seen on the North American support site, the UK site as well as those for other regions.

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14 days aka 2 weeks not bad at all.