Mortal Kombat producer admits to testing a “pretty powerful” PSP 2

Although rumors here and there have pegged a PSP 2 to be in the works, accounts of a prototype falling into someone’s hands have been hard to come by. C’mon, it’s not always easy to find this stuff in bars. Sometimes you just have to pose an innocent question and wait to be surprised.

IndustryGamers did just that when they asked Shaun Himmerick, executive producer at NetherRealm Studios on whether a version of Mortal Kombat would be released to the current PSP or upcoming 3DS.

Himmerick replied: “We’re not launching day one on all consoles like that. We are looking at them; we have a PSP2 in the house and we’re looking at the engine, like what can it support. Always a big thing for us is the performance. We’re running at 60 fps, what can we do and do we have to build all the art assets over. We’re definitely looking at them. PSP2 looks like it’s a pretty powerful machine. We don’t have a 3DS system in house yet, but we’re looking to get one, and we’ll certainly look at what its power is.”

If developers are already kicking the tires on a PSP 2, Sony could be readying a handheld showdown with the 3DS. Of course, no confirmation from Sony, but take solace in that the PSP go may soon be put out of its misery.



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