Nintendo 64 emulator now available on Xbox One via Windows 10 store

With the Windows 10 store going universal, it was just a matter of time until we would see Windows 10 games and apps appear on Xbox One. Well, the developer of the N64 emulator on Windows has announced that his app would work on Xbox One, and is currently only available on Preview members' consoles.

Unfortunately, you cannot purchase the app directly from the store since Microsoft haven't offered an option to the developer, so he can publish directly. But it seems there is a loophole for those looking to play some Super Smash Bros on their Xbox One. According to the developer, to gain access to the app, which is called Win64e10, you have to purchase it first through your Windows 10 PC or Mobile device before it will show up in your ready to install list. Keep in mind that we have been unable to verify the method described by SegmentNext and thus cannot confirm that this app is legitimate. Additionally, this could just be a display bug on the Windows 10 Store.

The app costs around $5.99 currently, and does not come with any games obviously, but offers gamers to sideload games from alternative storage options. However, it remains to be seen if Microsoft will allow this app to appear on the Xbox store.

The developer confirmed the emulator should work on Xbox One and OneDrive.

Related Forum: Xbox Forum



"Nintendo 64 emulator now available on Xbox One via Windows 10 store" :: Login/Create an Account :: 19 comments

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Oh my gosh I hope they come through with this release holy shit


This is a really cool thing!


This is amazing! I hope this is true though.


If this is legit, I am so finding a way to get some super smash bros on there lol


Umlokii Holy yesss! If i can play pokemon stadium on my xbox im never leaving the house!

Lol that exactly what came to my mind first. But conkers was a dope ass game too


Holy yesss! If i can play pokemon stadium on my xbox im never leaving the house!


Time to play some Conkers!


This is going to be awesome! Can't wait!


A Nintendo 64 emulator sounds great. Can't wait to hear more about this.