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The homeless people like this

The homeless people like thisPosted:

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Alright so im hungry its 4am, I head on down to McDonalds for a nice 3 platter hotcake/sweet tea/orange juice/chicken biscuit because im hungry. I walk in and I see a woman sleeping, sprawled out across 3 chairs with a blanket wrapped around her kinda like burrito style. Anyway, I think nothing of it. I get my shit and I go sit down to eat, I notice the woman is away from the bench. As I sit down she comes walking out of the bathroom, she walks over to me dragging her feet like most homeless people seem to do and asked me "do you have a dolla?" I take out my headphones and I say what. I said no, I paid with a card. She said "what ya got their" I replied with what I got, she mummbled "mmm" grabbing her stomach. She sits down, almost a minute passes by and she keeps looking over at me and I just cave and say "do you want something to eat? I have no cash but I have a sandwich and OJ" she says "ya" I hand her my **** food (my 1 of 2 meals of the day because im broke as shit right now) and she didnt even say thank you. I kinda sit their like confused, I didnt wanna be a dick and say youre welcome, anyway so shes inhaling this goddamn sandwich and juice and shes asking me Q's like "do you have a bus pass" "is it thursday?" she asked me is it thursday like 4 **** times. Anyway, I asked her "was the sandwich good" she replies "ehh not really" " coulda been better" .... the **** are you complaining about? I just gave you a 6 dollar meal and now youre bitching about the food not being good, I mean I get it you have your own opinion but goddamn youre lucky I even gave you my food.

Listen reader, ive been homeless before. In 2005 me and my family were left homeless and I know how it feels... so I think I have a little say in this. If someone gives you something say **** thank you. How hard is it to just say thanks? Even after giving her my food she STILL asked me for **** money. Why are you bothering me? Is it because im the only white dude in this McDonalds? There were other people eating and she was bothering me off all other 4 people present.

I dont even know why I made this rant, just had to get that off my chest. I gave a random person my meal and they did not even say thanks and even after insulting my food choice they continued to ask me for money. This is NOT the first time ive helped the homeless and got such a poor response. Im not asking you to kiss my goddamn feet, being homeless gives you no reason to be a ****. SAY THANKS OK?

Also side note I dont know why I didnt add this but as I was leaving I offered to buy her something else and she said "no" which is fine ok whatever. As I was leaving I said "have a goodnight and be safe" she replies with "ya" -______________- im trying to be **** nice. Im not exactly the "nicest" person or the friendliest "looking" person so I mean im trying to be nice to you and you give no shit, cool.

TL;DR - say thanks when someone gives you 1 of their two daily meals because not everyone is rich being homeless does not excuse you from having common decency between human interaction

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I agree with the "thank you" part. As for criticizing the food, I mean, you did her ask how it was. Should she have lied? Just because it wasn't great doesn't mean she wouldn't eat it. I just don't see it as complaining if she ate, you asked her, and she simply told the truth. I also assume she asked for money since you helped her once already and it would seem that she needs a bus ride if she asked if you had a bus pass. I can understand how that can seem greedy, but some people are desperate. I do think the "thank you" could have gone a long way; although, I don't want to judge her too hard since I don't know her history or current situation.
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The moment she said 'Could have been better' I'd have lost it. Congrats to you, not hitting her in the face. No way could I feed someone who has nothing and they complain about it. Even I've eaten things I don't like when I'm hungry and still pass on a thank you.
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That's probably the reason she's homeless in the first place.

Why would you not say thank you to someone who's giving you free food? It's even worse if you don't say it in her situation.

It may sound cruel but this is why I don't give homeless people anything. From my experience it's like they don't care when they get something for free.
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For me, reacting to homeless people has always been a hit or miss thing. after dealing with a substantial amount of homeless people. I put them into two categories.

Passive Homeless- These are the people that usually just sit on the street with a coke can beside them holding a sign for change. Most of the time they do not talk ,and if anything they'll give a gentle node to anyone who gives them a few coins.

I have absolutely no problem with these people.

Aggressive Homeless- These are the ones that get real "personal" and put you in uncomfortable situations. For example, I'm in the Walmart parking lot by myself at night and two homeless individuals rush me and scare the hell out of me asking for money.

I have a problem with these people.

I really do feel sorry for homeless individuals ,HOWEVER there is a certain way to behave in that situation if you're homeless.
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I have never been homeless or close to it but I can imagine it would really suck. I say please and thanks as it is and I'm surprised people these days don't say thanks multiple times. Just wow...
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Yin wrote I agree with the "thank you" part. As for criticizing the food, I mean, you did her ask how it was. Should she have lied? Just because it wasn't great doesn't mean she wouldn't eat it. I just don't see it as complaining if she ate, you asked her, and she simply told the truth. I also assume she asked for money since you helped her once already and it would seem that she needs a bus ride if she asked if you had a bus pass. I can understand how that can seem greedy, but some people are desperate. I do think the "thank you" could have gone a long way; although, I don't want to judge her too hard since I don't know her history or current situation.

I guess in the moment since I got no thank you I was hoping she would have atleast enjoyed the food. If I say no to you once about having money, why would you ask me again? Im almost certain she could see my bicycle right next to me so asking me for a bus pass seemed odd.

I gave her an inch and she tried to take a mile, I guess its not much of an inconvenience to me having her ask a few questions but its just the idea of her pestering me after I exclaimed no. I give you something, take it. I say no, dont continue to ask me. Go bother someone else.
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I would have went mad dude like you didnt have to give her food but you were kind to her and didnt even get a thank you
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Yeah that is sh*t of her, I've given homeless money before at-least they say you know god bless you and shake your hand or whatever, but she complains about it too.
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she replies "ehh not really" " coulda been better" .... the **** are you complaining about?

Exactly that, that seems odd to say but why would you complain about a sandwich when you're "homeless" I would say "It was great thank you" at least. A random person giving me food. What else would go wrong? Seems bit sketchy to me. If she said "thank you" it would make you more thank giving that you gave food to her but in this case she didn't which you find a lot of homeless people don't have manners. I probably missed this but did you buy yourself food afterwards or no?
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