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Battlefield 4 Boosting - PS4

Battlefield 4 Boosting - PS4Posted:

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For now, all you need to know is that I am an experienced booster with no shame about that, since most of times I use a different account to boost, and that I am from Brazil - you may or you may not get a bit lag if you play with me - but my english is fine! (At least that's what my 'murica friends told me xD)

Now I recommend you to stop reading if you aren't a serious booster!
By "serious booster" I mean the person who knows how to boost and do it flawless, because if I notice that you don't know how to do, or you keep messing up, you will probably keep on my friend list, since now the limit is 2000 on PS4, but I won't ever invite you again, unless you learn how to do it right

What you need if you want to boost with me:
- 1 PS4
- 1 PS4's Control
- Patience
Not necessary, but preferable:
- 1 Headset (Can be the one who comes with the PS4)
- 1 Phone (If you prefer texting instead of PSN communications)
- IQ above 90

Why boosting:
In my case, I boost for stats, guns and for fun, but there are people who boost for increasing their K/D (kill/death ratio) and SPM (Score per minute), which I agree, mostly because not all the time people get these 2 items low by being "noobs", sometimes a bad connection or a really bad team can do that with your stats.

Concept of "boosting" on Battlefield 4:
If you ever boosted on any other game (CoD or BF's series) it's pretty much the same, actually, it's exactly like on Battlefield 3, however, boosting on consoles requires at least 4 players to start a match. Knowing that, you will have to wait till we find more 2 guys to boost with us, only me and you could work if we boost in public games but the risk of getting caught (youtube or report) is higher and I am not taking the risk!

Methods/kinds/types of boost:
*In order of faster leveling*

Method #1
Long distance headshot sniper, recon kit boosting: (aka hs kill boost)

Difficult: 9/10 - Players required: 4
Pros: Even if random people joins the server, we can still boost, just set squad privacy on and don't let them respawn on you.
Cons: It may take a few seconds to get the right aim for headshots if the guys on the opposite team keeps moving.
Long range sniper + 40x Scope + Range Finder & Defibrillator
How to do:
1) We join an empty ranked conquest server in a large map (preferable asian servers = less players);
2) We setup a kill limit, for example: 30 kill limit = when the guy who started getting kills reach 30 kills, he change teams and another one go get 30 kills - we just keep doing that till the game is over. (Btw, thats why I need "serious" boosters, trust is essencial on this method)
3) One guy alone on team 1 will get the kills and 3 guys on the other team reviving each other after dying (that way your K/D won't go down);
4) The player who will start getting the kills take the chopper to the edge of the map, and then shifts seats until you be able use sniper; the two players on the other team go to the edge of the map, but by car or on foot, because if you go by helicopter and you get out of the chopper you will eventually die "out of combat area - 10 seconds" and you will not be able to revive your friend. Just stay as far away as you can and just stand in front of your friend - close enough to revive without moving your character.
5) The sniper start killing the other team players, killing and waiting they to get revived, getting lots of exp, since he will be more then 1000 metters away, it will be something like 1500 exp per kill, when he finishes his *kill limit, example: 30* he switch teams and another guy go for it!
6) Profit! You will level up a lot, get thousands of ribbons and stuffs!
Extra: In this video you will see how to do it on public matches, but the theory is the same! [media=youtube]Uuui5-o9CbE[/media]

Method #2
Nemesis boost:

One of the most famous boosting since Battlefield 3.
Difficult: 7/10 - Players required: 4
Pros: You get your K/D increased very quickly, same goes for nemesis kills, revive count, score per minute and skill.
Cons: Dying makes you lose your high nemesis streak that may have taken hours to build up. (Nemesis streak gives you bonus per kill) & You can only use assault class.
How to do:
Same as BF3, if you never did just watch this video: [media=youtube]sd8wChkYKtk[/media]
Quick text tutorial:
We need 2 guys on each team, everyone using assault class with defibrillator; Guy1 starts killing Guy2 on opposite team, Guy2's partner (aka Guy3) revives Guy2 and kill the one who killed his partner (Guy1), Guy1's partner (aka Guy4) revives Guy1 and kill the one who killed his partner (Guy3); basically: you revive your partner and kill the guy who killed your partner, important: you will always die by the same player and you will always kill the same player!
1) Don't move your character, that way you can get more kills and there's no need to move, since you can revive your partner and get kills without moving.
2) At the beginning one guy can spawn as support and drop an ammo kit, so everyone gets his kit once and drop an ammo kit as well, don't suicide to get ammo, otherwise you will lose your nemesis streak.
3) Load (press "shoot" button) for a few seconds beforing using defibrillator, you can more points then just pressing it for a second.
4) Find for a small server, preferable rush, tell your friends to met at A or B bomb so you don't have to search them in the map and you get more points by staying close the bomb
That's it guys, nemesis boosting: one of the easiest, fastest and more useful methods of boosting.

Method #3
M-COM Bomb Boosting:

Tutorial by: "squirrels 36" from *** forum edited by me (RustyBreaker)
Difficult: 5/10 - Players required: 4
This is one of the best boosting method found so far without killing anyone. No certain gadgets or kits. All you need to do is search for rush on operation locker, because its the smallest map and best to do this on. I find the searching for a server in the Asia region gives it a less chance of randoms joining. Also make sure its a ranked server! Join an empty server and invite your party, once in there will be two teams of two. One person from both the attacking and defending teams will go to both the A and B bombs. You will arm and defuse the bombs. It is rumored that if you don't wait 5 seconds between arming and defusing the bombs you could lose the XP. I have not had that problem but beware. There is a max number of times you can arm and defuse the bomb and get points from it. That number is 5. If you plant to bomb 5 times at A bomb, going to the B bomb still will not give you any XP. So one you have both armed and defused the bomb 5 times, let it blow up. Then move on to the next two bombs. There are 5 different bomb bases. one you've done all 5, the round will end and you will switch sides then repeat as the opposite team. You get 200 XP for arming the bomb everytime and 400 when it blows up, defenders get 400 XP for disarming it everytime. Make sure to also have the squad leader but an order on the bomb that the squad leader is not as so you both get extra points for following objective orders. You get about a minimum of 12kXP per round and can get over 100K with ribbons, challenges, boosts etc. The objective score show on the in-game leaderboards does go towards XP. And that XP goes towards your kit XP. so if your using the assault kit, it will level up your assault kit. So take that into mind to level your different kits.

Method #4
Flag Run Boosting: (aka swapping capture flags boost)

Difficult: 3/10 - Players required: 4
Pros: You can use any kit, class or vehicle to level up.
Cons: Lazy method to boost.
1) Find for an empty ranked server, can be Conquest, Domination or Air Superiority;
2) Get the 4 players in the game and start capturing flags, once you capture them just find another flag to capture, don't kill anyone, just swap captures with the other team.
3) This method is extremely easy, the secret is finding a server where random people don't join, and make sure your friends knows what is going on, so they don't kill you.
Extra: This video was made on BF3 Domination gamemode, still, the theory is basically the same: [media=youtube]mwbekesE9yA[/media]
Hint: You can use this method to level up your vehicles and classes that you barely use, there's no restriction, if you stay in the chopper, you will level up the chopper, if you stay by foot, you will level up the class/kit you're using.

I spent exactly 2 hours and 14 minutes doing this huge tutorial, if you don't like boosting just close this tab, don't report or get mad, boosting may be a bad thing to do, but still, there are people who like it, like me

If you are newbie on Battlefield 4, need help with anything, or if you have any questions, even suggestions, let me know, I will check it ASAP!
How to contact me:
PSN: RustyBreaker
WhatsApp or Kik: ask for it (PM)
Skype: lord-zinho
Instagram: rustybreaker
Youtube: RustyBreakerELITE

Some stuffs that you should read if you are sure about boosting:
- I already have people to boost with, I used to boost a lot on holidays, and I still do xP. I invite people who boost faster, correctly and the polite ones first, don't get mad or anything because of boosting problems, after all its just a game
- Doesn't matter where you live, since we can understand each other there's no problem about that (;
- If you know any other kind of boosting, let me know, I probably forgot one or two :b
- I only boost on PS4, I used to do a lot on PS3 tho.
- Sorry for making this thread huge, I just want to make sure we won't have problems when we start boosting!
- I am also a youtuber, I post glitches, bugs and some montages, mostly CoD Ghosts, but also BF4, feel free to check my channel, I would really appreciate! xD

Read all this? Wanna boost with me? Complete and answer with this post filled:

PSN ID: Example123
Method of Boosting: #1, #2, #3 and/or #4
Already boosted before: Yes/No

Or just add me on PS4 (PSN ID: RustyBreaker), put in the message field "boost" so I will know thats for boosting purposes!

Thanks, see ya!
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