NBA Playgrounds 2 Has Been Delayed Indefinitely

NBA Playgrounds 2 is nearly upon us and is scheduled to release next week. Or, well, it was supposed to.

Recently, developer Saber Interactive announced that the arcade basketball sequel has been delayed from its previous May 22 release date and is now pushed to an indefinite date. After being announced less than a month ago, it seemed as though the turn around from reveal to release was almost too good to be true. Turns out that it was.

The official NBA Playgrounds 2 Facebook page shared the news regarding the delay and stated the following:

“We’ve got some news to share, but we want to start by saying ‘good things come to those who wait.’ There are exciting things brewing with the NBA Playgrounds franchise that we think will take arcade basketball to new levels. We can’t tell you everything now, but we can tell you that this means our launch date of May 22nd will be moved out. Please be patient with us, we promise that NBA Playgrounds 2 will be better than ever. We’ll have more details to share soon.”

It’s a bit odd to see a change delay like this take place less than a week before the release of any game but the best we can do is trust Saber Interactive and believe that this delay is indeed a good thing for the franchise moving forward. We’ll keep you posted when we next hear word on what this exciting news is that Saber has teased.

Currently, NBA Playgrounds 2 is scheduled to launch on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.

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Wow this really sucks. I don't think I'm gonna buy this game but it sure is a bummer to get its release pushed back now.