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Do I give a D*mn?

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My Creed to TTG

My Creed to TTGPosted:

  • Ladder Climber
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As this site becomes more and more unrecognizable by the day, I must say that the amount of ignorance compared to the level of spamming, flaming, trolling, etc. is unbearable.

Well as life moves on, so does the people living in it. And this is my time to leave TTG; but not without something to say first. Not some "Boo Hoo" story about how miserably XYZ's life is, or how this or that occurred, but how steadily this site and it's members have fallen into a state of "absolute kids begging for attention." I'm no person to state the entire site and it's member have fallen suspect to this, but unfortunately the quantity of posts it seems; have greater meaning than the quality to most members. Over the past 2 years of being on this once "memorable" site (way back to WaW;yeah 2 years), there were half-decent members that actually gave a cr*p about what other people have to say, rather than flamboyantly stating it is deemed "unworthy" of being posted. I'm specifically calling out the rude, flaming kids on this site that seem to think it's "cool" or "1337" to go around posting absolute garbage such as facebook-worthy comments and opinions that don't need to be seen near 100 feet of a modding website. On the same matter, this also applies to ignorant people who love to state a post is "horrible" without any legitimate, solid proof; basically they post thinking they will some how be accepted into a larger, "cooler" group of people. This has been widespread across this site and so much so I can barely even visit this wretched site without being greeted to some ignorant poster who thinks its cool to (included; but not limited to: flaming, trolling, spamming, advertising, etc.) The overall state of this site is truly horrific; and it's honestly sad to see such a "once rich" website with dedicated modders who were working towards a cause; to single-handedly disrupt, whether a mere, small gaming company, or as big as a massive gaming corporation's "Big-Hit Game"; essentially CoD in the long run. However, for whatever reason; the site has fallen beyond repair, into a lack of control among the members who tirelessly leech of the site for whatever reason. So much so that everyone is "eating each other alive" over this so called "rebooter" which was the fundamentals which modding was founded upon. "Raising Havoc among the gaming community". If everyone just worked together, towards a common goal, maybe, just maybe, Treyarch would've actually given up by now, Microsoft would've been in Sony's shoes (or Vice Versa); similar to the PS3 community has done. Maybe, just maybe, this site will have a worthy cause among the modding community. I honestly have no faith in any mods anymore, nor the websites in which they reside; all because of the mere fact that people are in arms about the next "big" mod release, whatever that may be. (speaking exaggeratively) Because NO ONE knows what coding is anymore, NO ONE seems to know how to do ANY mod, NO ONE cares for a common goal except to cause jealously among other members. And although there may be that small amount of people on this site that seem to actually give a d*mn about modding, then this is for you 3333ch . This is my cup of tea, and I honestly hope you guys keep this atmosphere alive for the newer members, as then they'll continue the tradition of leeching and absolute bragging about what others may or may not own; so then I won't regret leaving this site, or any other site as well. Goodbye.

For Those Who Can't Read And Feel the Need to Just Randomly Flame the Above for Whatever Reason, Then Read the Below:

For those who may have the feeling of posting this, I decided to have the liberty of assuming your actions, and post it before one who may think it's apparent to do so. (aka, your an ignorant douche-bag who's too lazy to read a page or two that I decided to type depicting The Tech Game for what it once was and comparing it hopelessly to what it is now.)
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Whether or not this is or isn't moved, locked, deleted etc. does not and will not affect me in any way. Same applies for responses assuming the above hasn't already been done. I also highly recommend that my account be deleted, as I am taking up valuable space on TTG's servers that could be used for more spam. What you think of this post is irrelevant and I honestly do not care. Should you actually read the entire post and agree, props to you. You are on your first step to realizing the level of disrepair this site has come to, and think there should be change; whatever form that it comes in.
#2. Posted:
  • Ladder Climber
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Joined: Jul 14, 200914Year Member
Posts: 340
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Joined: Jul 14, 200914Year Member
Posts: 340
Reputation Power: 15
Did I mention to say "goodbye?" Oh, and good riddance! It's a shame that this website has completely and utterly gone downhill especially since more of the recent updates.
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