Phil Spencer: "I'd Love to See Mario on Xbox"

Xbox boss Phil Spencer would love to see Mario on Xbox. Although it may seem unthinkable to Nintendo fans and Xbox fans, the two have flirted with one another in the past. Microsoft even made moves to buy Nintendo out at one point. Additionally, Microsoft and Nintendo worked together really closely on Minecraft Wii U Edition. Microsoft owns Minecraft, and its one of its biggest IPs by far. The Wii U version of the game has received plenty of Nintendo-exclusive content featuring characters like Mario and Princess Peach.

All of that to say that Mario showing up on Xbox isn't as far-fetched as it sounds. After all, next month we'll be playing Super Mario Run on our iOS devices, right? In a recent interview with AusGamers, Spencer was asked specifically about the possibility of Mario showing up on Xbox. His response was surprisingly open and optimistic.

"I’d love to see Mario on Xbox," he responded. "As someone who’s been in this industry and played games forever, I’ll still say it: Nintendo has the strongest first-party of anybody. They’re just fantastic and the memories that they have instilled in so many of us, who’ve played their games and had those delightful experiences, having those on Xbox would be great." After praising the collaboration between Nintendo and Microsoft on Minecraft Wii U Edition, Spencer went on to say, "Anyway, I’m a big Nintendo fan and I think they’ve been incredibly important for the games industry, they do a great job with younger audiences, and if we ever had a chance to work with them in the future, I would absolutely do it."

Pretty strong words from a very prominent figure in the world of Xbox. If he really is so open to collaboration, maybe there's a chance we could see Rare Replay make its way to the Nintendo Switch? Ah, well, we can dream.

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"Phil Spencer: "I'd Love to See Mario on Xbox"" :: Login/Create an Account :: 31 comments

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Daniel Seeing Mario on Xbox would be alright I guess, I'm more of a Sonic fan than Mario.

well you can get the original sonic games on the xbox store. Getting the original mario games would also be great, I would definitely buy them if they did


Seeing Mario on Xbox would be alright I guess, I'm more of a Sonic fan than Mario.


I would love to see Mario on Xbox that'd be awesome!


Omg if mario comes to Xbox I'm not going to leave the house for days


I would love to see this happen as I'm a massive fan of mario as I'm sure as many other people are and to be honest Xbox would make a lot of sales if that happened


Im not a big fan of mario, was really grown up to mario so I dont see any interests in it and I dont think its that fun of a game.


lol like that'd ever happen. Just because Nintendo and Microsoft talked because of Minecraft being on Wii U doesn't mean the grounds for a sudden partnership between the two companies. Nintendo is super anal about their IPs to the point that fan made content typically doesn't last long before being taken down.


Eh There are some other games I would rather see.


I am sure everyone would love for Mario on Xbox!


Mario on Xbox?
Would love that