Evolve Stage 2 is now free-to-play

Evolve Stage 2 is now free-to-play

As promised, Turtle Rock Studios has re-released Evolve on Steam as the free-to-play Evolve Stage 2. While the game is technically in a beta state, it includes significant portions of content from the paid edition – including 7 Hunters, 24 Monsters, and a ton of perks.

Turtle Rock Studios also provided new details on its new Founders program. In short, if you previously owned Evolve and bought DLC content, it automatically carries over to the free release. What’s more, Founders will get 3000 Silver Keys along with all past and future Hunter/Monster adaptations. On a later date, Turtle Rock will release additional Founder-exclusive cosmetic content like skins and badges.

As for the core game itself, Turtle Rock use Evolve’s new beta status to test out changes and overhauls. Each class has been tweaked, the UI has been updated, and maps have been redesigned based on player feedback. Four redesigned maps are currently available in the beta, presumably with more to follow.

You can download Evolve Stage 2 right now from Steam.

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2016/07/07/evolve-stage-2-is-now-free-to-play/


"Evolve Stage 2 is now free-to-play" :: Login/Create an Account :: 7 comments

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wish i couldve played this when i had the chance


Well since it's free I shall give it a try indeed.


Wonder what happens to those who paid for it though?


Never played this game but since it's free, I might as well try it out.


Played this a little bit, doesn't seem to shabby! It's been a while since I have played the original one, so I can't compare it in depth. Of course, it is overall the same game. The same core mechanics but the game has more to it. More monsters and customization. I think I might hop on this game more, considering it is free, with some of my friends in the near future.


the games was crap when it came out thats why almost nobody played it after 2 weeks.


Never heard of this game before so may as well give this game a shot and find out this game really is a game to play?...