Battlefield 3 Dev Holds Longstanding Grudge Against Call of Duty

Battlefield 3 creator, Digital Illusions, has held a long standing grudge against the Call of Duty franchise, with Modern Warfare 3 squarely in their sights for this fall. Maybe it's because they believe that they make a better game, yet consumers tend to flock to the competition. Then again it could all just be for show.

his year's first person shooter showdown, isn't the first time that DICE has outwardly claimed that Call of Duty and Infinity Ward are an inferior development house. In Battlefield: Bad Company 2's, decidely average single player experience, the developer took multiple pot shots at the Call of Duty franchise, more explicitly, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.




"Battlefield 3 Dev Holds Longstanding Grudge Against Call of Duty" :: Login/Create an Account :: 84 comments

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Normal multiplayer for COD:No team work at all. Everybody tends to let you die for more kills.

Normal multiplayer for BF:Team work always. you will be cared for like horse who has a broken foot. You will be revived, healed, and have full ammo at all times. You will have spotter who will help you kill the enemies. You will have a team mate always close by who will take out a bad guy who is about to kill you. You will have a team mate to sacrifice hs life in order to fix your tank to complete the mission. You will have team mates who will set targeters on helicopters or tanks so you can take them out. You will have team mates who will protect you life when they set a motar strike on your position. You will have team mates who will place down smoke so you can defuse the charge. You dont need a mic to do team work, its just common knowledge to know your team mates need ammo or any of these.


DrPhil321 My view of the games.

CoD = Halo ripoff, everyone is a one man army. (kids)

BF = Real Life, T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K (adults)

Oh really? Because a lot of temas play COD = T E A M W O R K while on Battlefield, barely anyone communicates or does anything.

Sure, be a fanboy for a game .. but then at least get your facts right, k? ;)

Actually, I've been in a lot of games in BF: BC2 where people have worked as a team; engineers will help repair vehicles, medics will heal fellow teammates etc... Get your facts right, k? ;)


Battle Field blows, I played 1&2, and they sucked! The speed of COD (not Black Ops, Black Ops does suck I'll admit it) is much faster, and the competition is much better in GB. OVerall, Battlefield's are poorly created, but it will be interesting to see how the three's match up since Infinity Ward lost many of its key members.


DrPhil321 My view of the games.

CoD = Halo ripoff, everyone is a one man army. (kids)

BF = Real Life, T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K (adults)

Oh really? Because a lot of temas play COD = T E A M W O R K while on Battlefield, barely anyone communicates or does anything.

Sure, be a fanboy for a game .. but then at least get your facts right, k? ;)


xENTERxSHIKARIx I completely disagree COD is a much better game i couldn't stand BF 1 or 2, the multilayer lacks a lot and isn't as well made in my opinion. And no im not being a fanboy because i prefer other games over COD like GOW

your stupid its because BF has realistic war in it. the levels are created like whatwar is. it doesnt lack any thing it shows how war really can be not like cod where u have a kid siting in every corner of the map

Are you saying there's more campers in COD than there are in Battlefield? Have you ever played either one of them? ;)

OK both of you are wrong People have differnt Opinions ok secondly people camp in battlefield becuase they feel that its realistic and as in the real army snipers and machine gunners "camp" :D


You just said I was wrong and then said I wasn't. Logic, such a nice thing.


My view of the games.

CoD = Halo ripoff, everyone is a one man army. (kids)

BF = Real Life, T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K (adults)


xENTERxSHIKARIx I completely disagree COD is a much better game i couldn't stand BF 1 or 2, the multilayer lacks a lot and isn't as well made in my opinion. And no im not being a fanboy because i prefer other games over COD like GOW

your stupid its because BF has realistic war in it. the levels are created like whatwar is. it doesnt lack any thing it shows how war really can be not like cod where u have a kid siting in every corner of the map

Are you saying there's more campers in COD than there are in Battlefield? Have you ever played either one of them? ;)

OK both of you are wrong People have differnt Opinions ok secondly people camp in battlefield becuase they feel that its realistic and as in the real army snipers and machine gunners "camp" :D



xENTERxSHIKARIx I completely disagree COD is a much better game i couldn't stand BF 1 or 2, the multilayer lacks a lot and isn't as well made in my opinion. And no im not being a fanboy because i prefer other games over COD like GOW

your stupid its because BF has realistic war in it. the levels are created like whatwar is. it doesnt lack any thing it shows how war really can be not like cod where u have a kid siting in every corner of the map

Are you saying there's more campers in COD than there are in Battlefield? Have you ever played either one of them? ;)


xENTERxSHIKARIx I completely disagree COD is a much better game i couldn't stand BF 1 or 2, the multilayer lacks a lot and isn't as well made in my opinion. And no im not being a fanboy because i prefer other games over COD like GOW

your stupid its because BF has realistic war in it. the levels are created like whatwar is. it doesnt lack any thing it shows how war really can be not like cod where u have a kid siting in every corner of the map


vGoast Honestly i didnt know what Battlefield was till now. I even purchased Homefront, and those two games are very similar in my opinion. Homefront sucked. I dont know, but im positive 60% of gamers like non-realistic games. I mean crap load of people like to mod/get into infected lobbies in the COD series. Idk if there are any lobbies like that in BF. Point is, COD won from the start. The COD Franchise began long ago. BF only has 3 titles? ( Correct me if im wrong, by 3 im including BF3.) COD has so many titles.. 7? right? And it wont stop! Ill purchase Black OPS 2 if i have to.... sure hope i dont. But still If it says COD; then im there! :D Fanboy? Why not? I could care less what you guys think. COD wins. ( in sales and in MP. Campaign isnt really something you do much. Just one day, get your achievements and run along to Multiplayer. BF MP sucks... COD WINS! xD PEACE

I like how you've used ABSOLUTELY NO evidence or sources to back up your ridiculous assertions. You're a typical 12 year old using CoD as his life support.