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#51. Posted:
  • TTG Fanatic
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Megan - "A girl that is very stubborn but at the same time can be the greatest friend on the planet. She loves pizza and is absolutley gorgeous. She is loved by everybody and is freaking hilarious! "

And That's all true xD.

#52. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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an amazing guy that is really funny and really adorable that you cant help but love .
wow, i really want a jake (:

-Aimbotaa ;)
#53. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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To steal, or take from an unsuspecting person or store.
Yo *****'! Yo shit' got jacked!

Highly Attractive and Sexually Intriguin Individual. An "Ultimate Sex God"
Oh my ****' God.
I would tap a Jack.

A very intellectual, insightful man with the most honest heart. His intentions and words are always well intended and he has the sexiest eyes in the whole world.
If you ever argue with a 'Jack' he will for sure make a Jack Ass out of YOU.
He always thinks ahead and see's the bigger picture. He hates fighting/ argueing. * yawn* its boring to him.
But he will always win because he plays by his own rules. His morality is strong and hes as dependable as a solid rock. A guy you can count on. Loves meeting new people where ever he goes. Loves freedom. Hates being conformed. Wont change for anyone and wont expect you to change either.
Highly independant. Likes to use his head. And its a very powerful one..very brilliant. Has women falling every where while hes still standing.
Humbel.Funny. Wont lie.
Jack is the sexiest guy ever
#54. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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wow thats true


A kid who is always up to party and have a good time
Dude, I don't wanna go to that party unless Chris comes.

is a slang for huge penis

like incredibly huge.
oh man I wish I had a chris in me.

The man of my dreams, a man who is always happy never stops smiling, makes me feel as if I could fly, a man to spend the rest of my life with.
Have you met my chris he's the man of my dreams!

The sweetest, most amazing guy to ever walk the face of the earth. The only guy to know just how to make me smile, even more, the only guy who will take the time to try.

He always puts himself last, even when he knows he should worry about himself. He is selfless, and never selfish.

He is quite possibly the closest to perfection one can get.
Chris, you amaze me.

hott piece of ass that all the girls want to get at. his penis is huge and even if the ladies dont know it they will soon enough.
Holy shi* man i wish i was like Chris!
#55. Posted:
  • Challenger
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When you sit down somewhere (usually in a movie theater) and purposely leave an extra seat between you and a person of the same sex so as not to appear gay.
Dude, leave me a gay buffer! You are so close to me you're practically sucking my dick.
#56. Posted:
  • TTG Contender
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Your cruise director. Wearer of tropical shirts. Travelled to the year 3010 to find a particularly good social event.
#57. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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Nick 7314 up, 3582 down
buy nick mugs, tshirts and magnets
the most amazing person alive with a huge penis
Nick p. has a huge penis
nick nickp penis huge animal
by Nickppp Jan 10, 2008 share this
2. nick 2641 up, 816 down
buy nick mugs, tshirts and magnets
the hottest, sexiest man you will ever meet. usually has a very large penis, makes a really good boyfriend and is alwyas condfident about himself. can kick almost anyones ass and is quite a gentleman. always get with a nick, you will alwyas be pleased!

#58. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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buy rafael mugs, tshirts and magnetsa really hot guy, usually a pot head
Becky: "hey did you see that really hot guy?"

Kellie: "Yeah hes such a rafael."
pot-head skater sexy raphael spanish
by peanut butter and jelly with wheat bread Apr 14, 2007 share this
2. Rafael 357 up, 58 down
buy rafael mugs, tshirts and magnetsRafael is someone who is cool, funny, cool, and yes.

Normally people named Rafael will be better than anyone else, unless they admit to not being like that.

Rafaels also like to eat Pizza and watch movies. They are known for being funny and stupid and sometimes annoying.

They are better than most people.

Rafaels are normally reffered to as "Raf" or "Rafy".
Rafael is so cool.
HAHAHAHA nice one Rafael!
by marcus the second Jun 12, 2005 share this
3. Rafael 177 up, 73 down
buy rafael mugs, tshirts and magnetsThe god of marijuana and all things great.Gets high just about everyday and loves to party.Has a ginormously huge **** similair to the size of kimbo slice wich has many nicknames such as the black hitler,kimbo jr.,the beast of the east,the jawbreaker,the tank in the pants,the black mamba,the anaconda,the jew strangler,and el pito grande.those are only some of the many names for the incredibly huge bulge in his pants.Rafael can fight so dont **** with him.He is easy to spot because there is usually fine ass girls with big tits and big asses around him.
Dont **** with the Rafael
#59. Posted:
  • Powerhouse
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[ Register or Signin to view external links. ] Urban Dictionary is officially "The Bomb"
#60. Posted:
  • TTG Fanatic
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1. Wyatt 488 up, 218 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
pimps all the hooooooes and bitchs
dat kid is a wyatt
by Why do u want to know Oct 31, 2003 share this
2. wyatt 355 up, 143 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
A name. (Mine, actually)

Defined as "Little Warrior"
1: That guy over there? That's Wyatt.
by Mavy Feb 14, 2005 share this
3. Wyatt 144 up, 57 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
A boy name
An Amazing boy who has a really hot girlfriend who is AMAZING! He is really cute, but can ignore you, really popular, an amazing guy overall
Wyatt is the SHIT!
the sh!t amazing cool cute popular
by TheShiiiiiitttttt:] May 28, 2009 share this

4. Wyatt 154 up, 94 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
:a man who loves to have sex with girls,a man who is careing towards everyone and is funny, a man who is basically a slut
Tanner, Adam is such a wyatt, i never knew that about him
wyatt slut sex girls careing
by micawber Mar 28, 2008 share this
5. Wyatt 276 up, 245 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
Someone Who Smokes Pot All Day Long.
damn that kid is such a wyatt
by XCalibur Mar 18, 2003 share this
6. Wyatt 104 up, 74 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
Amazing,Gorgeous,Talkative,Super Friendly,Crazy,Sailor-White Trash,Handsome,Player,Uber Fantastic,The One and Only,Someone Who Makes ALOT ALOT of Money, Loves Shoes,Spends Ample Amount of Money on Suits, Looks Hella Good in Suits,Always Makes You Smile,Loves Alcohol,Think I Stole His Crack Pipe,Has 2 Cellphones, Has Anger Managment Issues,Loves Women,Party Animal, Looks Like Brad Pitt, Can Sell Cellphones Better Than ANYONE!,Makes Up Random Stories, People Are Super Jealous of Him and His Super Good Looks,
See that man over there? He thinks he is a Wyatt, but he totally is not!
hot male crazy awesome amazing
by Morgan,Katrina,and Rub May 8, 2008 share this
7. wyatt 160 up, 133 down
buy wyatt mugs, tshirts and magnets
noo noo! all hail wyatt. oreos are yummy
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