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Assassins Creed Black Flag Completion Guide

Assassins Creed Black Flag Completion GuidePosted:

  • TTG Legend
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Assassins Creed - Black Flag Completion Guide
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Beginners Tips

Guard Alert Status

One of the most common things youll come across as you play through AC4 is the need to avoid guards as often as possible. While youre just moving around town its not a big deal, but if you enter a restricted area, its safer and sometimes required to avoid the attention of the guards.

There are two different alert types. When you hear the alert noise, a yellow or red marker appears over the alerted guards head. If the marker is yellow, the guard thought he saw or heard something, but if you escape his line of sight fast enough, hell quickly go back to his normal duties, ignoring what he just saw or heard.

If the marker is red, it means that the guard knows he saw or heard you, and will investigate further. In this situation, you need a hiding spot far enough from the guard that he wont be able to track you down before his alert status drops down to yellow, or you need to take him out before he alerts other guards around him.

You dont need to concern yourself with the yellow markers. You can hide behind a narrow pole as long as youre out of the guards direct line of sight. If you see this alert status, dont think too much of it, just make sure you get out of sight before it shifts to a red alert. If you see the red alert marker, take out the alerted guard as quickly as possible. If you can finish the guard before he alerts others, youll still be relatively safe.


There are many occasions throughout Assassins Creed IV in which you are required to hide. Luckily there are quite a few hiding spots around to make this a little easier. Tall grass, heavy vegetation, storage closets, stacks of hay and hay carts are the most obvious locations to hide. However, you can also blend in with the surrounding common folk.

Blending in with a crowd is especially useful if youre trying to tail a specific individual through town. Any time there are at least two people in close proximity, move close to them and Edward will turn grey. This indicates hes essentially hiding in the crowd and will not be detected until he moves away from the two common folk.


During a memory, there are many instances in which you need to avoid detection while making it through a series of guards. This is where hiding and using the whistle tactic comes in handy. While in real life most people can hear a whistle from a decent distance, thats not the case in AC4. When Edward whistles, it has a very specific and very short range. You can use this to your advantage when multiple guards in the vicinity.

If there are two guards standing side-by-side, there isnt much you can do to get the attention of one and not the other. However, if theyre moving individually, or arent quite standing right next to one another, you can whistle to get the attention of one guard, take him down, then do the same for the next guard.

From your hiding place, stay as far back as possible and inch forward. Use a single whistle each time you move forward. It only takes one whistle to get the attention of a guard, but it takes a few seconds before the yellow marker appears over the guards head. Watch his movements to know if he heard the whistle before the marker appears. Hell actively look around in a confusing manner if he heard your whistle.

Once you know the range of your whistle (which is roughly four character lengths), you can inch forward from a hidden area and whistle to individual guards in a spread out group. Again, ignore what your rational mind tells you about the distance a guard should hear your whistle. This is not real life and you can use the whistle like you would a sniper rifle picking off one guard at a time, even if theyre close to one another.


If youve played a previous Assassins Creed game, youre probably already familiar with synchronizing points. However, if not, theyre very important if you wish to reach 100 percent completion in the game. At various points on each map youll find an icon that looks like an eagle. These represent synchronizing points, which are always located in a high place. Generally you can find synch points at the top of a building or a high post of some sort.

When you approach a sync point, a bird flies off to indicate youre at the right place. Move out onto the ledge and sync up. This not only gives you a nice view of the surrounding area, it also reveals a portion of the map and all of the locations and items within that section. Before you sync, you can walk right past a loot chest and it wont show up on your map. Once youve synced, you can look at the map and see every little item in the immediate area, including loot points, treasure maps, taverns, and other items of interest.

Fast Travel

As you progress through the game, youll need to travel all over the oceanic region to get to mission start points, find special assassin contracts, and plunder the high seas. While you can sail there are travel speeds, it takes a considerable amount of time to sail from one side of the map to the other. To make things a little easier, you can fast travel to any town or fort youve already visited and synchronized with.

In many cases, your mission start point will not be a fast travel point. In this situation, find the mission start point on the map, then locate the nearest fast travel point and sail there instead. This will cut down your travel time tremendously in almost every instance. Of course, youll want to take part in naval battles to earn money and loot on the way to your next destination, but there are times when you just want to start the next mission, and thats where fast travel really comes in handy.

Advanced Tips

There are many instances in which you must engage in combat as Edward, whether youre boarding a ship, or on land fighting off guards or natives. You can use guns to take down your enemies, but they alert any other enemies in the general vicinity, and you have to worry about ammo restrictions and reloading. This isnt Call of Duty where you can reload in a virtual instant. It takes Edward quite some time to reload after expending his initial ammo stock. This makes swordplay a very good option for combating enemies at close range.

When youre in the midst of combat with Edwards swords, in most cases youll be fighting more than one opponent. If you see a red mark above an enemys head, it means that he or she is about to attack Edward. If you press Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox), Edward performs a counter. Immediately following a successful counter, you have a variety of options including: kill the enemy (Square or X), use a tool on the enemy (Triangle or Y), disarm and stun the enemy (X or A), or throw the enemy (Circle or B).

In most cases, you want to simply kill the enemy after a successful counter. Not only does this eliminate one of your attackers, it also allows Edward to transition into what is fondly referred to as kill mode in which he can kill nearby enemies with a single attack. Just make sure you highlight the next enemy and attack him or her immediately following a kill.

If youre surrounded by a large number of opponents, it may be easier to simply stun the opponent, then get back to the target you were focused on. This is especially useful if you need to kill a specific person, and get interrupted by another enemy in the process. Against armed guards, disarming them is also beneficial if you need a gun or want to avoid taking fire while youre attacking other enemies.

Its highly recommended to move the camera to a position in which you can clearly see all around Edward when hes surrounded by enemies. If theres anything blocking your view, it can be difficult to see another enemy attacking Edward, which makes it far more difficult to execute a successful counter before their attack.


There are two types of darts available to Edward: sleeping and berserk. Sleeping darts put an enemy to sleep, but alert any other enemies who happen to see the sleeping body. An enemy will also only be sleeping for a moderately short period of time. Usually its long enough to get to the enemy and knock them out (or simply escape to a safe distance), but there is a limited time before they wake up if you cant get over to them for the knock out.

Sleep darts are best used when spotted by a guard in a watch tower. The guard is too high to reach immediately, and you probably dont want to alert the other enemies by shooting the guard. A sleeping dart will put him out of commission long enough to move out of his line of sight, or climb the watch tower and knock him out.

If there are a group of enemies, its generally better to use berserk darts instead of sleep darts. Berserk darts make an enemy go crazy for a short time, attacking anyone nearby, then eventually passing out. The most effective use of berserk darts is against brute enemies. These are the larger guards who wield and axe and throw bombs at Edward.

Using a berserk dart on a normal enemy will get them killed by a nearby guard with relative ease. Use a berserk dart on a brute and youll find the brute taking down a few enemies before hes finally brought down himself, or simply passes out following the duration of the darts effectiveness. If there are two brutes in the area, hit them both with berserk darts and watch them take out a good half-dozen other enemies before passing out.

A berserk dart can also be useful against gunmen in watch towers because they have a tendency to shoot several guards before anyone can get to them. Its also worth noting that once you hit an enemy with a berserk dart, the commotion they cause is enough to stop anyone nearby from seeing you. That means if you need to reach a specific location or item, shoot a berserk dart, then you can move freely while the guards are distracted.

Upgrading the Jackdaw

Whether youre randomly plundering and pillaging, or doing so for a specific memory, theres quite a bit of naval combat to be had in Assassins Creed IV. There are many instances in which upgrading the Jackdaw is very beneficial to the success of your mission. However, money, resources and time are limited, so while upgrading every single aspect of the Jackdaw would be ideal, its not exactly a realistic expectation for most players.

There are a number of ways you can upgrade the Jackdaw, both visually and functionally. The visual upgrades are purely cosmetic, so lets focus on the functional upgrades. Hull strength should be your first priority. The best offense is a good defense. Even with weak weapons, if you can hold out long enough with a strong defense, youll eventually win the battle.

Once youve upgraded your hull strength, focus on improving your weapons based on your style of play. If you like to attack from a distance with hit and run strategies, purchase and upgrade mortars before anything else. If you like a more traditional naval combat approach, pick up heavy shots, add more broadside cannons, then strengthen your heavy shots. This gives you a huge power boost to the broadside cannons and allows you to take down most ships with a one or two volleys.

The round shot should be your last big upgrade initially. After a volley from the broadside cannons connects, youll be able to make a precision shot. This is where the round shot comes into play. The stronger it is, the more powerful your precision shot. If your broadside cannons are already inflicting heavy damage, one round shot could be enough to finish off a ship.

Ignore increasing the strength of your fire barrels, and instead upgrade to chase cannons. Both the fire barrels and chase cannons are only effective if an enemy ship is behind you. If youre good at naval combat, this really shouldnt happen very often, so only use this upgrade if you find that youre being chased more often than not.

Upgrading Edward

When it comes to upgrading Edwards gear, youre mainly looking at his swords and guns. The guns should be secondary as they arent nearly as useful as his swords in almost every situation youll encounter during the single player campaign. The difference in the swords is more about your play style than anything else.

Its very plausible to go through the entire single player game without ever upgrading Edwards swords, aside from the initial upgrade youre forced to do early in the game. This is especially true if youre good at countering since that essentially opens up most enemies to an instant kill. Focus on upgrading the Jackdaw before you upgrade any of Edwards gear.

The difference in the available swords comes primarily in their attack speed, combo ability. Damage isnt a huge factor because almost every enemy dies in a single combo once you get the first hit in. Speed plays an important role because the camera sometimes blocks your view. There may be a tree in the way, or on a ship it may be the mast or something similar. If you cant completely see the area surrounding Edward, its not difficult for an enemy to get the jump on you while youre engaging another enemy.

The speed of your swords can make it easier to counter and enemy at the last second, and it also allows you to kill an enemy faster. Damage also plays a role in taking down an enemy with haste, but speed is the more important factor here. If you have trouble getting attacked from behind while youre attacking another enemy, look for swords that attack faster than your current set. Combo improvement is more for show than anything else, so speed should be your primary focus.

Sequence 1

When the game begins, youll be treated to a short cut scene, then youll need to navigate your character to the wheel of the ship. The ship is rocking back and forth, but press on until you reach the wheel. Move forward and up the small set of stairs, then head to the left to find the wheel alone and waiting for your hand.

Take the wheel to begin the next objective, sinking the enemy ships. Its time to be a pirate! There are a total of five enemy ships. You need to steer your ship, while keeping track of the other ships on the radar (at the bottom of the screen), and firing cannons and explosive barrels to take down the enemy ships. You can also control the speed of your ship, and even stop if necessary. To win this battle, you wont need precise aim, but you if the battle carries on too long, your ship will take considerable damage.

To take down the enemy ships, your best bet is to maneuver alongside them, keeping your ship parallel to the ship youre attacking, then aim your cannons low to hit the hull. Each ship has a life bar, and while you can take out ships with a barrage of cannon fire, it wont take more than a single volley if you aim for the hull. This isnt a fair fight, so its okay to fight dirty and aim below the belt!

If you miss any ships on your first run, youll need to circle around and go for another shot. Before you turn around, you can rotate the camera to the back of your ship and drop a few explosive barrels if any ships are on your tail. You can also adjust the speed of your ship, and in many cases, going faster is better to help avoid incoming fire from the other ships.

Take down all five ships and youre treated to another cut scene, your reward for almost every successful mission. When the cut scene concludes, you need to swim to shore. Swim straight ahead, toward the green marker. Avoid the various debris along the way to complete the mission.

Sequence 01

Memory 01: Edward Kenway

After another short cut scene, you must find the assassin as he flees deeper into the island. Head straight and to the left. Cross the bridge and head toward the structures.

Climb up the structures on the left and continue forward to reach the wooden post. Climb up the post and jump across, then climb up the next structure and head around the corner. The assassin appears again. Follow him through the area, then run after him as instructed. He wont be able to run for long, but you cant take him out until you catch him!

Once you catch up to the assassin, you finally get to engage in some real combat. This fight is quick and easy. Counter the assassins first attack, then take him down with an attack of your own. After another short cut scene, head forward into the restricted zone, climb the tree and dive down into the pool below. Continue forward to initiate the next objective: free the merchant.

Dive down into the foliage below and use stealth tactics to make your way to the musketeer. Think of yourself like Solid Snake only with wrist blades. Its important to take enemies down before youre spotted. Defeat the rest of the soldiers to initiate another cut scene.

Examine the body on the ground to find a map to a treasure chest. Turn around and move straight ahead until you see a cave to the right. Head to the end of the cave and dig to find treasure. Do you feel like a proper pirate yet? As you exit the cave, grab the loot sitting near the rock wall directly ahead.

Swim out to the ship, climb up and take the wheel once more. Navigate around the sand banks to sail out of the bay. This begins one of the brief simulation portions of the game. Follow your leads instructions until you reach your work desk, then back out of your communicator to get back into the game.

Sequence 2

Memory 01: Lively Havana

Optional Objectives

Tackle the pickpocket
Use smoke bombs to escape combat
Follow Stede Bonnet. He gives you enough money to purchase a pair of British Cutlasses at the shop. Head to the church and walk around the building until you see the gate. Use the gate to climb up to the roof and look out over to the city. Not only do you get a great view of the city, you also fulfill the current objective.

Dive down into the hay then chase down the pickpocket. Kill him and loot the body, then meet up with Bonnet again. Follow him, then take down the thugs with a bit of sword play. This is a good time to practice countering attacks, as that ability will come in handy when fighting multiple enemies.

When the guards arrive, drop a smoke bomb and head for the nearest blue point on the map. These indicate places you can hide, but you can only successfully hide if the guards dont see you. If youre not fast enough, drop another smoke bomb and try again.

Memory 02: And My Sugar?

Optional Objectives

Hire dancers to distract guards
Stay out of combat
Head back toward the ship to find Bonnet and begin the next mission. Tail the two guards, keeping them in your sight, but not getting too close to get detected. Eavesdrop on their conversation, then tail the Captain. When the Captain moves into the fortified building, hire the dancing girls to distract the guards. If you dont have enough money, steal from a few nearby people until you have enough.

You can climb to the top of the building and attack the Captain from above, or you can walk right past the guards while theyre distracted, then take the key from the Captain after a bit of sword play. If youre not stealthy enough, you may have to fight the guards and the Captain.

Make your way to the fort, swim around to the far side and climb up to the room. Take out the guards and enter the door to the fort lockup for another cut scene. Meet up with Bonnet again to complete the mission.

Memory 03: Mister Walpole, I Presume?

Optional Objectives

Complete Rogers shooting challenge
Pickpocket all Templars
Head south to the governors mansion to begin the mission. This is a short mission thats more of a training simulation than anything else, so dont worry too much here. Walk over to the terrace to initiate a cut scene. Shoot the targets then follow the hosts. Perform the various assassinations on the hay dummies, then follow the hosts once more. Keep your hands busy by pickpocketing all three Templars to complete the mission and the optional objective.

Memory 04: A Man They Call The Sage

Optional Objectives

Tackle the Safe from above
Use the pistol in combat
Head to the docks to begin the mission, then follow the Templars. When the assassins attack, stay close to the governor. While its great fun to go buck wild and take down every enemy in sight, you do not need to defeat all of the assassins. You only need to ensure the safety of the governor, so when he moves, move with him, even if there are still assassins left to kill. Dont worry, there will be plenty of bad guys to kill later on.

Once youve protected the governor enough, you must catch the Sage. Follow him to the rooftops and tackle him once youre close. Do not kill him or you will fail the mission. Catch the Sage to complete the mission, but do so from the top of a building to complete the optional objective as well. If you chase by way of the rooftops, about halfway through the chase, the Sage will drop down to the ground. Thats your best chance to obtain the optional objective.

Memory 05: Claiming Whats Due

Optional Objectives

Stay out of combat
Kill guards from stalking zones (3)
Speak with Bonnet to begin the next mission. Its time to play Metal Gear Solid again! Sneak into the mansion, taking out the guards while stealthily hiding in the brush. Climb up the small building on the left and run along the ropes between the trees until you can drop down into the brush once more. Move to the far edge of the brush and whistle to get the attention of the guard with the key. Steal the key or be a little more friendly and assassinate the guard, then loot him for the key.

Continue to stealthily move toward where the Sage is being held captive. Watch out for the guards and engage them in combat if need be, however this will fail one of the optional objectives. If you want to achieve 100 percent, youll need to keep that Solid Snake vibe going. Make your way to the cell to initiate another cut scene and complete the mission.

Memory 06: The Treasure Fleet

Optional Objectives

Free 23 pirates
Kill guards from behind corners (3)
Escape your shackles and take out the guards with stealth. Hide around corners and whistle to get their attention. Find your gear on the table ahead. Interact with the table to continue. Head up to the deck, take out the guards and free the prisoners. Dive into the water and swim over to the adjacent ship to kill more guards and free the prisoners there. Head to the mast of the ship and jump over to the next ship directly ahead to do the same, then swim over to the next adjacent ship. Take out the guards and interact with the latch near the end of the ship to engage the guards and free the prisoners below.

Climb up the ladder to the deck, then use the rope to swing over to the next ship. Kill the Captain then interact with his dead body to steal the ship.

Several other ships will attempt to stop you from escaping. You do not need to fight them. In fact, youre so outnumbered its far easier to avoid the fight. Get up to full speed and head for the location marker as quickly as possible. If the other ships are in close pursuit, drop a few explosive barrels behind you and continue toward the objective.

Avoid getting anywhere near the water spouts (tornados), and steer straight into the massive waves to avoid taking damage. You can take one impact from each if your ship is at full health.

Sequence 3

Memory 01: This Tyro Captain

Optional Objectives

Shoot an iguana
Air assassinate an ocelot
Sail to Abaco Island. When you get close, get off the ship and swim to land. Kill and skin two iguanas and two ocelots, then craft the resulting items into a pistol holster II and a health upgrade I. Ocelots are found all over the island, while iguanas are mainly found along the northwest portion. Use your gun to kill the animals to make it easier and obtain one of the optional objectives. If you slowly move toward a group of ocelots, you can climb a tree to get the aerial kill for the second optional objective.

Once youve crafted the two items, meet up with Adwal back on the ship. You can use one of the two row boats to return quickly. Speak to Adwal to complete the mission.

Memory 02: Now Hiring

Optional Objectives

Disarm and kill guards (3)
Shoot the rope to save the pirate
Travel to Nassau and speak to Adwal to begin the next mission. You need to recruit crew members, which means freeing pirates from captivity. The small numbers of guards scattered around Nassau, watching over the captives are fairly easy to contend with. When you reach the larger facility on the northeast side of the city, head around to the north side of the building, then climb up and take out the guard. You can also obtain a fragment and synchronize from this section of the building.

When you reach the middle of town and have to free the captain, you have a very limited time to do so. Run at the hanging plank as quickly as possible and take down the guards, then free the captain before he hangs for too long.

Once you have at least 18 recruits, head back to the tavern to complete the mission.

Memory 03: Prizes and Plunder

Optional Objectives

Use a swivel to kill sailors (3)
Plunder 20 rum
Head back toward the ship and meet up with Edwards friends on the beach to begin the next mission. Use the spyglass to find a schooner, then once youre within 300 meters, fire the hook from the front of the ship a couple of times to incapacitate it. Do not sink the ship.

Once the schooner is flaming and incapacitated, sail close to it and begin the boarding process. Use the swivel gun to dwindle the numbers of the surviving crew and earn the optional objective, then swing over to properly board the ship. Kill a few more of the crew to complete the looting process then fix your ship.

Youll need to take down at least two schooners, but make sure you fix the Jackdaw after every encounter. When you zoom in with the eyeglass to determine the type of ship youre looking at, youll also see the cargo. Select a ship thats holding rum to complete the other optional objective.

Sail to Salt Key, dock the ship and buy an Intermediate hull from the shop at the dock for 1000R. This completes the mission.

Memory 04: Raise the Black Flag

Optional Objectives

Plunder a hunter ship
Plunder 30 sugar
Your next objective is to take down one of the level 17 brigs. When you do so, come up behind them at a slow speed and use your frontal hook guns to inflict moderate damage until the brig begins to turn. When then happens, speed up one notch and turn to the side to get your main guns into position. Once in position, slow down again and fire at will. Always use the frontal guns as much as possible because few brigs have read guns to fire back at you.

Once the ship is damaged enough, move alongside to board. Take down as many enemies as possible with the swivel gun before you jump over to the brig. If you can take out enough of the crew with the swivel, you dont have to personally board the brig. However, if you do need to board, try to avoid engaging the larger crew wielding axes. They put up a much harder fight than the normal crew members. You only need to take down a few normal crew members before the rest surrender, so taking on the axe-wielders is not necessary.

Youll need to take out at least two brigs to get enough metal. If you take out one or two brigs, a hunter ship appears. If you take it down, you complete one of the optional objectives. Hunter ships are generally easier to defeat than brigs, so it shouldnt be a great deal of trouble.

When youre done plundering dock at Salt Key again. Talk to the local officer on the beach to offer him a bribe of 200R to reset your wanted level. Head back to the ship and into the captains cabin. Walk over to the model of the ship and get the free broadside cannon upgrade. Exit the cabin to complete the mission.

Memory 05: Sugarcane And Its Yields

Optional Objectives

Sabotage alarm bells (2)
Stay out of combat
Head to Andreas Island and speak to James Kidd on the beach to begin the next mission. Follow Kidd, then locate and tail Beckfords agent until he reaches his ship. Mingle with the crowds (three or more people in a group) and duck into the bushes to avoid his detection. When he reaches his ship, you must make it to the wheel of the adjacent Jackdaw within 30 seconds. Run the whole way and use the wooden poles sticking up from the ground to shorten your path.

Once youre at the wheel, follow the agents ship until you reach Cat Island. When you enter restricted waters, watch the yellow cones protruding from the ships. The cones indicate the detection range of the ship. If youre spotted youll have to enter combat, which will not only fail an optional objective, but could cause you to lose the ship youre tailing and start the mission over from the last checkpoint.

When you reach Cat Island, dock the ship then run toward the agent. Take out two guards that will be in your way as you run, but dont stop to loot them. Duck into the brush and eavesdrop on the agents conversation. When the two start to move, move along with them, staying hidden in the brush. You must stay close by to ensure you hear enough of the conversation. You can sabotage the first bell along the way to complete half of the optional objective.

Once the agent reaches the warehouse shed and requests the key, take out the guard in front of the shed, the use Eagle Vision and look to the left to find the guard holding the key (the key holder). Stay in the brush near the key holder and whistle to get his attention. Assassinate him, and loot the body to find the key. Disable the second alarm bell on the left of the shed door (north side of the shed), to complete the optional objective. Interact with the door to the shed to complete the mission.

Memory 06: Proper Defenses

Optional Objectives

Use one broadside to sink 2 boats
Use heavy shot to sink ships (2)
Go back to the ship and follow the marker to Salt Lagoon to speak to your crew and begin the next mission. Return to the ship once more and locate the El Arca Del Maestro in restricted waters. You must weave in and out of enemy ship detection, while staying close to the El Arca Del Maestro so you dont lose it. Alternate your speed, using travel speed when youre in the clear, and slowing considerably to make sharp turns to avoid detection near enemy ships.

Once youve cleared the restricted area, you stay close to the El Arca Del Maestro, but move slowly to avoid the yellow circles in the water that indicate mortar shots. When the eight Spanish ships attack, dont worry about losing the El Arca, and instead focus on sinking all eight ships. Theyre considerably weaker than the Jackdaw and will go down easily with a few well-placed shots. Aim low on the hull to take them down even faster. Use broadside and heavy shots to sink the ships and complete the optional objectives. When all eight ships are down, the mission is complete.

Memory 07: A Single Madman

Optional Objectives

Stay out of combat
Air assassinate Du Casse
Its finally time take your pirating skills one step further and take the galleon as your own. Sail to the newly marked point of interest to begin your next mission and enjoy an uplifting cut scene once you arrive. Jump off the ship on your way toward the next location marker, the jungles exit.

Run straight ahead and up the stairs as you enter another restricted area. Its time for more high-flying acrobatics courtesy of your friendly neighborhood assassin! Run up the ramp created by the white rocks to reach the rope ladder above. Climb the ladder to the platform, then head to the left and use the wooden poles protruding from the wall to reach the next platform.

Climb up the wooden ladder ahead, then run up the wall and climb the next ladder to find a fragment. Turn around to see more wooden poles protruding from the wall, perfectly aligned to allow for more acrobatics! Run toward the poles and continue forward to reach the ladder-like ramp ahead. The ladder breaks as you begin to climb, but fear not, this assassin wont die so easily!

Continue to climb up the ladder, then use more acrobatics to traverse the next wooden pole and maneuver to the ladder ahead. Climb the next set of ladders all the way up to the platform above. Congratulations, you can now move on from circus performer back to being an assassin.

Run toward the marker and dont worry too much about the enemy on your radar here. Hes around the corner, so you have some time before you need to deal with him. As you round the corner, youll see some heavy brush just ahead. Dive into the brush and use your patented whistling trick to get the guards attention. Youll want to avoid combat to complete the secondary objective, so stay hidden until you can assassinate him properly. Dont forget to loot the body!

Continue along the path until you reach the next corner. Dive into the brush and keep a close eye on the guard across the way. When hes not looking, move around to the path on the right. Youre blocked from the guards vision here, so you dont need to worry about cover.

Head around the next corner, but its time to move cautiously again, as a patrolling guard waits ahead. Stop by the large tree and wait for the guard to move to the far right. As soon as he does, run down the tree branch ahead, then along the wall to the right. This should put you just behind the guard and in the perfect position to assassinate him from above.

Take down the guard, then move into the brush just ahead. The guard is not paying attention to anything behind him, so you can move slowly across the way to the brush just behind him. Whistle to get his attention, then take him out in brilliant stealth fashion. As always, dont forget to loot the body!

As you round the next corner, be very cautious once again. Theres another patrolling guard, but no brush for you to hide in. Wait until the guard moves to the far end of his patrol, then head over to the large tree between you and the guard. Wait by the tree for the guard to get close, then whistle to get his attention. Take him down when he investigates the noise.

With the last guard removed from the scene, run forward and under the large fallen tree. Jump across to the broken ladder and use the large branch on the right to reach your location. Unfortunately, youre not quite done yet!

Continue along the path, jumping over to the broken rope ladder. Theres another fragment piece up ahead, but you can only reach it if you go back to being a circus acrobat and take the high road here. Jump along the trees and branches to reach to ledge with the fragment, or take the path below. Either way will take you where you need to be, and there are no enemies to get in the way here.

Once you reach the exit to the jungle (visualized by a rocky enclosure that serves as an opening), youll see several guards ahead. The closest guard is clearly drunk, so lets use this to our advantage! Wait until the other guards are not looking in your direction and run just far enough to hide in the brush to the left.

At this point you have two options, you can move through the brush, ignoring the guards, and complete the optional objective of no combat, or you can whistle to get the guards attention. Unfortunately, doing so will cause both guards to investigate, which means you cant assassinate one without alerting the others.

If you choose to engage the guards, there are three in the immediate area, plus one more up ahead, then a lookout just beyond that. Its recommended to stay in the brush until you reach the fourth guard (just before the lookout), then use the tree branch to elevate yourself above the guard and out of his range of vision. Drop down into the brush below to avoid being spotted by the lookout above.

Wait until the lookout is on the other side of the tree, then move over to the brush on the left next to the hut. There are three guards in the immediate area. The lookout and two others patrolling on the ground. Wait just behind the hut until all three guards are out of sight, then move into the heavy brush ahead.

You dont need to take out any of the guards here. Theres no way to do so without alerting the other three guards just ahead. Instead, continue moving forward, using the heavy brush along the left side as cover. Theres another guard to your right, but he never turns around, so dont worry about him.

Continue down the path until you reach the town to initiate your next objective, locate Julien du Casse. A new optional objective is added, which is to use an air assassination to take down Du Casse.

Wait until the guards are away, then head for the brush to the left of the house just ahead. Climb up the side of the house and quickly move along the house tops until your jump down here a tree, into more heavy brush. If you run along the house tops youll automatically end up near the just, just make sure you hide in the brush as quickly as possible. Youll get a few mild alerts along the way, but nothing that will cause the guards to start looking for you or engage in combat.

There are two guards having a conversation to the right, but you dont need to worry about them. Look around for the guard patrolling the beach to the left, the guard that walks right by your current hiding spot, and the guard to walks up to the beach, then back into town.

When all three guards are at a safe distance, head for the water just ahead. Run for the left side of the pier, then stealth swim straight ahead and to the right until you reach the corner of the dock. Make sure there are no guards around before you disengage the stealth swim, then climb up the pier and make a beeline for the boat ahead.

Use the mast of the boat to reach the larger ship where Du Casse awaits. Quickly climb up the rope along the side and up to the first cross bar of the mast. From here youve got a great view of the ship below, but none of the crew will be able to spot you. Use Eagle Vision to examine the crew and locate Du Casse. Once hes close enough, take him out with an air assassination to complete the mission and the optional objective!

Sequence 4

Memory 01: This Old Cave

Oh look! Youre back in Abstergo. Follow the girl to the elevator, then head up to the head honchos office. Speak to him for a short time, then get back in the elevator and follow the prompts down to your floor and into your colleagues office. Access their computer and open the tutorial.

Now instead of being an assassin, you get to be a computer hacker! Use the left analog stick to move the data down to the green line, then left or right to initiate another cut scene. With the computer successfully hacked, head back to the elevator and down to the lobby to meet the courier.

Talk to the courier, then head back to the elevator and up to your floor. Walk into your office and access the computer to get back to the assassinating!

Follow James Kidd back into the jungle. After a short cut scene, its time to investigate the Mayan Stela! Climb to the very top to interact with the object. Continue to follow Kidd as you make your way unto the mansion.

Head back out of the mansion, through the cave and return to the dock to meet up with Kidd once again and complete the mission.

Memory 02: Nothing is True

Optional Objectives

Knock out assassins (3)
Loot treasure chests (4)
Head back to the trusty Jackdaw and take the wheel to begin your next mission! As soon as you get underway, youll need to make a trip to the captains cabin. Dont forget that you can upgrade and customize your ship from the cabin as well. If you havent done so yet, it may just be time!

Examine the Fleet map, then head back to the wheel and on to the next location on the map. Feel free to take down naval bases or plunder ships long the way, but if youre looking for a shorter trip, head to the closest point to the new location that youve already visited. Youll be able to fast travel to that destination, cutting your travel time significantly.

When you arrive at final the destination, the first order of business is to locate James Kidd. This island is full of assassins, and if youre spotted, its gamer over. Take a look at the wall to your right. You should see a large, vertical crack. You can use that to scale the wall and reach the upper section. Youre in a restricted area again, so youll need to proceed with caution.

Duck into the heavy brush just ahead and move in close to the assassin. There are two assassins here, but one moves off to the right. Wait until he does, then whistle like only you can to get the attention of the remaining assassin. Knock him out when he gets close, then wait for the other assassin to approach. Use the same tactic of whistling to get his attention, then knocking him out. Once again, dont forget to loot the bodies!

Move ahead into the next portion of heavy brush. Climb the post here to reach another synchronization point. Jump off and into the water, then swim to just behind the next assassin. Get out of the water and wait in the brush behind the assassin until the female patrolling assassin is stationary on the far right. Whistle to get the assassins attention, then knock him out. This fulfills one of the optional objectives, but youre not quite done yet. Wait until the female assassin starts walking by again, then whistle to get her attention and give her the knock out treatment.

Continue to the left and toward the location of James Kidd. Move into the next batch of brush, behind the rock, and position yourself behind the assassin. Wait for the next female assassin to walk away, then take out the assassin immediately in front of you. Once again, wait for the lady to return and take her out as well. You wont be getting any dates on this mission, but key is not to be seen by any of the assassins.

With both assassins dead, you still cant just proceed ahead. There are too many other assassins just waiting for you to show your face. Instead, head back to where you took out the assassins after getting out of the water. Move into the brush closest to the remaining assassin on the far right. If youre at the edge of the brush you can whistle to get his attention. Whistle away, then take him down when he approaches.

Run across, past the bushes and into the next set of bushes ahead. Two more assassins are standing under a tree in front of you. Do not try to engage both assassins at once. Instead, more to the edge of the brush, just before the tree. From here you can whistle and attract the attention of only one assassin. Do your best spy impression and take him down.

More around the back side of the tree, but remain in the brush. Youre not quite ready to be seen. Head across into the next batch of brush and move close enough to the remaining assassin to get his attention with a whistle. Take him down, then proceed to the first two location markers. You dont have to worry about the assassins until you reach the second location marker.

An assassin is on patrol just around the corner. Move over to the corner and wait for him to walk to the far side. If you cant see hi visually, watch the radar instead. When he moves away, walk forward and hide in the brush on the right. Wait for him to return, then whistle when he gets close to get his attention. Take him out, then move forward into the bushes on the left.

There are three more assassins in this general area. Now you could be all stealthy and take them out, but thats not necessary in this situation. Instead, move as far to the left as you can while still remaining in the brush. When the closest assassin starts moving to the right to meet up with the other two, quickly run up the stairs to the left, then hide in the brush on the right at the top of the stairs.

Climb up the tree and run across the branches to the platform ahead. Continue across the trees, then drop down into the brush below on the other side. Move over to the location marker and wait in the brush by the stone entrance. When the assassin closest to you moves back toward the group, run through the entrance and hide in the brush just beyond.

As you move ahead in the brush, theres one assassin near the stone steps. He never looks your direction, but despite how close he is to you, hes not close enough to hear you whistle. Guess hes deaf in one ear. Head up the stairs and into the brush at the top. From here, youre close enough to whistle and get his attention. Do what you do and take him down.

Head back up the stairs to find three more assassins. Wait until two move away, then hide in the brush near the remaining assassin. Youll never guess what youre about to do next. Thats right, wait until the two assassins are clear, then whistle and take down the assassin near the brush. Wait for the second assassin to move close and do the same to him.

The third assassin doesnt move and doesnt look in your direction. Shes clearly a top notch look out. Walk over to the brush just behind her and you know the drill. Whistle and take her down. Hit the chest just ahead, then move forward into the brush just behind yet another assassin. Do what you do, then run forward to jump over to the white stone just below.

Quickly run to the left onto the next path, and hide behind the stone structure. Wait for one of the assassins to move away, then hide in the brush behind the other assassin. When the first assassin is clear, whistle and go to work, then do the same to the other assassin.

Now, this is where it gets a bit tricky. Straight ahead is a series of branches that allows you to get to the stone structure ahead. However, theres a patrolling assassin with a gun on the same structure youre heading for. In addition, theres another patrolling assassin just to the left of the guard, thats difficult to see visually (use your radar).

You need to wait until the gunman and the other assassin both move away before you make your move. When you move, you need to be quick. The gunman has a three point patrol and only faces your direction at one point during the patrol. Wait until he faces you, then make sure the other assassin is as north as their patrol takes them, and make a run for it. As soon as you reach the platform, theres brush to the immediate left that you can hide in.

Wait in the brush until the coast is clear again, then head under the branch to the right and into the brush just beyond. Continue in this direction, moving from brush to brush until you climb up the small rock formation. Hide in the brush at the top and use your Eagle Vision to spot James Kidd just ahead. Walk over to James to watch another cut scene and complete the mission!

Memory 03: The Sages Buried Secret

Follow James Kidd until the bridge collapses before you. Unfortunately, you cant bring out your best Indiana Jones impression and jump the chasm. Instead, you need to make your way to the door mechanism by climbing up the stone-like ramp on the wall to your left. Use the vine to work your way around to the other vines that protrude from the stone structure. Some of the stones will give away as you approach, but Edward wont fall, hes too cool for that.

Swing over to the platform to open the door, then follow Kidd once more. Youll need to use the stone figures on the left side to reach the top of the area and continue to follow Kidd. Then its time to take swimming lessons and dive into the water below. You need to make it to the first air pocket, which isnt much effort. You have plenty of time, so dont worry if youre not swimming as fast as youd like.

After the first air pocket, follow Kidd again to reach the temple. Youll need to climb up the temple wall, then make your way around to the left side. This time Kidd follows you as you weave left and right making your way to the top of the temple.

When you reach the top, head up the stairs to find a puzzle waiting at the top. Climb up the blue stone face on the left, then move around to the other stone face further to the left. Stand on top of it to raise the blue stone face. Kidd does the same with the green face on the other side.

With the blue and green stone faces now elevated, interact with the lever in the middle to rotate the ground until the blue stone slabs are directly under the blue stone face. At this point, climb back up the stone you just stood on to raise the blue face, then move over to the blue stone face to lower it back to the ground, on top of the corresponding blue slab.

A larger stone face is revealed in the background, but youre not done yet, that would be too easy. Rotate the ground once more, this time moving the red stone face over to the location the blue stone face once resided at. Climb the red face and scurry over to the face on the left to raise the red face, just like you did with the blue face a moment ago.

Follow the same process to rotate the ground and lower the green and red stone faces onto the corresponding color on the ground. When all three stone faces are on the ground, the larger stone face is fully revealed, rewarding you with another fabulous cut scene and completing the mission.

Memory 04: Overrun And Outnumbered

Optional Objectives

Use sleep darts on guards (8)
Use berserk darts on guards (2)
Follow Kidd again to initiate another cut scene and obtain the blowpipe weapon! Take down the guard just ahead with a sleep dart, then jump down into the cover below. Theres a patrolling guard above, so pay close attention to him and move to the next section of brush when hes looking the other way.

When the coast is clear, head to the wall on your right and climb up to find a soldier guarding a prisoner just beyond the wall. From the top of the wall, tag the guard with a sleeping dart. Drop down and free the prisoner, then climb the wall just ahead and take out the patrolling century just to the left.

Head to the stone structure on the left. Lean on the wall and whistle to get the attention of one guard. Take him down, then use sleeping or berserk darts on the remaining guards here. As a general practice, use berserk darts when there are three or more guards, and sleeping darts when there are only one or two guards.

Once all of the guards are incapacitated, loot the bodies and free the prisoners (including the loan prisoner in the structure to the west). Head east to find several more guards waiting for you. Shoot three with sleeping darts and one or two with berserk darts to complete your optional objectives and incapacitate the guards ahead. When the guards are sleeping, you wont have much time before they awake, so move quickly to free the prisoners.

Theres another guard to the left. Take him out with a sleeping dart and free the prisoners hes guarding as well. Access the viewpoint just ahead, then continue to the north. Theres a guard patrolling the ramp just ahead. Take him down with a sleeping dart, then knock him out and loot the body. Two more guards are just ahead, sleeping darts are the order of the day here, followed by a round of knock outs.

Climb the tree just to the south to find a friendly at the top. Take out the guard to the west with a sleeping dart, then head down to knock him out and free the next prisoner. Head back to the guard tower with the friendly, but dont climb up. Instead, hide in the brush right next to it and use a berserker dart on the armed guard at the top of the tower to the south. While hes berserk, he should shoot several of the other guards, clearing a path for you.

Head to the hut just west of your position and climb out on the tree just south of the hut. Take down any guards that still remain down below, then jump down and free the prisoner below. Climb up to the area with the guard tower, and look south to find another guard tower. Use a sleeping dart to take down the guard, then quickly free the prisoners, jump down to the ground, run over t the adjacent guard tower and knock out the sleeping guard.

There are two more guards on the ground just ahead. Take them out with sleeping darts, jump down and knock them out as well. Free the prisoners then head south to find another patrolling guard. Hide in the brush close by and whistle to get his attention. Take him out then use sleep darts on the guards ahead, allowing you to free the last set of prisoners and complete the mission.

Sequence 5

Memory 01: The Fort

Optional Objectives

Use the mortar to damage the fort
Use a running assassination to kill the officer
Head back to the Jackdaw and set sail. Its time to be a pirate again and your next destination is Nassau. Feel free to raid and pillage as you please on the way to Nassau, or simply use fast travel to get there quickly.

When you arrive at Nassau, youll watch a short cut scene, then its time to head back to the ship and out to the open waters again. If you have not done so yet, upgrade the Jackdaw with mortars. You will need them for the upcoming mission.

Your objective is simple. Capture the fort. To do this and complete the optional objective at the same time, fire mortar shots from about 400 meters away to damage the fort. You want to aim for the two large cylindrical towers on either side of the fort. Destroy those and youll be able to move in for the kill.

As you engage in battle, ships will also attack. Ignore the ships and focus on the fort. With the fort destroyed, it doesnt take much effort to get ahead of the ships long enough to dock at the fort and initiate the raid. If the fort is down and the Jackdaw has plenty of health, feel free to take on the ships as well. If not, focus exclusively on the fort.

When you get closer, move parallel to the fort, traveling at a fast speed, and use your heavy shots to inflict damage on the two towers. If you need to make more than one pass, come to a complete stop so you can turn around as quickly as possible, then immediately move back to a faster speed.

Once the forts defenses are taken out, dock and head into the fort on foot. Run up the stairs, then climb the wall. Ignore the battle going on and head straight for the location marker, which leads you to the officer. You need to take him out, but he wont see you coming. You can shoot him from a distance, climb the wall nearby for an aerial assassination, or run up to engage in close combat with a running assassination. Using your gun from a distance, or an aerial assassination is the easiest approach, but the running assassination grants you the second optional objective.

With the officer dead, you must now reach the war room. Climb the wall to the west of the Captain to find your crew handily taking care of the guards. With an easy path to the war room, open the door to watch another cut scene and complete the mission.

Memory 02: Traveling Salesman

Optional Objectives

Kill gunners (4)
Kill guards stunned by smoke bombs (5)
Your next objective is Kingston. Head back to the ship and set sail for your next destination. On the way youll have to pass by a fort. If your ship is heavily upgraded, feel free to take on the fort, but if not sail as far west of the fort as you can. Youll pass by one of the ships guarding the fort, but if you remain at travelling speed, you wont have any trouble getting by while avoiding a fight.

When you arrive in Kingston head to the mission location and speak to Adwal to begin the mission. Tail Prins and Torres until they enter the heavily guarded corridor. At this point, climb the wall and stand on the roof of the hut just above. Make sure to keep both men in your sights so you dont lose them. Use Eagle Vision to keep a closer eye on them if need be.

Jump over to the tree, then climb up until you can use the branches to jump over to the horizontal poles extending from the structure ahead. Head over the roof of the building as the two men continue to move. Move from rooftop to rooftop, until its necessary to jump back down to the ground to continue your pursuit.

At this point, the men stop just beyond a nearby tree. Hide behind the tree until the men continue to move. When they stop again, climb up to the rooftop of the nearby hut. Continue to follow the men, moving from rooftop to rooftop until you see a gunman perched at the top of a roof. Assassinate him from behind, then continue your rooftop adventures until the men move away once more.

You should see a stack of brush down below, near two guards. Dive into the brush, then move through the fencing ahead and hide in the brush just beyond. Stay close enough to eavesdrop on the conversation. To do so youll need to climb up the building to the left and take out the guard on the roof. As the men continue to walk, you also need to hide in carts and assassinate the guards that stand nearby until they finally stop at a clearly near some brush.

Hide in the brush until the guards attack. To complete the optional objective, toss a smoke bomb as soon as they attack and only kill the men while the smoke bomb is active. You may have to toss two or three smoke bombs to get the job done.

Once the guards are down, you need to chase down Kidd. Follow his exact path and youll have no trouble tackling him. For a Kidd, hes not all that fast. Catch Kidd and the mission is complete!

Memory 03: Unmanned

Optional Objectives

Use berserk darts on brutes (2)
Use sleep darts on gunners (2)
Head to the windmill, climb to the top and speak with Kidd to start the next mission. Move to the right to synchronize the area, then drop down into the cart full of hay below. Your objective is to disable the three alarm bells.

Duck into the heavy brush just ahead and wait for the guards to move away. Once they do, move to the left toward the bell. Wait for the first guard on the left to separate himself from the other guards. Take him down while remaining hidden in the brush, then wait for the guard to the far left to move close to the brush youre hiding in. Take him down as well, then move as close as you can get to the bell while staying in the brush.

Wait for the soldier guarding the bell to return, then whistle to get his attention and do your best impression of an assassin. With those guards down, you should see a single guard just beyond the bell and to the left. Shoot a berserk dart into him to draw over the other guards. Shoot two more berserk darts into the soldiers holding axes. This fulfills the optional objective of using darts on the brutes.

While the berserker brutes are causing a commotion, use a sleeping dart on the gunman in the tower to your left. When the commotion is over, there will be a handful of guards remaining, leaving very few eyes on the bell tower. Wait until those eyes are looking away, then move in an sabotage the bell.

Duck back into the brush and head to the left of the tower to find one last guard. Whistle to get his attention, then take him down and continue moving toward the next bell. The bell is near a small house. You need to approach the house from the left side. Hide in the brush to the left of the house and wait for the guards to look the other way. Climb to the top of the house and use sleeping darts to disable the guards. Sabotage the bell, then move toward the third and final bell.

The path to the bell is fairly clear if you move from brush to brush. When you get close, target the brute (axe wielder) with a berserk dart to draw the others over. Wait until the smoke clears from the battle, then take out any remaining guards with sleeping darts. Keep an eye on the soldier in the watch tower, and hit him with a sleeping dart if need be. With the third bell down, head to the new location marker to meet up with Kidd.

After the brief cut scene, quickly move up to the brush on the left, just inside the grounds. Wait for the guard to come down the stairs, then whistle and take him down. Move forward into the hay cart and whistle again when the guard approaches. Take him out then climb up to the roof of the house and synchronize.

Turn around and head for the crate of brush just ahead to the left. Theres one guard close to you and another on the far side. Wait until the guard on far side is looking away, then run toward the closer guard and assassinate him. Move to the far left side of the roof and look down. Just beyond the gate is a single guard. Assassinate him, then move into the brush just ahead.

Your target is Laurens Prins. Activate Eagle Vision and look toward the gazebo on the right to find him. Move toward him, staying in the brush. The only guard left to worry about is the one on the roof to your right. As long as he is not looking in your direction, you can move about freely. Wait until Prins is facing the other direction, then run up and assassinate him!

Now its time to put on your track shoes, because after a short cut scene, you need to run out of the mansion grounds and into town. Dont worry about attacking anyone, just run. Once youre back in town, get a little bit ahead of the guards chasing you and duck into some brush to lose them.

With the guards out of the way, its time to meet up with Kidd over by the windmill. Did you know hes actually a she?

Sequence 6

Memory 01: Diving for Medicines

Optional Objectives

Loot treasure chests (3)
Avoid being attacked by a shark
Return to the ship and set sail for open sea. Your next destination is Nassau. Use fast travel to get there, or take your time and plunder a few ships along the way.

When you arrive in Nassau, follow Blackbeard. You need to purchase a diving bell if you havent already. They run 5,000R from any merchant, or from the Jackdaw upgrades in the captains cabin. Once you have the diving bell, fast travel to Salt Key Bank or Havana to cut your travel time to the mission location.

Meet up with Blackbeards ship for another cut scene, then sail just a bit farther to reach the ship wreck. Dock to initiate the diving bell sequence. Swim over to the ship, but watch out for jellyfish. If you touch one, it inflicts damage, just like real life almost.

When you reach the ship, interact with the hull and dive in to find the chest with the medicines. Once you open the chest, the place crashes down on you and you need to swim through the cave to get out. When you reach the air pocket, lunge up to replenish your air supply.

Keep swimming until you reach the current. Move left or right to avoid the rock pillars, then move left when you reach the fork. Your next obstacle requires you to avoid being eaten by sharks. Sounds easy right? Unfortunately, the sharks dont appear on your radar, so youll have to use visual cues to know when to swim forward and when to stay put.

If the sharks are alerted to your presence, hide in the seaweed below until they pass. Move from seaweed patch to seaweed patch until you make it to the dive bell.

Memory 02: Devils Advocate

Optional Objectives

Rescue survivors (5)
Kill guards stunned by smoke bombs (3)
Fast travel back to Salt Key Banks to be close to the next mission start point. After a short cut scene, youre off to find the Queen Annes Revenge because Blackbeard has gone a little crazy. Go figure!

Youll find the ship at coordinates 880,542. Stop the Jackdaw near Blackbeards ship and begin the swim to shore. Your next task is to defend Blackbird. First you have to find him, now you have to defend him. Seems he cant do anything on his own!

If you want to get the optional objective as well, equip your smoke bombs and incapacitate three soldiers while theyre stunned by a bomb. Stay close to Blackbeard and make sure he doesnt die. If you simply fight any soldier that comes near him, you wont have much of an issue. Make sure you have your countering down though. If you get attacked by multiple soldiers at once, counters come in handy.

Head to Blackbeards ship and take the helm. Follow the ship dead ahead, but watch out for mortar fire. If you see yellow water, either move through it at full speed, or stop to avoid it. You want to maneuver behind the ship, then turn so you can use heavy shots. Aim low on the hull and shell go down without much of a fight. Blackbeards ship is heavily armed, which comes in handy.

With the ship incapacitated, Blackbeard decides it needs to be rammed. No one ever said he was intelligent. After another short cut scene, jump across to the adjacent ship and run over to the far side of the mast. Just below you should find the captain of the ship. He needs to die by your hand. Assassinate him from above if you can, otherwise jump down and take him in out in a sword fight. Once again, your counter ability comes in handy here as the captain is easily defeat with counters. Defeat the captain to complete the mission.

Memory 03: The Siege of Charles-Towne

Optional Objectives

Use sleep darts on the crocodiles
Skin a crocodile
Fast travel back to Nassau if you wish to cut your travel time and get right to the next mission. Your mission begins very near to Nassau. When you reach the mission location, you and Blackbeard have a few words, and as always, you inform him that youll handle it.

Tail the gunboat, but it is imperative that you are not spotted by the gunboat o any other ships. If youre seen, the game is over. The best way to do this is to ignore what your radar says in terms of the land formations. You need precision sailing to get through this unseen, so hold R1 to shift the camera to the chain gun view directly ahead of your ship.

Keep a close eye on the radar so you know where you need to go to avoid being seen by the enemy ships. Again, do not pay attention to the land masses on the radar, use visual cues to determine how close you are to land as you navigate around the watchful eyes of the enemy ships.

When youre clear you automatically dock at the guard post. Jump over to land and use the rooftops to make it over to the post. When you see the guards, use a sleep or berserk dart to incapacitate them. If you dont have either, jump down into the cart of hay below and do it the old fashioned away.

Only two guards remain who have a direct line of sight with the alarm bell that needs sabotaging. Wait until theyre not looking toward the bell, then quickly run up and sabotage it. As soon as the bell is down, run back to the Jackdaw and continue tailing the gunboat.

Once again you need to disembark. This time its to tail the rowboat. Use the crates in the water to run across and avoid the crocodiles. If you have sleep darts, use them on the crocs, then skin them to obtain the optional objective. If you move quickly youll have plenty of time.

Stay behind the wooden wall, making sure the soldiers in the row boat dont see you through the various holes in the wood. When you reach the larger opening, wait for the row boat to pass, then swing over to the wooden pole and wait until the row boat starts to move again.

Climb the building and wait for the row boat to circle around, then continue to take the high ground, moving from building to building until you have to kill the captain. At this point, dont worry about taking the high ground too much, just avoid the guards and never stop running. Pull out your weapon when you start to get close and tackle him as soon as youre in range. You do not have time to climb all over everything or engage in combat with any of the soldiers. Do nothing but run and avoid the guards until you catch the captain. Take him down to complete the mission!

Sequence 7

Memory 01: We Demand A Parlay

Optional Objectives

Kill guards while hanging from a ledge (3)
Sabotage the alarm bell
With the mission done you find yourself back in the real world at Abstergo. Make your way to the elevator and the up to the 15th floor to speak to the CCO. Follow the waypoint to the security room where its time to be a hacker once again. This time the hack is a little more difficult. You get to be a math genius as well.

Enter the number sequence 7, 2, 5 to solve the puzzle. Leave the room and head around the corner to the left and to the large windows. Go out the window and wait until youre taken to the appropriate floor. Head into the office and find the CCOs computer at his desk.

The next hacking game is basically Frogger. Navigate from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen, avoiding the red portions. Be careful of the thicker lines that look a bit fuzzy, as they turn red randomly. When you approach them, wait for the lines to turn red and back to white before you move on.

Wait at the door to the office until the receptionist leaves, then head for the elevator and down to the lobby to meet the courier again. Deliver the package then return to your office and back to being a pirate!

You find yourself back in Nassau. Head to the location marker on the map to start the next mission. You must tail Woodes Rogers. Take the high ground, climbing to the roof of the building to the right. Watch out for the armed guard on the rooftop across the way to ensure he doesnt spot you. Theres also a guard on the roof of the next house to the right, take him out with ease as you continue to tail Rogers.

Jump to the trees branches to the right and over to the next rooftop. Drop down to the hay cart below, then climb to the roof of the building just ahead and take out the that awaits. Continue to follow Rogers via the rooftops until they reach the fortified structure ahead. Hide in the brush near the front of the structure.

Your next objective is to infiltrate the fort. Head to the left, just beyond the gallows and onto the tree branch that extends behind it. Continue to the right, over to the next tree and keep moving until you reach what looks to be the end of the fortress. There should be a tree on the left, fortress to the right, and ocean just ahead.

On the right are two narrow wooden planks running vertically up the side of the fortress. Use these to climb to the top. You need to move a bit to the right or left to maintain your climb as you move up. When youve gone as high as you can go, move to the left and around the corner of the fortress.

Continue climbing as soon as you see another vertical post. This places you right under the guard. Position yourself directly beneath him and assassinate the guard while still hanging on the ledge. Youll need to assassinate two more guards in a similar fashion to obtain the optional objective.

While still hanging, move to the right to the wooden pole that extends from the fortress. Climb up and jump over to the next wooden pole, then climb to the roof and hang on the ledge there. Two guards are patrolling the rooftop. Its time to earn the remaining kills needed for the optional objective, dont you think? Position yourself below the guards and take them out one at a time.

Your next objective is to steal Chamerlaines plans. Move over to the synchronize point on the roof, then jump down to assassinate the guard near the hay cart. Move to the wall behind you and hang along the outside of the wall like you were doing before. Move to the right, and continue moving around the fort wall until you reach the gunman in the far corner, near the objective location. You need to climb up briefly at two points, but you can immediately drop back down to hang along the outer wall again. One guard never goes near the wall, but once you reach the gunman and take him out (while still hanging), you can climb up and assassinate the remaining guard.

At this point, youve cleared the immediate area of guards, but theres one more armed guard patrolling the rooftop just ahead, and several more on the ground level. More to the right and around the corner until youre standing by the cannon, with the armed guard in your sights. Wait until he is facing away from you and jump over to his post to assassinate him.

Hide in the brush next to the now dead guard. Theres an alarm bell to the right, just behind the wall. You need to disable it to complete the second optional objective. However, theres a guard posted on the roof just beyond the bell. Watch him and make your move as soon as he turns around. Theres brush right next to the bell, so move into the brush when the coast is clear and watch the roof for your next opportunity to move and disable the bell. If you have sleeping darts, you can use those to alleviate your wait.

With the alarm bell down, you have a clear path to the objective loot. Grab the loot to initiate another cut scene and complete the mission.

Memory 02: The Gunpowder Plot

Optional Objectives

Kill four guards in one kill streak
Use blowpipe darts on guards (10)
Head back to the tavern to begin the next mission. Your first objective is to steal four kegs of gunpowder, but if you wish to complete the optional objectives, make sure you have a full bevy of blow darts. Head to the closest gunpowder point on the map and jump onto the rooftop to the right. Climb down and hide in the brush just before the location gunpowder. Use darts to put the guards to sleep, otherwise, rush in for close-range combat.

There are two guards at the entrance, one patrolling near the entrance, and another just inside that youll need to take care of as well. Defeat the guards then move inside to find two more guards waiting. Once again, you can use darts or brute force. The choice is yours.

When the guards are down, steal the first keg. Head back out the way you came in and head for the next closest keg (indicated by the distance present when you look in the direction of the keg). Climb to the top of the closest house and use the rooftops to avoid detection as you make your way out of the restricted area.

When you get to the next keg hide in the brush just outside the restricted zone, but with the keg in sight. There are two brutes in the immediate area. If you have berserk darts, hit both brutes with them to lessen the number of guards. At this point there are only three guards with eyes on the prize. Wait until only one is near the keg and hit him with a sleeping dart (or run up for a quick assassination), then quickly loot the keg and run back into the brush on the other side of the wall.

Head to the next closest keg, and hide in the brush to the right of the four guards at the entrance to the restricted area. If you have at least two berserk darts, this is very easy. Shoot one into the brute to the right of the loot, and the other into one of the gunman at the shooting range to the left of the entrance guards. With these two soldiers going berserk, all eyes are removed from the loot. Run over and steal the keg, then get out of the restricted area.

Run over to the last remaining keg and use the tree branch to cross over into the restricted area. Quickly hide in the brush. There are two guards having a conversation to the left and one more patrolling on the right. Wait until the patrolling guard is relatively close to the other two and hit him with a berserk dart. If you dont have any darts, wait until the patrolling guard is away, then take out the two having a conversation. Either way, all three need to be taken care of.

Run up the horizontal tree near the two talking guards and run along the tree branches until youre just above the keg. There are two guards off to the right and two more a little farther apart just below you. If you have any darts remaining (you should have at least one if you started the mission with a full spread), use a sleeping dart on one of the guards below and assassinate the other, then quickly loot the key before the other guards spot you. Once you have the last keg, the mission is complete.

Memory 03: Commodore Eighty-Sixed

Optional Objectives

Kill guards from stalking zones (3)
Air assassinate Chamerlaine
Head back across town to begin the next mission. After a lovely cut scene in which you discover the Commodore is not a very nice man, you need to tail the two guards. Follow the guards until they turn down the heavily guarded street. At this point, climb up to the roof of the house to the left of the guards and take the high ground as you follow them. Lock onto them with Eagle Vision so you dont need a direct line of sight to keep track of them.

Theres one guard along the rooftop path, but you can hang from the side of the houses to avoid detection until youre close enough to assassinate him. With Eagle Vision active, you wont have to worry about losing the guards while you hunt the lone soldier on the roof.

Continue along the roofs until the guards turn to the right. Jump over to the tree and use the branches to continue tailing them. When you run out of trees and branches, jump down into the hay stack below, then run forward into the brush, and move from brush to brush to continue hiding.

When the guards head down the stairs, follow them down. If you see a guard walking in your direction, hide in the brush at various points alongside the staircase and following walkway. When the guards reach the soldier camp, hide in the hay and brush as you follow them, taking out guards from your hidden vantage points to complete the optional objective.

Once the guards reach their destination, you must kill the Commodore Chamberlaine. Take out the two remaining guards between you and the ship, then use the ship wreck to reach Chamberlaines ship.

Wait for the guards on the ship to look the other way, then climb up the ropes to the sail and use the ropes linking the sails to make your way to the other side of the ship. Wait for Chamberlaine to cross under you, then assassinate him from the air to complete the mission and the optional objective!

Memory 04: The Fireship

Optional Objectives

Use the mortar to sink ships (3)
Use barrels to sink a ship
Make your way off the ship and back to the beach to begin the next mission. You can fight or run, the choice is yours. The first objective of the new mission is to escort the fireship. Stay close to the ship and fend off any ships that attack her. The attacking ships are weak, so it only takes one volley of shots to the lower hull to take out most of them. Use mortars from a distance to fulfill one of the optional objectives, and use barrels for any ships giving chase to fulfill the other. Dont let the fireship get too far ahead of you, even if you miss a few of the attacking ships. As long as youre near the fireship, you can protect her.

When the fireship gets close enough to the target, sail to the safe zone indicated on the map and wait for the explosion, then make a beeline for the new location marker. You need to get through several enemy ships. Dont worry about sinking the ships, just avoid their mortar shots and make it to the destination as fast as possible to complete the mission.

Sequence 8

Memory 01: Do Not Go Gently

Optional Objectives

Kill guards (4)
Use heavy shot to incapacitate the Man O War
You now find yourself at Edwards hideout, Great Inagua. Make your way to wheel of the Jackdaw and set sail to start the mission. Take your time and plunder along the way to your destination, or fast travel to Abaco Island (606,835) to cut your travel time, then sail north to the mission start point.

Before you start the mission, it will make things MUCH easier if you upgrade the Jackdaw. The bare minimum to be successful at this mission would be two tiers of hull armor, three tiers for the broadside cannons, two tiers for round shot strength, one tier for the mortar, and two tiers for the heavy shot. This is the absolute minimum, but if you upgrade further youll have a much easier time with the mission. Upgrade the heavy shot strength, broadside cannons, and mortar in that order for any addition upgrades to the ship.

After a quick cut scene with Blackbeard announcing his retirement, you must trail the stranger fellow that stared you down. Hes very paranoid, so you need to hide in the crowds of people until he reaches the restricted area. At this point, hide in the brush as you continue to follow him.

When its time to eavesdrop on the conversation, run up to the brush just ahead on the left and continue to hide along the left side to avoid the soldiers while you listen in on the conversation. There are multiple opportunities to take out the guards from your hiding places along the left side. Kill four of them to complete the optional objective.

Hold on to your pants because the island is being bombarded with cannon fire and you have to make it back to the Jackdaw. Run straight forward and get your acrobatics into high gear. Just make sure you avoid any and all fire. If you run into the fire, you will take heavy damage. Theres essentially a path laid out for you, clear of the fire. Follow that path and youll make it back to the wheel of the Jackdaw within the one minute time limit.

Once youre at the wheel its time for a little pay back. You need to incapacitate the Man O War ship. If you use the heavy shot (main cannons on the right or left side of the ship) to do it, youll complete the optional objective as well. Attack with the mortar as you close the distance to the ship, and steer for the back side of the Man O War. Ideally youll come at the Man O War from a 45 degree angle so your broadside cannons are in line with the rear corner of the Man O War. With this trajectory, if the Man O War turns to use its broadside cannons, you can quickly and easily turn to prevent them from having a good shot at the Jackdaw, while still sending over barrage after barrage of heavy shots.

When the Man O War is incapacitated, board her. You need to kill 20 members of the opposing crew, destroy all three of the powder reserves, and kill the captain. Take down as many crew members as you can with the swivel gun before you personally board the ship. The Man O War sits higher than the Jackdaw, so initiate the boarding from a distance so you have time to use the swivel with a good line of sight. Once youre right up next to the Man O War, the swivel wont be very helpful.

No matter how hard you try no matter how quickly you reach all of the objectives Blackbeard will die. You have no time to mourn, you have 30 seconds to swim back to the Jackdaw and take the wheel. Head west to escape the zone and reach the open sea, completing the mission, but with heavy losses

Memory 02: Vainglorious Bastards

Optional Objectives

Damage the Royal African Pearl with an upgraded ram
Use the forts defenses to sink a ship
If youre in need to crew members after the last battle, fast travel to Salt Key Bank (495,632) and replenish. If not, you can fast travel to Tulum (70,405) to be as close as you can get to the location of the next mission. If you are looking to obtain the optional objectives for this mission, make sure to upgrade your ram before you start the mission, as youll need to ram a ship to complete the optional objective.

When the next mission begins, your first course of action is to locate the Royal African Company ship. Stick close to your fellow ship and examine every ship you pass with the spyglass and youll find the ship youre looking for fairly quickly. When you find it, stay close to your fellow ship and fire your chain cannons as you give chase to the Royal African Company ship.

Soon, your fellow ship will need your help. As long as youre close by, youll automatically initiate a cut scene. Its time to sink another ship. This time you have to worry about other ships in the area, and the fort thats in close proximity. Use your broadside cannons to inflict most of the damage, staying at a 45 degree angle so its more difficult to the opposing ship to fire on you.

Its important to stay as far away from the fort as possible. That means if youre moving in the direction of the fort, come to a complete stop and turn around as quickly as possible. You want to be attacking the ship, while moving away from the fort. However, if youre feeling like a completionist, get within range of the forts mortars with a ship chasing you. When the fort fires, make sure the ship is close enough to take damage. This will award you one of the optional objectives.

Memory 03: Marooned

Optional Objectives

Skin animals (3)
Air assassinate Vane
You find yourself marooned on an island with Vane. Its unfortunate, but when youre a bad guy, betrayal is commonplace. Havent you watched any movies? Anyway, the first order of business is to find Vane, who seems to have gone a little crazy.

Theres a synchronize point nearby, climb up the mast and sync up! Head north deeper into the island, following the location markers. As you move through the area, a jaguar may attack. If you skin three of them, you can complete the optional objective.

When you reach the clearing, Vane yells at you from the top of the stone structure. He seems rather upset and blames you for everything. Typical! Climb the stones in the water and make your way up the wall until you reach the location where Vane was yelling. Unfortunately, Vane dives into the water just as you get close. Move to the edge and climb up the synch point, then follow Vane into the water.

Theres a small waterfall ahead. Just beyond a crocodile roams the waters below. Stay clear of the croc as you cant take it down with your current lack of weapons. Use the tree stumps to stay above the water, then round the corner to find that Vane now has a gun and explosives. Lovely!

Head to the left, using the stone structures to take cover from Vanes attacks. When you get close, Vane bolts again. Use the tree branches to reach the top of the area and continue chasing Vane. Jump from tree branch to tree branch as you attempt to catch Vane, until you see a second Jaguar below. Assassinate and skin the Jag to get one step closer to completing the optional objective.

Climb up the makeshift wood ladder, then round the corner to see an explosive barrel. Approach slowly because Vane blows it up when you get near it. When you cross over to the other side of the area, another explosive barrel awaits. There are also several jaguars below, enabling you to complete the optional objective.

When you finally reach Vane again, he has yet another gun and is still throwing explosives. Quickly move around to the right and make your way behind Vanes position. Go through the house like stone structure to come out directly below Vane. Wait for him to charge the explosive, then climb the ladder and assassinate Vane to complete the mission. You can also move around the structure until youre above Vane, and take him out from the air for the second optional objective.

Sequence 9

Memory 01: Imagine My Surprise

Optional Objectives

Kill brutes (4)
Sabotage alarm bells (2)
With the Jackdaw back in your position, sail out of your hideout . Your destination is Kingston (623,172). You can fast travel there, or take your time and plunder along the way. When you reach Kingston, head into town to start your mission of locating Hornigold and Rogers.

Pick up sleeping and berserk darts before you head into the compound, then hide in the brush. Wait for the brute on the left to leave, then whistle to get the attention of the remaining guard. Take him down, then wait for the brute to come back and repeat the process to not only kill the brute, but begin the four step process to clearing one of the optional objectives.

Speaking of optional objectives, theres an alarm bell just ahead with only one more guard patrolling it. Wait until he moves away, then move into the brush right next to the bell. When the guard comes back, whistle, take him down, then sabotage the alarm bell.

Move into the next patch of brush just ahead, then to the brush immediately to your right. Wait for the three guards to pass, then cross the road into the next patch of brush. Climb the hut just ahead and hit the three guards on the other side with sleeping darts. Disable the alarm bell to complete one of the optional objectives.

Continue moving north into the brush just ahead. There should be several small houses just north of the brush. Activate Eagle Vision to locate Hornigold and Rogers, then tail them. Climb to the roof of the house to the west and kill the gunman. Assassinate the brute to the south just below, then duck into the nearby brush.

Wait for the two men to continue walking, then run up to the brush just ahead on the left and kill the brute standing nearby. Continue moving from brush to brush along the left side of the path until the two men move out of the restricted area. Keep following them, hiding in the crowds when the stop.

Climb to the roof of the house to the south and take down the gunman on the roof just ahead with a sleeping dart. Theres another gunman on the roof of the house to the right. Use a sleeping dart on him as well, then continue following the two men.

When they enter the restricted area, stay outside of the fence as you eavesdrop on the conversation. When they turn to their right jump on the fence and assassinate the guard just ahead. Move forward into the brush and assassinate the next guard, then climb to the second floor of the building ahead.

Kill the guard at the end, then jump over to the tree and run along the branch. Dive into the hay cart below, then climb to the top of the building ahead and shoot a dart (sleeping or berserk) at the gunman on the roof to the right.

Stay on the left side of the roof and follow the men until youve heard enough of their conversation. This triggers a cut scene, in which they seem to be aware of your presence. Run out of the building and climb to the top of the closest house. The objective is now to lose the guards and become anonymous. Its fairly easy to lose the guards while youre running along the rooftops. Once you do, duck into any one of the hiding places on the map (marked by blue dots) to complete the mission.

Memory 02: Trust Is Earned

Optional Objectives

Double assassinate Cockram and Burgess
Free pirates (2)
Return to the Jackdaw and take the wheel. You can fast travel to Kingston (623,172), then sail south to cut your travel time to the mission start point, or plunder and pillage along the way. When you reach your destination, youll soon find yourself off the coast of Africa with the objective of sinking five enemy ships.

There are four small ships and one larger ship. Focus on the four small ships as they go down much easier than the larger ship. When all four are down, then focus on the larger ship. Use mortars from a distance and your broadside cannons at close range.

Head over to the new location point, then dive into the water and swim to land. Follow the new location marker until you see two guards. Duck into the brush and wait for the guards to pass. When they do, run into the brush ahead and use a berserk dart on one of the brutes to the left. The brutes will take each other out, then climb the tree just ahead and make your way to the gate, moving from tree to tree.

Jump down just beyond the gate to find the man youre looking for. After some banter youre off to find Cockram and Burgess. Follow the path until you see two guards. Move into the brush near the closest guard and whistle to get his attention and take him down. The other guard is not in your direct line of sight, so move to the right, getting the attention of the next guard you see and taking him out.

Handle two of the three remaining guards by whistling from the brush, then bum rush the last guard. Follow the path into the cave and open the chest, then head back to the guard who was not in your line of sight. Run along the fence to easily reach the brush near the guard and whistle to get his attention and take him down.

Theres a guard just beyond the gate. Wait until hes not looking your direction, then hide in the hay cart next to him and take the guard down. Move east, behind the tents, toward your destination. Watch for the guards that patrol in front of the tents to make sure you dont pass an opening as they walk by.

When you reach the next set of guards, run from the brush to the hay cart ahead. Wait until the guards arent looking, then move to the brush ahead and take out the guard standing nearby. Continue to move from brush to brush until you reach the entrance to the next area. Take out the guard from the brush, then move into the area and hide in the first patch of brush near the entrance.

Theres a single guard ahead. When hes not looking, move into the brush behind him and do what you do best. Theres one more guard just ahead. Climb on the rock and assassinate him from the air, then climb to the roof of the house and wait for the guards to walk down street from the north. Use Eagle Vision to identify Burgess and Cockram walking with the guards. Stay back a bit from the edge of the roof so the guards dont see you, and wait for Burgess and Cockram to walk under you. Take them down with a double air assassination to complete the mission and the optional objective.

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Last edited by Axe ; edited 6 times in total

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Very nice guide. I can tell you spent a lot of time on it.

Will use this when I get the game :satisfied:
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This looks great, ironically I just got the game today so ill for sure be using this.
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Looks like a nice guide you have here. Im going to use this since im thinking about getting this game.
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Very nice guide you got here Axe. You never do anything by halfs
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Looks brilliant Axe buddy, I loved this game more than any of the earlier Assassins Creed, and I'll be sure to refer back to this if i ever get stuck.

If this isn't Sticky material, I have no idea what is!
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Thanks for the post on my topic, thought I'd drop by. All this looks pretty damn spot on, should help those peeps trying to 100% the game, nicely set out as well, see you around (:
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Nice guide axe i see you put alot of time in this really helpful topic
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Great post, Axe Must have took you some time.
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This is a great tut and post this deserves a sticky
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