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Download Name: [EU] TONY HAWK´S PRO SKATER 1+2 - "ONE HUNDRED!" Trophy [CUSA20464]  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: SaveBoy364

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

Version: CUSA20464

File Size: 3.42 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 2

Downloads: 157

Views: 3,232

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Hi guys. Thanks to save wizard cheats, I got the level right to the end of 99. You just need around 60 more xp to get level 100 and get the "ONE HUNDRED!" Trophy.

It took me around 5 minutes on School Level just doing big combos and tricks with Kareem Campbell.

P.S This save also has modded money and stats with everything unlocked.
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"[EU] TONY HAWK´S PRO SKATER 1+2 - "ONE HUNDRED!" Trophy [CUSA20464]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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aaron54rg Hi man how can I get this into my PS4? It says the data belongs to other player and wont let me use it

You CANT just copy someone elses save to a USB and put it on your PS4 and have it work. each persons save file is locked to their own account. There are two ways you cant change that. one way is abit more complicated by using BruteForce save ReSigner. that Resigns peoples PS4 save data from their account to your own. and after you have resigned the other persons save data to your account, then you can copy it to a USB stick and use it on your own PS4.

The OTHER way which is a million times better and EASIER, but its not free though, its what l use. its a program called SaveWizard. which also ReSigns other peoples save data, BUT its not complicated at all. it only takes a few mouse clicks and their program does it all themselves. it costs $60 in the USA. for me here in Australia it cost me $86 Australian dollars. but its worth every cent. l couldnt get BruteForce to work properly. alot of people have troubles with it to like missing keys you have to find etcetc.

So l recommended SaveWizard. Just pay for it once and you have it for 5 years. and they have 1000's of games they have cheats for aswell. so you can Resign other peoples saves to your own account, AND also input cheats into the save file aswell. AND the cheats DO NOT lock out Trophies either, because they are not official cheats. l been using SaveWizard for about a month and its GREAT. Unfortunately it doesnt Resign PS3 save data though. but the people that run SaveWizard also created a program called GameGenie which is basically the exact same thing, only GameGenie though Resigns PS3 save data.

l have both of them. GameGenie was alot cheaper and only cost me $38 Australian. probably because its older. but yea both are amazing programs. there are fake versions online, but none of them are real. because SaveWizard and GameGenie do their ReSign conversions on their online Servers.

So hope that answered your question man. You can try the free alternative called BruteForce. but if you have too much trouble with it l definitely say get SaveWizard. worth every cent, and its all automatic with no stuffing around. Oh and one last thing. There is another program aswell Called PS4 Save Mounter. thats free aswell BUT it requires you to have a JailBroken PS4 with custom firmware.

BruteForce AND SaveWizard you DO NOT need a JailBroken PS4 at all. So if you are like me and wouldnt touch custom firmware then you would want to steer clear of PS4 SaveMounter. and just use either BruteForce or SaveWizard.

Oh almost forgot there is also 1 MORE thing l forgot to mention. You also have to make sure that the persons Save data Region is the same as your own. like US for USA, EU for Europe and JP for Japan etc. SaveWizard you cant re-region someone elses save data to your own. you can only resign it. But with BruteForce you can do BOTH apparently. you can Resign AND Re-region someone elses save data. if you can get it to work that is the program. l couldnt get it to work for me maybe you will have more luck. But l PREFER SaveWizard anyways. its so much easier to use, and l only need it for resigning other peoples save data and making it my own anyways.


Hi man how can I get this into my PS4? It says the data belongs to other player and wont let me use it