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[CS:S] zm_fortress_b6

Download Name: [CS:S] zm_fortress_b6  

Category: PC Game Mods Counter-Strike: Mods Counter-Strike: Source Maps

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 4.00 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 118

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

New version of map the greatest changes are:
hints, areaportals and occluders
finished old areas
added new area
new spots&bugfixes

For detailed information look on the orginal changelog below^^

zm_fortress_b6 - Changelog
zm_fortress_b6 - Changelog
Created by [#OMEGA] - K2


This is my first offical multiplayer map; I deceided to create a zombie mod because zombie mod owns. Orginally it was crated for a clan out of a HL² Map (which was created just for SP ^^), but this clan kicked me so I won't work for the clan anymore. This map is independent now ^^

Map Information:

This is somekind of a fortress build by humans and overtaken by the combines during the war. Now it is abonded and the combine and thair human slaves disappeared without a trace. Blood and somekind of "Headcrabs" were found here; according to roumors zombies were seen in the fortress...

Now it's about you to find out what really happened here...

Good Luck soldier!

Version Info:

Beta 6

23.08.2007 (August)

32 T, 32 CT (64 Total)

NO HDR, nav and txt file bspzipped

Compiling Time:

vbsp.exe 32s

vvis.exe 1min 48s

vrad.exe 16min 24s

18min 44s

Contact @ (no spam):

omegak2 @


omegak2 @

Please do not ask about the secrets!


changelog and zm_fortress_b6.txt changed and updated ;D
Nav and txt File were included in the .bsp file
more brushes were replaced with func_detail
changed the button's postion inside of the secret room 1
finally fixed the illusionaries in the bathroom :/
optimized a LOT of brushes; removed so unnecessary faces (especially doors)
added hints
The water moves now
replaced a nodraw texture belonging to a door
created a water_lod_control entity
changed the texture of the K2 Logo
reduced number of lights in the K2 Room
made a button unusable in the bedroom
balanced the bedroom a bit
changed the walltexutres - they look better now
moved the roofs up
finished the other bedroom
used a differnt, better skybox
rebalanced the vent outside ;P
fixed a light bug
made the small window in the door destroyable
delted some crap outside of the map
removed/increased the fade dists of some props due to bugs
organized the visgroups
added some more decals/overlays
added areaportals
added a completly new area, the garage... explore yourself ^.^
secret buttons changed :)
changed the container in one of the storages (was imbalanced)
changed some container skils, looks a bit better now ;)
added a fade dists for the ladders in the sewers
changed the entrances to the sewer to a door (reason: areaportals)
moved one of the pylons, bug
increased the hp of the glass in the entrance room
put some props into the entrance room
added a new camp spot on vent machines
added another new camp spot near ct spawn
added occluders
fixed a light bug/redone the way between old CT and T spawn
changed the spawnpoints a bit, deleted some of the old ones

Planned for new Versions:

adding some more props
[decals (maybe more)]
[Sounds (maybe more)]
using higher/better lightmaps
maybe changing the big bumps in the garage

Always planned:

bugfixes (If I find some or someone report bugs)


Just do the following steps to install the map:

copy the file "zm_fortress_b6.bsp" into your ..\cstrike\maps\ folder
add the map to your mapcycle.txt/maplist.txt/votemaplist.txt
if you are using sv_downloadurl upload the file to your ftp too
you should compress the map file with bz2 for faster download if you are using sv_downloadurl ;)

Zip-File should contain:

9.807.108 Bytes

zm_fortress_b6 - changelog - information.html
x Bytes

If one of these files is missing please redownload the map; i offically uploaded them on fpsbanana and the zombiemod website.

Special thanks to:

Games - for testing and giving suggestions

Iaquinta - testing and giving suggestions

Tyranastrasz - for testing and giving suggestions

Grey Echo - testing
Visit the Offical Zombie Mod Studios Page!
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