Destiny 2 developers are already playing the full game at home

Destiny 2 still won’t hit shelves for several months, but apparently developers are already enjoying the experience in the comfort of their homes.

Developer Bungie recently released its first podcast since 2014 (MP3 link), hosted by game director Luke Smith, project lead Mark Noseworthy, and community manager Eric Osborne. The three developers took an hour to discuss some ins and outs of Destiny 2 and its development, during which they revealed that the game is in its final build and is currently being played on a private server by developers at their houses.

“We have the game at home, which is awesome,” Smith said. “We have the whole game at home. On a private test realm. And we’re playing the sh** out of the game. That actually becomes pretty motivating to get back to work, because you can see, so clearly, inspiration and things that are going amazingly. And you can also see so many opportunities. We’re not done. We’ve got plenty of work in front of us, but having a version of the game where you can sit on your couch in front of your TV– it feels totally different than playing at your desk.”

Destiny 2‘s official gameplay reveal is dropping on May 18th, when fans can finally set eyes on what the developers have been enjoying and possibly check out a new weapon class for the series.

Destiny 2 is slated to launch September 8th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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"Destiny 2 developers are already playing the full game at home" :: Login/Create an Account :: 14 comments

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Excited for Destiny 2, first one was alright.


Tom so they have around 4 months to spare so i better not be seeing some game breaking glitches when they have the time to go around fixing all this.

Yea you would hope but I highly doubt it.


Let me play the game now lol I dont care if there's still bugs, or glitches I just wanna play it right now not wait another 119 days ffs


so they have around 4 months to spare so i better not be seeing some game breaking glitches when they have the time to go around fixing all this.


This makes me really nervous... The original destiny missed such a huge pool of potential because its moronic design and not just fully adopting mmo styling, for the devs to already be at home "playing the full game" more than likely means that destiny 2 is going to follow the same misguided and limiting psuedo mmo style that caused the first to flop for many. Please, please PLEASE let this not be true.


cant they just go ahead and release to the public already :cry:


I find destiny only fun if you have friends to play with. however I will end up getting this as the last one took me a while to complete


I will be playing this as the first destiny was my most played game of all time even after retiring it for almost 2 years now.


Can't wait for this game. I enjoyed the first one as friend got into it...a little late but aye. Hope this is not as repetitive tho.


This is dope can't wait to play this game