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PSP Memo Recorder example v0.2

Download Name: PSP Memo Recorder example v0.2  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 10.73 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

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Views: 60

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Iteixeira s has released a new version of the popular Memo Recording application, PSP Memo Recorder, updating it to version 0.7 today. PSP Memo Recorder is a sample program showing usage of the audio input syscalls. With this program you can record up to 60 seconds of audio in RAM and play it back afterwards. If you can remember this application from the last release, it records input and stores it in RAM so that no memory stick space is taken up at the moment. All you need to us this application is some form of PSP-compatable microphone such as the headset used for a PSP SOCOM title as well as the PSP's remote. This application is steadily moving up the ladder to homebrew stardom, becoming a more and more useful application with each release. In this latest version Iteixeira has managed to tabilize the audio input library which consequently made the program a lot more stable, warranting a v0.7 update. Iteixeira has also released a new version of the loop example to show this off. Now that Iteixeira has got the sound quality up to a good level and the stability issues sorted out he can move onto bigger and better things, namely being able to record to a file. Keep up the good work Iteixeira! Note: The program does still say PSP Memo Recorder v0.6.1 in the corner ofthe application, but it is still version 0.7!
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