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#71. Posted:
  • TTG Fanatic
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Dr_Zoidberg wrote
TGxCHA0S wrote
MrFunEGUY wrote
TGxCHA0S wrote I love how every time someone sticks up for our country, you dislike it. GTFO. You shouldn't be allowed to even live in this country. Your the biggest disgrace.

Dude, why are you so proud? Part of this country's constitution is Free Speech. If you can't respect that, you GTFO. Gosh.

Im proud because this is the best country on this planet. I am proud because I can do what I want without communism or people watching me with a gun pointed at me.
So yes, I am proud because america is the best. STFU

Your post is very ignorant. Do you even know what "Communism" is? It's one of the greatest forms of government, and when upheld by a selfless leader would be very beneficial to the country. Your ignorance comes from your teacher, parents, the news, and text books telling you that communism is bad.

Your just flat out dumb. If you really believe that our country would do this on purpose. Then you are obviously dumb. No normal person thinks that our government would do this. If you have decided that its fake, thats good for you. Its wrong though. Why don't you become a member of our government and get the true facts on this and then share it? I am not ignorant. I know that we did not plan this.
#72. Posted:
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angryfaic78 wrote
ChocolateGUY wrote
Ok, before I start explaining some of what I know of anything everyone who has Netflix go and watch 9/11: Loose Change on there it explains it all in detail.

So, I believe 9/11 is an inside job. Here are some reasons why I think that. I watched a movie called 9/11: Loose Change and in this video it gives a lot of proven facts and a lot of unanswered or covered up questions/information.

Osama was not to be blamed?

When the video of a secret meeting between some of the Al Queda group, along with their leader Osama, was released the government had interpreted the Arabic and it had said many time that Osama admitted to being responsible for it, but many other Arabic specialist took a look at the footage and found many errors in the interpretation by the government and nowhere in the video did Osama once say he was responsible. He also denied doing this action many times, and even still Bush sent the C.I.A to "Bring Osama's head in a box."

Did Secret Service know?
The day of the attacks President Bush was at Booker Elementary, in Florida, reading to children. When he arrived the first plane had already struck, but after the strikes Bush said he had seen them live when they weren't air till later that night and he wasn't even near the attacks. Also while reading, an agent of the secret service whispered into his ear, this was right after the second plane hit the other tower and the third plane was on it's way to the Pentagon. Yet, Bush remained sitting and reading to the Children, and didn't leave for another hour. Why didn't the Secret Service take him to somewhere safe? Shouldn't they be worried that a plane could be on it's way to hit that Elementary? They must have known where the planes were going to hit.

Did they really not expect this to happen?

Bush said multiple times that no one had expected planes to run into the World Trade Centers. Condoleezza Rice also said the exact same thing. Well guess what many test scenarios had taken place 2 years before! Even one where a was hijacked and hit the Pentagon ,but it was considered too unrealistic!

Coincidence! I think NOT!
On the day of the hijackings many test were being taken place at the airports where they hijacked the planes. These scenarios were ones like Terrorist hijacking planes and crashing them into the Twin Towers. Also the jets that could've intercepted the hijacked planes were sent hundreds of miles away from these airports and the targeted places, World Trade Centers and Pentagon. Weird, huh?

If you guys really want to find out a lot more please watch that video. It has changed my views a lot.

Sorry to burst your bubble but not everything in the movies is real
It was a documentary. Sorry to burst your bubble, but movies are like books some are fiction but this one was non-fiction
#73. Posted:
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117 wrote I completely agree..
1. Why did the building fall straight down, if a plane hit them, then would fall sideways.
2. It was all an excuse to go into Iraq/Afghanistan for oil.
3. Why were the jets that were supposed to intercept the 2nd plane not sent the right way?
The jets got sent the wrong way, 200 miles in the opposite direction from NY.

How could this be real.
Just because Al Quaeda (Not sure on spelling) admitted to doing it, doesn't mean it's true, any terrorist group would love to take credit for something that huge.
Those are my thoughts.
If anyones gonna try debating with me, at least be somewhat intelligent.

1) They fell in the pancake way because 15floors was destroyed by the plane. Causing the floors above to collapse down putting wait on the bottom floors, thus causing the pancake affect.

2) Well first off, Afghanistan has no oil. We have spent TRILLIONS of dollars to go into Afghanistan, to get absolutely no oil. Then Trillions more to go into Iraq which has oil but ZERO US companies got a single contract. The US oil we get from Iraq is payed for, and they pay even more now then b4 the invasion. B4 the invasion we only had to give medical supplies and food for oil(cause of sanctions), not we have to pay cash for it..

3)Well the ATC couldn't find the planes. When the hijackers turned off the planes' transponders, which broadcast identifying signals, ATC had to search 4500 identical radar blips crisscrossing some of the country's busiest air corridors. Pre-9/11 flights originating in the States were not seen as threats and NORAD wasn't prepared to track them.

To the third one I'll give a good example of this happening b4. In 1999, it took NORAD almost 2hours to locate a plane that lost radio contacted but still had its transponders contact. These Jets that crashed into the towers had their transponders turned off, making it FAR more difficult to locate them.
#74. Posted:
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Catnip wrote
MrFunEGUY wrote
Computers wrote It wasn't a plan from the government. The Government would never kill 3 thousand people.

Hahah, that's the thinking of an ignorant.

"That;s the thinking of an ignorant."
xD your f**king retarded, that makes no sense.. ignorant is a character trait, you don't just say "That;s the thinking of an ignorant." , add.. maybe.. person after ignorant.

Actually, ignorant can be used to classify a person. So thanks for the grammar tip, but I'm a grammar Nazi.
#75. Posted:
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How about we actually think back and pray for the people who died that day instead of making up conspiracies?
#76. Posted:
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117 wrote I completely agree..
1. Why did the building fall straight down, if a plane hit them, then would fall sideways.
2. It was all an excuse to go into Iraq/Afghanistan for oil.
3. Why were the jets that were supposed to intercept the 2nd plane not sent the right way?
The jets got sent the wrong way, 200 miles in the opposite direction from NY.

How could this be real.
Just because Al Quaeda (Not sure on spelling) admitted to doing it, doesn't mean it's true, any terrorist group would love to take credit for something that huge.
Those are my thoughts.
If anyones gonna try debating with me, at least be somewhat intelligent.

1. lets go back to simple physics. we'll say the plane has a mas of 10 and a speed of 500 inertia = 5000. now we'll say trade center has a mass of 100000000000 and a speed of 1 inertia = 100000000000. 100000000000 > 5000. That is why the building didnt fall sideways. As for falling straight down: as the fires blazed weakening the support of the already crippled tower it was only a matter of time before the shear mass of the building caused a catastrophic failure in the support for the building. Gravity brings things straight down.

2)We didnt go to those countries for oil, or we would be taking it right now and i wouldnt have to spend $40 to fill up. We went in to extract our revenge on the terrorists who messed with the wrong country.

3)With the mass confusion and the first ever order to ground all civilian aircraft (over 5000 planes) over the United States, one can see how things like this could happen. Not to mention human error brought on by fear, shock and awe of the most horrific sight that any of the men and women working as the air traffic controllers have ever seen.

This was real because i witnessed it happen, i was alive when this event unfolded. This has forever scarred me and millions of other people across the world.
#77. Posted:
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I have some counterpoints. The Secret Service DID want to bring Bush to safety, but he later said that he didn't want Al Queda to think that he was scared. He didn't go somewhere for safety afterwards either because of this. He said he wanted America to show its confidence and show they have failed to scare them, just attack them as they could attack back.
#78. Posted:
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no point it typing

just watch this (if you have time) explains all the theores
#79. Posted:
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PodcastBandit_Fanboy wrote
117 wrote I completely agree..
1. Why did the building fall straight down, if a plane hit them, then would fall sideways.
2. It was all an excuse to go into Iraq/Afghanistan for oil.
3. Why were the jets that were supposed to intercept the 2nd plane not sent the right way?
The jets got sent the wrong way, 200 miles in the opposite direction from NY.

How could this be real.
Just because Al Quaeda (Not sure on spelling) admitted to doing it, doesn't mean it's true, any terrorist group would love to take credit for something that huge.
Those are my thoughts.
If anyones gonna try debating with me, at least be somewhat intelligent.

1. lets go back to simple physics. we'll say the plane has a mas of 10 and a speed of 500 inertia = 5000. now we'll say trade center has a mass of 100000000000 and a speed of 1 inertia = 100000000000. 100000000000 > 5000. That is why the building didnt fall sideways. As for falling straight down: as the fires blazed weakening the support of the already crippled tower it was only a matter of time before the shear mass of the building caused a catastrophic failure in the support for the building. Gravity brings things straight down.

2)We didnt go to those countries for oil, or we would be taking it right now and i wouldnt have to spend $40 to fill up. We went in to extract our revenge on the terrorists who messed with the wrong country.

3)With the mass confusion and the first ever order to ground all civilian aircraft (over 5000 planes) over the United States, one can see how things like this could happen. Not to mention human error brought on by fear, shock and awe of the most horrific sight that any of the men and women working as the air traffic controllers have ever seen.

This was real because i witnessed it happen, i was alive when this event unfolded. This has forever scarred me and millions of other people across the world.
Many buildings have been hit smaller than the Twin Towers and the burned longer than that of the World Trade Centers some burned for days and never fell they were hit in the same manner as to cause this so called "pancake effect" and burned longer. Yet the Towers burned for 49mins and fell in a matter of 10 secs??? Makes no sense to me.
#80. Posted:
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Computers wrote It wasn't a plan from the government. The Government would never kill 3 thousand people.

The said correction to that is, Yes. They would.
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