Nintendo to Require Registration to Demo Super Smash Bros. at E3

Anyone that has ever gone to a gaming convention can tell you that long lines are the worst part of the experience. Actually, on second thought, maybe the overpriced bottles of water are the worst part. Either way, long lines are definitely in the top two. One could only imagine the sheer mayhem involved in curating a line to play the new Super Smash Bros., a title which is shaping up to be one of the biggest games at this year’s E3.

In what seems like an attempt to establish order and keep lines on the shorter side, Nintendo has announced that they will require all of those who want to play the newest Smash title to register for a free ticket online beforehand. Nintendo has broken down these tickets into two categories; tickets that allow you to play against others “For Fun,” and tickets that allow you to play against others “For Glory.”

While this distinction may seem superfluous at first, upon further thought it seems like a legitimately good idea. Nothing would be worse than waiting in line for an extended period of time only to be crushed while trying to figure out Squid Kid‘s move-set. Similarly, it gives seasoned players the opportunity to face someone of a similar skill level, or at the very least, not feel bad about dominating a casual player.

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"Nintendo to Require Registration to Demo Super Smash Bros. at E3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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This sounds like a good idea. We'll just have to see, though. Might turn out bad, if the news doesn't spread like it should and only a percentage actually sign up. A lot of people will be confused when they get turned away, I bet.


Even though this kind of sucks, it is a great idea. I'd hate to be the person that finds out at e3 that they won't be able to play.