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CWCheat v0.1

Download Name: CWCheat v0.1  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 279 Bytes

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 84

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

As you all know, QJ welcomes every developer willing to release programs they've created themselves to make the PSP's homebrew scene a lot better. In this tradition, we're now featuring developer weltall's application, CWCheat v0.1. CWCheat was originally being developed to work with the 1.5FW and UMDs, but when devhook came out, weltall moved it to work with devhook. It now has support for all games available. CWCheat is basically the first general purpose cheat device for devhook. This application from weltall has several functions that all of you will find very helpful: * cheating functions * a simple text reader cpu/bus tuning functions * dumping and cheat making functions (also provided by windows pc side applications) button configuration * various system information: ms available/total space, cpu/bus current frequence, devhook version, cw cheat version, advanced battery information and so on. The zip file already contains a manual with the installation notes, a readme with the changelog and a detailed description of the features, and a cheat searcher app that (unfortunately) needs to be translated from Italian to English. (If you really want CWCheat to work, do take the time to translate using Babelfish or Google.) Not interested yet given all the facts? Just take a look at the developer's to-do list and you'll see why this application is very promising: * saving abilitation/deabilitation of the single cheat in the db * downloading of the latest db directly from the psp * check if all the cheats type works * adding games to the db * code optimizations * completing the text reader * evolving the db format * Adding support to loading inside the custum firmware * others (I'm accepting ideas :P) Other people who helped the developer in this project are sincro, ale275 for the gfx, and zio`ale for the database website. Tell us what you think about CWCheat v0.1, and we'll keep you posted on the newest developments in return.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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