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Mw2 Ultimate Strategy Guide And Facts for Every Map. !!!

Mw2 Ultimate Strategy Guide And Facts for Every Map. !!!Posted:

  • TTG Addict
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Ok in this thread i will be showing you Tactics For all Maps and all Map Pack maps. lol and spots for sniping and so on.

Here is a Link to my MEGA THREAD For Black ops: Forums/viewtopic/t=726153.html

Source of information: Call of duty wikia

So yea i got these videos from youtube and information from the internet and I put it all into one big thread to help out the community. So lets get started

Tactics, Spots, Hide outs For all Multiplayer Maps


Afghan is set around an accessible C-130 crash site in the middle of a desert canyon in Afghanistan near Site Hotel Bravo. The East and West areas feature cliffs and bunkers, freqently used by snipers. A cave inside the mountain is often filled with intense close range battle, the large entrance to the cave being a great spot for overlooking the plane crash below. Around the other side of the mountain, there is a pathway that leads from the bunker, around the back of the cave to the high-up ledge. This path is great for flanking opponents, alongside the pathway through the bunker and across the fields planted with opium poppies.

Due to its circular walkways and design patterns, every place has two or more flanking routes, making it perfect for Team Deathmatch. However, there is a solution to these flanking routes in one of the most open and undefended places on the map. There are several glitches on this map near Site Hotel Bravo.

Afghan is popular among snipers, as it offers many long sight-lines, as well as good areas offering large amounts of camouflage. Thermal Scopes are often used on the map, as the white contrasts greatly against the desert-color of the map. However, it is less useful for seeing players at the top of the cliff as the sky appears white as well.

Afghan features two "secret" vantage points which both look over the C-130 crash site. One is situated below the clifftop, where players must slide slowly off the edge and land amongst shrubs next to a tree.

Another small ledge juts out above the cave mouth. It is accessible by climbing the wing of the downed aircraft, and by jumping from the top edge over to the ledge. To make the jump, players need 100% mobility, and if not, they will fall to their death unless using Commando Pro.

Sandstorms periodically flare up and reduce some visibility, even while using thermal scopes. Visibility is perfect in between these storms.

It is possible to jump on top of the humvees and crouch in the hole on the roof. Doing this decreases the likelihood of being seen easily and offers decent cover, used especially by players wishing to protect flag

It is possible to access a secret spot, where Snipers using the Cold Blooded Pro Perk are practically invisible. It is accessible via the wing on the middle segment of the C-130.


A common strategy is to defend the center building, as it provides a good field of vision over the rest of the map.
The trees on either side of the map provide excellent cover for flanking. It should also be noted that the bushes make the player nearly invisible to the enemy.
A common way to get first blood on Derail is to rush to the center building and instead of going inside the player goes towards the side of the building next to the trains.
This map provides several high vantage points ideal for placing Sentry Guns. This includes the parapet out of the warehouse in the back, looking out of the windows in the central building (provided the player's team controls it), on top of one of the rail cars, or on top of one of the single story buildings near the Task Force 141 start.
Since this map has many secluded points and a rather large space, players should not worry about opponents stealing their crates if they are quite a distance away from the carnage. However, don't let your guard down as enemies can be anywhere at anytime.
On this map, the AC-130 circles around the map but leaves some areas where the weapons cannot aim to. Use this to great advantage to quickly take out any enemy AC130s that are called in. The best way to take down an AC-130 or Chopper Gunners is to have the Cold-blooded perk and fire a Stinger from one of the windows of either warehouse (the player will be very hard to see indoors), then quickly relocate to another window as the gunner will see the smoke trail and fire again. In the case of AC-130s, however, there may need more than one person with Stingers, a Javelin or the Scavenger perk.
Because of the vast distance that players are placed from the opposing team's spawn, it is recommended to have Marathon or Lightweight perks to reach the enemy quickly. One can also use the Marathon and Lightweight combo to flank the enemy quickly at the start of the match.
Within the ground floor of the rail-yard warehouse, there are stacks of boxes which provide well-covered vantage points for camping objective B (for Search and Destroy and Demolition) and also make an easy job of camping the main entrance of the warehouse.
Scrambler Pro helps when trying to take the center building as the enemy will almost always have claymores set up. Tossing flashbangs or stun grenades can temporarily stop claymores from detonating allowing for an easy pass.
Going prone with an LMG at one of the corridors in the center building can help thin out rushing enemies.
The multi-story buildings in the back of the town can provide shelter for players who want to use their killstreaks. It is also a good place to plant a Tactical Insertion on Capture the Flag if the enemy flag is by the TF141 spawn point (for Team Deathmatch).
Because some of the train cars are open, the player can run and jump up in the cars to use user-activated kill streaks.
Players can get on top of most of the train cars using the ladders along the sides of them. This is also possible on the engine on the western edge of the map.
The Arctic Ghillie suit found on snipers contrasts with the insides of buildings, increasing susceptibility to being spotted.
Using any colorful camouflage makes weapons extremely visible against the snow.
The Thermal Scope is very ineffective because enemies will be hard to distinguish against the snow, however an enemy with Cold-Blooded will stand out.
Despite the massive distance between spawns on this map, it is very easy for the defense team to wipe out the attackers before they even reach them. To cover the bridge side, a sniper with Marathon can run all the way to the third floor of the back warehouse and bust the windows to access a snowy parapet that offers a perfect and shady spot to pick off attackers before they cross the bridge or run past it towards the northern flank. The southern approach is also easily defensible. The best method is to climb the snow-covered boxes next to the cargo containers near the central office structure. From the top of the container, one can then jump back to the highest box and from there jump left to another container which overlooks the entire southern flank, and the fence provides decent concealment with some fine adjustment of position. This particular spot is also out of line of sight from the infamous town rooftops which usually allow the attackers an early advantage. Having two skilled snipers to use these two spots forces the enemy to approach the rail-yard directly, which is an extremely uncomfortable position.
Snipers may tend to wait in the windows of the main building on the side facing the town, this can be extremely dangerous to the player, as the long run straight from the town to the main building provides very little cover until the tree line, and even then it is still easy to get pinned down. However the walls facing the town can easily be penetrated by light machine gun fire, killing the snipers, and possibly others inside.


During the start of the game, players who spawn on top of the hill can shoot others coming up the steep hill, giving an advantage early on. Depending on what game mode is being played, the lodge is the main area of battle. Most players/teams will try to secure and hold this mansion for as long as possible, offering great tactical battles and long range rifle or sniping team play. The mansion offers the high ground and a great overview of most of the map; however there are multiple entrance points leaving the defenders open to attack. This map is similar to Afghan in which the map is structured to reward the player(s) that take patient advantage of the best over-watch positions and wait for their opponent to dart from their cover.

The use of the claymore becomes apparent early on in matches, as those who have decided to take refuge in the lodge will litter the entrances with mines. These obviously can be countered with SitRep or Scrambler pro and can be taken out by many different means, but in doing so this will alert the opponent.

Most buildings in the map are made of wood, this weapons having FMJ attached can make easy work of players taking cover in their buildings that they are camping in, and can assist in gaining extended magazines for the desired weapon. Due to the size of the map, running around aimlessly can make easy targets for snipers or over-watch classes, it is worth noting the amount of cover scattered around the map, including brick walls, when running from one side of the map to the other.


Sniping is extremely popular on this map and can prove to be the winning formula, if the snipers are protected by their team mates. Classes set up for the map usually include the perks Scavenger or One Man Army to replenish their claymore mines. A commonly used spot for sniping is inside the lodge, at the top of the stairs stood to the right, on the banister looking out to the north of the map. This is a better spot than just standing by the windows and looking out onto the ground below as players who stand there can be picked off by enemy snipers or recon units below. Players sniping on this spot may be using a Claymore situated just outside the toilet leading outside to the back of the lodge. This spot can be seen in the attic section of the snowmobile garage in the middle of the map. Another popular sniping spot inside the lodge is in the main bedroom overlooking the boathouse to the south east, snipers can stand well inside the room without being spotted.

Another popular position is on the hill opposite the mansion to the east of the map overlooking the drive way. When prone lying in the shrubs, a sniper combined with a ghillie suit and Cold-Blooded can be almost invisible, however this position is extremely vulnerable to any opponents advancing from the south east next from the boat house or from the north east, coming up the hill. The boathouse is a good place to snipe people in the house or on the decking overlooking the main road, however this leaves the sniper exposed.

Due to the large size of the map it is easy to be out flanked when staying in one area, so it is advised if sniping, to re-locate after gaining one or two kills or to use claymores. One spot which snipers can forget about is a small window above the lobby area in the lodge. If opponents run around the house opposite the greenhouse, they can climb up onto a set of logs and have a clear view of the lobby, however this spot leaves the attacker vulnerable.


The Favela is a challenging place to fight in, as the map contains narrow alleyways, claustrophobic rooms and multiple stories from which players can shoot. Running into the open can result in being targeted from almost any direction. However, going into buildings can result in players with shotguns or SMGs waiting in ambush. In addition, the sides of the map are clear, straight and covered by easily defended positions, making it also relatively dangerous to move around the edges. In some gametypes, teams can often get bogged down in bloody fighting on the road because of this reason. Those who seek higher ground can easily flank and travel the map much faster. However they become easy targets if there is no cover from air support or enemies on the rooftops.

Though many players don't utilize it, Rushing/Infiltrator classes in particular Stabbers excel here on Demolition and Domination. Marathon, Lightweight or Hardline or Cold-Blooded, and Commando or Ninja is best use for the tactics. A Sub-Machine Gun and a pistol preferably Desert Eagle or Magnum with a tactical knife and if good enough a throwing knife will go good for the class.

Light automatic weapons are recommended for this map. Because of the prevalence of close quarters combat, assault rifles and submachine guns are preferable. Shotguns, especially the AA-12 for its automatic fire, are also highly effective at sweeping alleyways and clearing rooms. A class with Marathon and/or Lightweight can be very effective in getting around the map quickly, and for surprising enemies.

A good tip for snipers is to not always seek the high ground, but to look for wide open areas where a runner is an easy target, and make sure that the location one is sniping from is either hard to get to or has only one entrance to prevent embarrassing knife deaths. A neat little spot is on the roof next to the building with the stone cover, as the roof is a hard spot to target without one noticing. The only problem with this spot is getting killed from behind, but that is not much of a problem because the TF141 spawn point is on the other side, giving the sniper an advantage when they run outside.

This map features many effective places to place claymores, especially in tight alleyways and corners found in the center of the map. Claymores can be a very effective way to defend flags B and C, and to a lesser extent A, in Domination gametypes. Also in domination, it can be a good tactic to place a C4 pack on B, (when the players team has it captured) and, as it is a high-traffic area, as soon as the player hears that they are losing B, they can detonate the C4 gaining at least 1 kill.

In Domination, a good place to defend A, (Task Force 141 spawn), is behind the flag, players can see a small trench with a small bridge of boards in the middle. Players can sit in here and have an almost complete view of the entrances. When a few people start to get killed, enemies will start taking counter-measures against the player, such as throwing grenades into the trench, or flanking the player. Because of this the player needs to be aware of his surroundings at all times while in the trench, if fighting against a player in the trench, players should make sure take a good look around the A flag, as there may be a player, or a group, waiting to take them out when they get near, or start capturing A. Also with Lightweight and Marathon, if the player decides to attack while on the TF141, a player can run from point A to point C before the enemy captures it and kill everyone with a Semtex. Also, it is possible to capture B from inside the ice cream shop nearby.

If using a Harrier Airstrike, a good place to call it in is the large courtyard (the large area between B and C), it can easily gun people down due to a lack of cover for players, but with buildings adding to its protection making it hard to shoot down.

First Blood kills can be easily done when spawning as part of the Militia by throwing a grenade up the south road, aiming so it lands near the car at the top.

There is an easy, little-known way to enter the barbershop which can be extremely useful in modes such as Headquarters Pro. If a player climbs onto the roof of the Grifter's Green House (The two-tiered house across from the barber's), they have a clear view of the lone window in the barbershop that faces west. If the player runs toward the window while on the roof of the Green House, they can jump into the window and then into the shop itself. If the player mistimes it and doesn't quite make it inside the window, they will still usually land on the small ledge beneath it, where they can then pull themselves up. If there is an enemy looking out the window at the time, one can eliminate them either by shooting them or using equipment. This is perfect for matches where many players camp inside the barber's, covering the two sets of stairs.

Also, if the player is looking out the window (In the barbershop) facing south, they can climb out onto the electrical generator installed on the outside wall. This will allow them to shoot up the street without too much risk of being shot from behind. This is a great tactic for quickly eliminating players in the street, but because there is little cover, it should be used with caution.


From the start, players like to rush forwards and take aim, especially with snipers, to the other side of the map, through the front windows. From there, players can snipe any unaware players rushing forwards through the windows. Thermal Sights can help with this, as well as using powerful assault rifles, especially in Hardcore.

Spawning in the northern building is disadvantageous. Snipers from the south can kill all of the team, especially devastating in S&D, from the spawn: Sniping directly from the windows at the front, as well as from the cubicles in the middle to the other way enemies can run to at the start. This tactic can also be used to pick off "Spawn-Campers" in S&D. Enemies with Snipers and Riot Shields often use the "Spawn-Camp" method

From either spawn, a ledge is accessible, with help from two window cleaning platforms, at the east edge of the map. This is an effective flank route, especially in search and destroy, where it can be used to take a team from behind.

The stairs on the heli-pad offer a view through the gap between the actual heli-pad and the building in which it is situated on. Players can effectively kill players as they spawn as enemies can do little to prevent this.

In the southern building there is a skylight feature in the roof. This can be used to call in care packages, as well as fire a javelin through. It can also be an area to aim a javelin from outside. You can also fly Predator Missiles through the skylight to hit camping enemies or clear the room out for the flag in Domination. This is useful if enemies are camping in their spawn in Search and Destroy, which is common.

Another common tactic is to put on a rushing\stealth class, and run through the underground tunnels. This way a player can eliminate enemies from the start. One must be careful, the enemy may also be doing this. Also, there are brief times in which the player will be vulnerable to fire from above.


Invasion combines hectic close combat and precision sniping in one map. This is one of the more predictable maps and predictability is key to winning here. Although assault rifles are common, sub-machine guns work as well in the alleyways. SMGs like the UMP45, MP5K and Vector are very effective on this map.
The inner side of the map has two great sniping spots that overlook the alleyway in front of the bar and bookstore and the street. Both towers have two ways in, check both ways often to ensure nobody attempts to sneak from behind.
The embassy at the back of the map is rarely used in online play making it excellent for sniping people in the courtyard. This is also a nice place to call in airdrops, although the rarely traversed Humvees nearby work even better. It is also quite easy to flank careless players in the embassy, especially when they are calling in airdrops.
The blue destroyed building has an alternate vantage point from that of the balcony building, thus allowing it to take potshots on the video store, cover the balcony or even camp A flag.
It can be hard to maintain control of the center and alleyways, due to so many doors, it is very easy to get flanked and ambushed.
Sniping can be one of the players greatest advantages, or their greatest foe, it would help to have a sniper or another player providing cover fire.
The bookstore has many campers, particularly behind the shelves and the dead end in the back. Angle a Semtex so it sails into their hiding spots and flushes them out. Rushing also works well.
The Humvees are excellent car bombs. It is also a great place to set up Sentry Guns, as many players don't look closely, additionally, it provides good cover so the Sentry can last longer.
Be careful with the Predator Missile, it can hit a light post or the side of the building and not even touch an enemy. It isn't necessary to accelerate the missile once it comes online.
Riot Shielders can get a lot of attention when pushing forward. Since most people focus on the shield, teammates can easily flank the distracted players.
There are many depressions especially on the ocean side, going prone can provide cover from an attacker, but the player can easily be killed by a well placed grenade.
A well thrown grenade can flush out potential ambushes in the tight areas in the buildings.
A good starter tactic on the Rangers side is to run to the ocean side and scope in to catch OpFor players sprinting for easy sniper kills. There are sandbags that provides good cover from most gunfire that one can crouch behind. Another good piece of cover is the corner of the building that extends outdoors.
The buildings on this map are numerous and typically only have two ways in or out, this would allow for easy target loss by moving quickly between the buildings.
The counters in the bar and bookstore can conceal someone crouching. Easy stealth tactic.
Near the gas station in the map there is a broken tank. Crouch under the treads (wheels) of the tank and the player can see right through it and shoot down the alley.


There are many rooftops on Karachi, which makes it a useful map for completing the Prone Shot challenges.

The bus near objective B in Search and Destroy and Demolition enables players to see enemy names through its surface while prone, meaning it is difficult to hide in.

On Domination it is popular for a player spawning at C to rush the A flag in order to surprise possibly the entire enemy team, especially with explosives.

Although it seems an obvious spot, the blown-out building near the B flag in Domination can be a highly effective method of suppressing an enemy team in Hardcore Ricochet:HQ Pro, especially if their spawn point is in the eastern side of the map. Using a silenced sniper rifle, such as the M21 EBR, can rack up large killstreaks easily, with the only threat being a quick flanker armed with a grenade. The room is surprisingly easy to defend, as enemies have to aim into a dark space while being exposed entirely.


Assault Rifles, due to their versatility, are the most common weapons used on this map, as there are areas of long range, as well as close range, where rifles such as the TAR-21 are very useful. SMGs are less used as there are many long sightlines where the lack of power and higher recoil will often result in enemies still surviving, and possibly cause the user to be killed. Sniper Rifles are also commonly used, as there are many areas where a sniper can control easily due to long sightlines and abundance of camouflage and elevated positions.

Moving through the loading bay and Warehouse through to the offices, players using SMGs can easily control the area. Claymores coupled with Scavenger are very useful for protection, as well as obtaining killstreaks. Picking enemies off at distance with an assault rifle or sniper rifle is also a viable option, especially in team games where backup players can help defend the flanks. Elevated areas used by these marksmen are often watched or targeted by recently-killed enemies, so it is advisable to not use common areas such as the gantry at the highest point of the warehouse. However, on the gantry, players can stand atop the rails and take out enemies flanking by the tank garage or the red barrel area.

Commando Pro is by far one of the most useful perks for the map, as there are many drops which will kill players using other tier 3 perks. It can be very useful for Rushing or sniping, when elevated positions are compromised by enemies, and Commando Pro is vital for escape. Scavenger, as stated above is useful for replenishing equipment such as claymores when defending buildings. Marathon, coupled with Lightweight, is a useful perk for flanking, and taking out players camping in the warehouses.

UAVs as always, are one of the most useful killstreaks to use, as it is vital to know which area enemies are spawning in, which in turn will help the team defend areas. The Pave Low is a potent killstreak which gains many kills, as a lot of Quarry is open areas, and indoor areas often are warehouses with large doors which the helicopter will shoot through. In team games, AC-130s are usually better than Chopper Gunners, as the Apache is less useful for shooting in large open space.

The area atop the hill containing explosive red barrels is often where many players first go to in TDMs. Throwing stuns from a distance will cause these to explode and kill any rushers running through, or those waiting to get a few early kills. Domination flag B can be captured while standing on the ladder; this is used by experienced players to avoid being killed by the wave of explosives which usually follows after the announcement of a flag being captured.


Overlooking the three bridges is a large section of the second story of houses in a neighborhood, in which many teams in Team Deathmatch or Domination will try to secure. This is because it provides a high level of cover for players, as well as long sight-lines across the bridges. It also provides areas to defend A and B in Domination. To counter this, enemies will try to conceal themselves as much as possible and wait for players Camping in this area to expose themselves to try and take them out.

The small, most northern bridge is frequently under fire, as well as players camping underneath it waiting for enemies to cross. Because of this, it is advisable to use a Shotgun to either cross this bridge, avoid it altogether, or to flush out players watching it with explosives or secondary grenades.

However, players crossing any bridge whatsoever are likely to be taken out very quickly, as there is little cover whatsoever and two of the bridges are extremely wide and exposed. It is advisable to use smoke grenades if planning to cross, as well as using Marathon and Lightweight or Cold Blooded as Thermal Scopes are able to see through smoke.

Most buildings in the map are made of sheet metal. This means powerful assault rifles or LMGs having FMJ attached can make easy work of players taking cover in their buildings that they are camping in. Even the more dense brick or concrete buildings are easily penetrable, making this one of the best maps for unlocking Extended Mags for primary weapons with FMJ penetration kills.

For added vertical attacking ability, players have access to several roofs on the map which are favorites for snipers. The most common is probably at the South side of the map, just to the West of the river, where players can jump out on top of an awning then access two other shed roofs. The third shed roof gives a long line of sight across the river and the front of the main neighborhood building.

Unguided rocket launchers such as the AT4-HS or RPG-7 can be used to counter campers in second stories, as there are often large windows in which players can stand underneath and fire through at the ceiling for maximum splash range and also could perhaps take out several players at once.

The cantina on the west side of the river offers a good area to defend B in domination, as well as an area to quickly take out players camping in the neighborhood. Players can also access the rafters underneath the roof via support beams, this being useful to counter revenge killing players, or if the Headquarters is located in the building.

At the Northeast section of the map is a villa, in which an accurate sniper can devastate targets at the other end of the map. This building is however easily flanked, so Claymores or a teammate with an automatic weapon can be useful to counter players going for revenge. It is also useful for defending A in Search and Destroy, but this is a known spot for attackers to check before planting.

There are masses of foliage and rarely ventured areas on the map, these being perfect spots for players to lie prone in while waiting for killstreak rewards or while operating manned ones. These areas are also frequented by Boosting players, but their Tactical Insertions are relatively easy to see as they contrast with the dark terrain. This high grass is also useful for players setting up ambushes. Care Packages or Emergency Airdrops are recommended to be placed in the grass as their markers are difficult to see as well as the packages when they drop.

The river that runs through the map is very useful for attacking enemy spawns, or trying to break a Spawn Trap. The river is often overlooked and is also easy to conceal players running through as it is dark and if players stay to the sides they are difficult to see.

This map is commonly used by players wishing to complete the Flawless Challenge, by hiding in remote buildings like the gas station, or in the long grass, using Perks such as Cold-Blooded and Ninja.

This map is very good for an assault rifle - rocket launcher combination because of Rundown's close quarters areas and areas where the player just has to make a mad dash for it.


Stabbers and to an extent Rushers excel here and are more than a match for tubers so long as they can close the distance and kill him before they pull something like a shotgun out.
This is the worst map to utilize the Riot Shield.
If there is a camper on top of the tower in the center of the level, one can easily dispatch the camper by throwing a Care Package marker underneath the enemy camper next to the ladder in the enclosed area in the center. The crate will fall and kill the enemy.
Next to the wall by the covered area of the tower; there is a broken ladder that looks unclimbable. If the player sprints to it and jumps, one can reach it and climb to the top. This is more easily achieved by using Lightweight and/or Marathon.
Be careful calling in Care Packages. Because the map is so small, it is easy for an enemy to kill the player while waiting or retrieving it. A Care Package does make for some tempting bait, however, it can be used to draw enemies into a trap.
This map is good for holding private matches with friends, and practicing tactics such as Quick-Scoping.
A good place to call in a care package is on the platform at the top of the map. This will only work if the player goes to the very back of the platform and aim straight down when throwing the marker. Otherwise the package will fall off. Make sure to stay low while waiting for it.
At the bottom of the tower, on the other side of the ladder, is an invisible ladder. This ladder makes for a good camping spot.
Try to avoid running on the middle pipe that leads to top of the map as it is very easy for enemies to get a kill. It may seem like the quickest way to get to a vantage point, but it is really one of the quickest ways to die.
A fairly good Camping spot is on top of the container on the north side of the map. It is hard to see one in a ghillie suit beside the tower as the only sniping spot in the map. The player can get on by climbing on the barrels then climbing up to the top.
Placing a Sentry Gun at the top of the tower is useful, as the sentry gun will cover almost the entire map.
Most forms of air support will easily bombard the map due to its small size and lack of good cover. An Airstrike can cover about 50% of the map's area, and the Stealth Bomber will cover even more. With Danger Close Pro, the Stealth Bomber can bombard the whole map if placed properly. Due to lack of overhead cover, manually controlled killstreaks such as the Chopper Gunner, are extremely powerful. Users with the AC-130 should be careful, as the large explosive radius can kill one's self as well.
While playing 3rd Person, climb to the top of the tower where the player can get a bird's eye view while being fully covered.
Be aware of the sheltered area underneath the tower, as it provides good concealment and relative safety from fire but is vulnerable to grenades.
Fast moving players will find this map to their advantage, as due to the small packed space they can find unsuspecting enemies faster, along with dispatching them with a close range Shotgun kill. They can also quickly run to cover should they come under fire.
Holding one of the covered corners is a sure-fire way to victory. The map is small, so the enemy will have to attack via a very limited number of paths, and sticking together will prevent enemies from spawning too close or in behind.
If the player goes to the North-Western corner of the map, a small, detached piece of pipe is accessible. This is a good spot to camp from, as it is impervious to all weapons that aren't fired directly into it.
Rust is a great map for using Akimbo weapons such as the Vector and Mini-Uzi, and shotguns can be very helpful secondary weapons. Close combat situations happen all the time in Rust so the player needs a quick trigger finger to get a good score.
If calling in a controlled killstreak (such as the Chopper Gunner), it is a good idea to go prone on the top platform before calling it in because most people will not climb up there due to the lack of cover.
Stay in corners where it is easy to see everyone and have lots of cover. Never be somewhere where an enemy could sneak up from behind if traveling the map, this will happen plenty of times.
The Deathstreak; Painkiller is very useful on this map, because players often will run around the map and this will reduce the chance of being spawn killed.
Using Claymores around corners is a sure way to get kills, because many players are bound to pass by.
Another great place to place Claymores is at the top of the map. After climbing the ladder, place a claymore directly facing the ladder, and then go prone as far away as possible away from it, while still being covered. A person climbing the ladder would not notice the Claymore until it is too late, giving the player an easy kill.
The best way to play this map is with low kill streaks, and a high rate of fire weapons. Then go to one spot, kill one or two people, then move on to another spot.
A good camping spot is underneath the ladder in the center of the map. There is a good viewpoint and while looking through it the player is virtually invisible and can shoot down the entire length of the southern part of the map (east to west). To get there climb on top of the girder, underneath where the round pipe crosses to the main building, and sprint towards the ladder. At the last second, jump towards the box. If executed correctly, the player will climb up.
Sniper Rifles are almost useless in this level considering the close-quarter-combat.
Sitting in the corner by the ramp leading to the top level and facing the opening to the ladder is a great way to get chain spawn kills. Simply sit there with a Tactical Knife on any Pistol and knife as soon as they spawn. However the player is completely open to enemy fire on 2 sides.
The orange container/lorry is a perfect camping spot because movement can be seen from nearly the whole map.
Using the deathstreak Martyrdom can be very effective on this map due to its size.
If the player is good enough to get an AC-130 on this map, it could take out the entire team with one 105mm shot.
When hiding under the pipe next to the oil rig, it is possible to survive an airstrike or AC-130 attack, which makes it a very good place for cover.
It is possible to jump from the top of the air vent and onto the top platform, even without Lightweight or Marathon. This is a quicker way up since somebody's always watching the ladder.
While climbing up the ladder in the center of the map, if the player jumps off just before entering the barred section, one will land on a support, from which that player will have a good view of anyone hiding nearby. If the player walks toward the small platform protruding from the outside, and runs off, climbing onto it in midair, one will have even better cover. Finally, from there, if one jumps at the opening to the east, crouching in midair, the player will fall onto the top of the small opening often camped in on the east side of the tower.


Given that most of the map is close-quarters, many players tend to use SMGs, however, at times combat is at longer ranges where these players find themselves outclassed by Assault Rifle users. Sniping is definitely a tactic to be avoided; given the quick spawn changes and high-powered weapons found in Modern Warfare 2, a sniper is at a huge disadvantage. The map also does not feature any decent sightlines where sniping is useful. However, many players like to camp atop the gantry in Warehouse 3, and snipe from there. However after one or two kills their position is more than likely given away, and enemies killed by a sniper here will likely try for a revenge kill either from below or from an explosive. If the enemy spawn is predictable, camping in an airplane body such as the one to the east of the blue plane, and looking down to the Power station and office area, a user of an assault rifle can rack up quick killstreaks. FMJ is one of the best attachments as every surface enemies can hide behind are easily penetrable.

Because of the random spawning, players camping can easily be flanked. However, staying and patrolling one area can be particularly effective, for example the offices in the game mode Free For All. It is incredibly risky to walk into the middle of the map, and will almost certainly cause a quick death. Staying around the perimeter is generally advisable for most game modes, especially Team Deathmatch for flanking.

Although it may seem less obvious, using UAVs on Scrapyard is wise as it gives a good idea to the team where the enemies are spawning, as it is usually very random. Predator Missiles or Airstrikes can take out large groups of enemies, as well as the Stealth Bomber, which can potentially wipe out an entire team if placed correctly. The Chopper Gunner is always useful, but is bad if short on time as it takes a long period of time to reach the map.


For overall performance, the map is best suited for players using Assault Rifles and Sub machine guns. The map has many long-range sightlines which these weapons, for example the SCAR-H, excel in, as well as in close quarters where the TAR-21 and UMP are very useful and powerful weapons. Burst fire and semi-automatic weapons perform poorly on this map, due to the CQB that often occurs, but if one equips M21 EBR with an ACOG scope, it turns into a makeshift semi-auto assault rifle, which does extraordinarily well in the right hands.

SMGs are also a useful alternative, as a lot of the map features close quarters engagements, as there are many narrow alleyways and tight corners. The UMP45 is a useful weapon for all purposes, due to its power. However, it is less useful in this map because the MP5K has better close quarters power and will outperform the other SMGs as it has a higher rate of fire. Camping with such a weapon in the middle apartment block will earn a lot of kills, as the SMGs are the best weapons in close quarters and the use of Scavenger with Claymores can aid in defending the Flag in Domination or both objectives in Demolition.

LMGs are less used than Assault Rifles or SMGs, as they provide poor movement speed combined with slow ADS, and this can be costly in the close quarters battles which are prominent in Skidrow. However, the stairs at the end of the corridor at B in Domination can help an LMG user with a high power weapon such as an RPD, L86 LSW or AUG HBAR in holding the flag, or Spawn Trapping enemies at the flag, as the LMGs can provide long periods of suppressing fire down the hallway.

Sniper Rifles are likely to go unused on this map, however it does feature some well-defensible sniping positions. For example, as mentioned above, the long hallway with the stairs at one end can be used to rack up many kills with a sniper rifle. The building adjacent to the main apartment block (With Objective B in Search and Destroy) can be used to pick off enemies that are either attempting to plant or defuse a bomb planted there. At the other end of the map, there is a commonly camped-in building with a small hole in the wall which overlooks A in Domination, as well as the long alleyway; this provides an excellent sniping position as it is very difficult for enemies to enter the area when overwatched by a good sniper.

Again, due to the close quarters engagements that are dominant in the map, secondary Shotguns are very useful, and very commonly used. A player using a SPAS-12 or another powerful shotgun such as the M1014 can be devastating against enemies using other weapons in close range. Rangers are less useful due to their smaller range, but are good for waiting for an enemy coming round a corner.

Killstreak Rewards, especially the AC-130 and Chopper Gunner are generally ineffective on this map unless the enemy is spawn trapped at the outdoor flag in Domination, or on the Attacking Side in Demolition. This is because most spawns are located indoors and there are few ways a killstreak reward that is airborne will have much use. Therefore, UAVs and Counter-UAVs are incredibly useful as it disorientates enemies due to the multi-leveled fighting seen indoors, or will expose flankers Rushing down the alleys at the sides. Sentry Guns are very useful for defending flags or positioned at choke-points, so generally the lower killstreak rewards prevail.

Sub Base

A good S&D tactics when the player feels that planting the bomb is unneeded (Such as when only a few players are on the other team) is to get to the walkway over the submarine and jumping onto the ledges. This is especially good with suppressed weapons and Cold-Blooded since the death skull will attract other players while not giving one's position away from gun fire or an enemy UAV.

It is possible to climb onto the submarine on the West side of the map. This can be achieved two ways: One is standing on the small walkway that passes over the sub, and simply climbing over it, or a player can execute a running jump from the two buildings to the east of it. This can only be done with Commando and Lightweight, unless the player lands on on of the small crane-like structures supporting the sub. This is a useful place to hide, especially when camping next to the sub tower, because players rarely look that way at first and can be killed several times before they catch on. However, one should exercise caution, because if a character slips into the small drop around the submarine, they will immediately die. The only advantage to this is that if the player is carrying a bomb in S&D or Sabotage, the bomb will remain there, unobtainable.


This map, which is an airport terminal, is full of luggage, bars, and small shops; the outside area of the map, where planes and cargo are stationed, has many tiny areas that are accessible as well.

Security checkpoints and barricades make the map very maze-like. Players can even head inside one of the planes. The indoor area can provide some cover from enemy killstreaks, but there are many overhead windows that should be avoided. The main hallway overlooking the outside part the map which has been given the name the Hallway of Death, should be avoided at most.

The map is mainly filled with tight turns and medium range combat. As a result, Assault Rifles and SMGs are most effective, and thus most common, while Grenade Mortaring is common where guns don't always have straight lines of sight.

Because of the large amount of glass on the map, attaining FMJ penetration kills is more common on Terminal than on other maps with little cover such as Wasteland.

Also, the tunnel connecting the plane to the terminal building has an open section above the plane's door which allows space for Predator Missiles and other such explosive weapons to enter.

Terminal is arguably the best map to utilize the Riot Shield tied only to Vacant but because of the maze-like structure if not careful you can easily be flanked and killed. It is great to use in Demolition mainly guarding the plane because you can easily protect yourself and defend yourself from the attackers preferably guarding the tunnel entrance while your teammates guard your backside. Just be sure not to die from a Semtex as it can stick on the shield but you can take the owner with you if fast enough. Also having Scavenger and a Semtex is great to hold off attackers in the tunnel though the Throwing Knife is good to use too. Being that the tunnel is the main place attackers will come from you can easily rack up kills so Hardline will go good too. It's best to have Commando so you can reach them quicker.


Underpass is mostly a hit and run map, although there is almost constantly a sniper at either end of the map. Silencers work great on this map, since firing without a silencer will produce bright flashes at the tip of the barrel when firing, which will be heavily contrasted in the darkness of this map.

Controlling KillstreaksEdit
Many air based killstreaks are little more than useless on this map, due to the tight and in-door nature of the map. Another downfall of killstreaks on this map is that Care Packages, Emergency Airdrops or Sentry Guns can get stuck on the overpass overhead quite easily. One of the safest places to call in Care Packages, Emergency Airdrops or Sentry Guns is in the parking lot on the far edge of the map, as people rarely venture over there.

The player should be aware of pinpoint airstrikes, it is easy to call them in on the highway rendering them totally useless.

The Thermal Scope is highly effective on this map as it is very dark and player's images stand out as bright-white. Correspondingly, Cold Blooded is very effective at hiding from Thermal Scope users.

Warehouse B is a popular sniper ambush point, as a player can climb onto the short roof and go prone, as well as putting another member in the tall grass, giving them an easy opportunity to shred anyone coming up the side.

The small, red bricked, two story shack is popular for snipers and is perfect for getting one or two quick kills. It's open on all sides, there are two paths up. One is via the ladder on the side. The other is accessible by climbing the crates, which are located by the single tree near the bridge. A sniper with a claymore could easily camp out there for an extended period, as long as they maintain a watch over the exposed access point unguarded by the claymore.

It is almost impossible to spot a sniper who is hiding in the underbrush, especially if the player has Cold-Blooded, and has a camouflaged sniper rifle with a small sidearm or dark weapon. This map is great for playing dead in a Ghillie suit, because of the difficulty of identifying targets who are not moving at all.

The grass on this level is so tall, ambushing an enemy is fairly easy; even more so when Cold-Blooded and/or Ninja is used, claymores are also very useful in the long grass as one cannot see the red trip lasers. Heartbeat Sensors can be used to great effect in the in-door sections of the map.

It's possible to get on top of the large cluster of buildings in the center of the map. The player can get on the roof from climbing a pile of boxes, leaping from the burnt-out car, using the ladder within the shacks, or by jumping off the concrete piling with the ladder. Another camping spot is on a catwalk in the large warehouse with the storage tanks and long stairwell. Climb the tank next to the stairs on the upper floor and then climb onto the high beams. This is a popular spot for ambushing. The dark corner next to the stairs is a potential location to use controllable killstreaks or ambushes. You can also climb onto the handrail, crouch and drop onto a girder then hide under the sloping roof. The view is obscured a bit by the ironwork but it's a place not many will see and it covers the entrance at ground level below.

The drainage channel can be used to good effect if the player lies prone in the water watching the crossing point on the western end of the channel, picking off unsuspecting enemies as they run across. You have to be quick but you cant be seen easily until they work out where the shots are coming from. It is also possible to get in the right position to snipe at the bridge and the container where some people climb and hide.

There is also a spot which can be found in the southern part of the map. There is an area at the southernmost end of the Shanty Town spot that is covered in wavy, rusted metal (Much like the roofs in Favela), that acts as the roof of a small room underneath. At the ground level of the map, this room is seen as a dark space with a square wall, a doorway, and two windows. Underneath it is an area of tall grass that is often used by campers. If the player walks out onto the edge of the roof and then crouches, they will fall through onto a ledge beneath. This may also happen without crouching if the player walks out far enough. From the ledge, players can hide in the room, which is very dark and not usually noticed by opponents, and snipe or shoot at enemies in the Storage Warehouse. This can be used without Ninja, because even if an opponent has a Heartbeat Sensor, they will merely think that the player is on the roof if they are on the ground, or vice-versa. Using a Tactical Insertion is not recommended, however, because the red glow is very obvious to the enemy.

Stealth can be a major factor on this map. Using a silenced weapon with a Heartbeat Sensor can greatly help a player stay safe and not show up on UAV radar. Ghillie Suits also can help a player blend in when they are in the tall grass.


Wasteland is set in the wilderness somewhere near the Chernobyl Nuclear plant. It contains some elements from the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare level All Ghillied Up, and features radioactive zones around the perimeter. A large, tri-entrance bunker sits in the middle. A large hedge sprawls over the center of the map. Many trenches criss-cross the map, complete with mini-guns. A few buildings, low walls and a helipad are scattered around the edges but seldom see any notable combat. The map has a similar layout to the Call of Duty 2 multiplayer map Brecourt. There are also numerous Miniguns dotted around the map.

Map Pack 1


Inside buildings, the firefighting is close range, sometimes up to medium range, so Submachine Guns and Shotguns using Marathon are useful. There are many entrances and exits to the buildings, so Claymores can be useful for protecting flanks. Assault rifles have a decent effect in this map, but high fire rate or damaging ones such as the TAR-21 are good to use in conjunction with Stopping Power. Sniper rifles have limited use, as there are long sight-lines and open areas, however there are many flanking routes for enemies to kill snipers. Many of the building's outer surfaces are easily penetrable, so high-powered weapons using FMJ are useful, for example the AUG HBAR. Due to these factors, no one style will dominate the map. Rushing works well due to players being surprised easily round tight corners. Conversely, using Cold Blooded and Ninja Pro and stealthily flanking works well also.

Camping in Bailout is very difficult due to every building having several entrances. It is very easy for players to toss cooked Fragmentation grenades, or even Semtex into elevated positions, so the SitRep perk can also work well so the player can evade any incoming grenades or Claymores that cover his path, then hunt down and eliminate the enemy without them having an advantage.

The inside area with the vending machines and pool tables can be difficult to attack objectives, for example the A Objective in Search and Destroy is easily defended due to many corners and elevated positions looking over it. There also is the "glitch" in which players will jump from the banister on the stairs leading from the arcade onto the outdoor window ledge to look over the bomb with a low risk of being killed, to get someone camping there, a Semtex or grenade launcher work best. The B Objective is less easy to defend (therefore easier to attack) as places where it can be watched over are largely exposed.

Although difficult, as mentioned above, it is possible to get onto the roof of the house where the A target in Search & Destroy is. It involves using Lightweight and an SMG or Sniper Rifle (due to their 100% mobility). The player must stand on the banister and move downwards, then sprint-jumping to the window second from right. The player can use a Tactical Insertion and One Man Army for unlimited ammunition to maximize this spot. It is incredibly useful for attaining FMJ kills, especially in Hardcore as the windows count as surfaces but can be shot through. As well as this, it is very difficult in Hardcore to kill players here as the player in the "glitch" can have several angles from which to attack from, and it can be difficult for players who do not know about the glitch to locate them, due to the lack of KillCam in Hardcore. A good way to counter these people is to use a grenade launcher or other secondary launcher (Danger Close recommended) and shoot through the windows at the wall of the building on either end. Since there is not much room for the opposing player to hide and they will most likely be along one of these walls, this can kill them and may destroy any Tactical Insertion they have placed.


The map is relatively small in comparison with other maps, and plays host to intense and fast paced matches. There are many blind corners and narrow corridors and dark corners, which encourage players to camp. Conversely, there are large open spaces and high rooftops which allow players to snipe. Airborne Killstreak Rewards such as the Harrier Strikes or Attack Helicopters have limited effect due to the high availability of cover. Conversely, UAVs can help root out the players that are taking cover. The thin walls allow players using Deep Impact or FMJ to kill people window camping, or those defending bombs in Search and Destroy or Demolition.


When on Team Deathmatch, if an enemy helicopter is called out to the match the player can use the mounted M249 SAWs in the houses to take it down. Many players have used this method and have taken down the helicopter in seconds.
When sniping, if the player spawns by the building with open windows, go around the back towards the ravine. There is a small box that the player can snipe behind which gives a good view of the other team's spawn.
The player can plant C4 on the helicopter when it hovers about seven feet above the wheat field.
At "Grandma's House", watch out for C4 at the doors and staircase. Also, if sniping from it, don't stay for long. Players will often check the building for snipers and there is a ladder which is often overlooked at the side facing the barn.
Any airstrikes work best in the riverbed, when the enemy moves across it becoming sitting ducks.
Snipers will often camp in the grass, so watch for any movement. Thermal scopes can show uncloaked ones, while the Cold-Blooded ones will be a bit more challenging to root out.
The dry riverbed at the middle of the map is a great place to snipe the buildings on it, especially the ruined building near the wooden bridge.
There is a way to jump on the ledges in the dry riverbed and go directly into the ruined building, this is good for surprising snipers.
At the start of Team Deathmatch use a sniper at the end of either bridge and pick off anyone who tries to cross the other bridge. Be careful, once a kill is achieved, move. Enemy snipers may be trying something similar.
Snipers can use the Spetnaz spawn point's house as cover to snipe across the bridge. This is especially useful while trying to hold the bridge area.
At the large house near TF141's spawn, a player can climb up onto the normally inaccessible part of the second floor. By climbing onto the center most protrusion of the destroyed wall and jumping to the remnants of the second floor a player would have a superior sniping spot, being able to see over the hay field. The lethality of the sniper can be increased by using a Tactical Insertion to consistently spawn on the second floor.
This, along with Wasteland, is considered the map with most diversity. As it is long range, along with the abundant vegetation, snipers can hide in bushes or long grass and pick off exposed enemy players. There is also a large chance of having CQB in the cramped houses and barns.


Salvage is a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars.[1] This setting provides a lot of cover, yet the map is very open in several areas, with many long sightlines.

The house at the North of the map, which contains a Zakhaev shrine, is a very prominent location on the map, housing several objectives. This area is often heavily fortified by players due to its ease of access as well as its central position, overlooking key areas. There is a doghouse by this house, which usually serves as a humorous Camping area. South of the house and kennel, there is a car crusher, which from the top, looks down towards two large warehouses at the far end of the map.


Storm is a very unpredictable map, having many choke points where it is easy to be flanked. Weapons like the UMP45, ACR, SCAR-H, M4A1, Intervention, P90, and MP5K are common and effective on this map.
When on the warehouse floor there are little overhangs which the player can hide under that will provide cover from any fire coming from the catwalks.
In the construction yard, there are deep holes in which the player can hide in when prone.
The roof of the mannequin store provides a great view of the map.
Maintaining a presence in the multi-story buildings across the map can prove to be invaluable as it provides long sight lines covering large portions of the map, whereas the ground level is littered with cover, thus obscuring a player's view.
In Search and Destroy, Ninja Pro is a very useful perk since most of the surfaces in the warehouse and near the bomb sites are metal and makes the players footsteps very loud.
Conversely, SitRep Pro will make enemy footsteps impossible to ignore.
Grenade launchers can fly over some obstructions, killing the enemy without exposing the position of one using the grenade launcher.
In every building, there is more than one way to the top floor. Plant Claymores at one and occasionally check the other entry to ensure of no flankers.
It is actually very easy to go from the Spetsnaz spawn point to point A in Domination before the Task Force 141 troops can get there if the player has Marathon, Lightweight, and any third perk. This can easily kill most of the enemies there, and actually enable the player to gain an edge in the map.
There are many piles of wood which can be seen and shot through, thus giving slight cover and the element of surprise when an enemy comes into sight.
When playing Domination, it is a good idea to take control of the building overlooking the A flag because it gives the player long sight lines in two directions that are common for enemies to go by.

Map Pack 2


The FunHaus is an influential area for most gametypes; it has several access points and looks over three sections of the map: the castle, the spaceship area, and the roller-coasters. It can be helpful to hold down while Spawn Trapping or in Free-For-All, as it is usually a high-traffic area. The Rocket is usually a bad place to camp, even against the least experienced of opponents, all it takes is one shot to expose a sniper, and from then on they will be mercilessly targeted, if found.

Carnival is a very simple map for using call-outs; landmarks on the map are noticeable and don't require a lot of map knowledge like other urban maps such as Strike do.

In team based games, one sniper in the rocket can cause a tremendous amount of damage to the other team, and it is essential for protecting one of the bomb sites on the map. Riot Shields are also recommended as there is absolutely no cover on 50% of the map. It is essential the player holds the area with the castle and the bumper cars as the castle provides great fortification and it gives the player a height advantage to any intruders that may come through. The isolated parts of the map (roller coasters) are great places to flank the enemy as it allows for a stealthy infiltration without much trouble. Submachine Guns and shotguns are the best weapons to use on this map, due to the amount of Close Quarters Combat. Snipers should only be used if they are Quick Scoping or sniping in the rocket or castle (with claymores).

A good strategy for nukes is to camp at the castle and place claymores at the entrances. However the player is vulnerable to killstreks so cold blooded is advised for this.

If the player had a squad they could easily take control over the Funhaus and camp there. Have one player watch the upstairs room and watch the roller coaster area, one sit behind the Call of Duty 4 arcade game and watch the back first floor entrance, have one watch the clown head entrance. finally have one person watch the side windows on the first floor. If the player has any extra players, have one patrol the Funhaus and one watch the rocket ship area from the second story window


Fuel is a diverse map, which accommodates many playing styles. There are very large, open areas with nothing but rocks for cover, contrasting the mainly urban area in the middle, which focuses on close quarter battles. The map is divided into two main sections, with the deserted, rocky landscape surrounding the warehouse and oil refinery. Fuel is the largest map in Modern Warfare 2, competing with Derail, Overgrown and Wasteland in terms of actual size.

Fuel is often skipped while in the lobby of games, especially Team Deathmatch and Free-for-All as they have a lack of objectives, because of the two popular glitches which often make games descend into a fight over the "rock glitch" area. The glitches are both very unlikely to be patched, after the disbanding of Infinity Ward.

"Rock Glitch"Edit
Among the rocks in the open area of the map, one rock is very easily entered by players, making them invisible to enemies, yet still being able to fire upon and damage them normally. This is very commonly exploited, however players inside are easily killed due to the rock's surface - it does not remove damage while shot through; just as players inflict normal damage to enemies from inside, the same is easily done to them firing from outside this is a very frustrating glitch because players are hard to see in the rock.

The Rock also can be used in a similar fashion to several objects found in other maps. It overlooks a spawn point at the storage tanks, near the Search and Destroy/Demolition attack spawn, where enemies constantly spawn in clear vision of the player inside the rock, due to it having a "wall" in front of the player inside. This glitch is often used for boosting in Free-For-All.

"Tank Glitch"Edit
There is a BMP between the power station and the main warehouse. The player can enter this by climbing up the small hill behind it, sprinting and jumping onto it. The player then lays prone and will "fall" into the tank. Only part of the player's body is covered, and the player is less mobile than in "the Rock", but it is still a useful glitch. However, the player in the tank is still vulnerable to Predator Missiles.


Cant find anything. sorry tell me if you can.

Trailer Park

This is an ideal map to score FMJ penetration kills to earn Extended Magazines as nearly all of the buildings and fences are very light cover with many gaps to see through, offering many opportunities for easy penetration kills. At some points using FMJ on a high penetration weapon may allow the player to fire a shot all the way to the other edge of the map passing through all obstacles on the way.
Stay where the plane is. Players don't frequently go there and the caravan near one of the planes is a good spot to be in on Capture the Flag.
A sniper's best bet is to snipe from near the roadblock. Going down the path a bit will allow the player to shoot at a distance not usually available on this map. However, the player may die easily in the open here, but staying close to the small section of fence will limit the player's view and at the same time make it a little bit harder to kill the player.
A good tactic is to use Claymores and place them in tight locations, such as in and around trailers. The map is so compact and complex that players just rush through to get to their enemies, and will rarely notice them.
Despite what many may think, LMGs are very useful in this map, being able to kill enemies quickly, and providing suppressive fire.
User operated killstreaks such as the Chopper Gunner and AC-130 can rack up a lot of kills (in free for all) as most of the spawn points are outside and there are good hiding spots for operating the Killstreaks, making this map an ideal place for earning a Tactical Nuke reward.
If a player stands on top of the picnic table near flag "C" it will show a great vantage point of a truck, which many enemies with be near.
The player can shoot through most of the trailers to kill enemies inside them, even without FMJ.


Since most of the map is close quarters combat, shotguns and SMGs are generally favored, but LMGs and Assault rifles can prove useful in the outdoor sections of the map.
A well thrown grenade or Semtex can take out multiple enemies, due to the closeness of the hallways and the lack of area to escape to. An RPG-7 or Grenade Launcher could be used just as effectively, although the player can risk blowing himself up.
Woodland Camouflage and Digital Camouflage are the most useful, but Blue Tiger Camouflage can work decently as well.
Despite airstrikes seeming near useless, a well placed airstrike can still kill, as there are holes in the roof of the building, most notably the warehouse, or by placing it outside where there are spawn points and objectives.
Special Grenades x3 can be extremely useful due to the amount of narrow hallways and choke-points.
This map is also one of the few places that is great to utilize the Riot Shield because of the close quarters fighting on this map. However, if the player is not careful they may be flanked inside because of the many rooms and broken walls.

Weird Facts for All Maps


This map along with four of the other original maps is special as there isn't an exit blocked by a vehicle.
This map seems to be set near the location of Site Hotel Bravo, as the stone road structure visible from the cliff at the north end of the map is the same as in Just Like Old Times.
On the concrete bridge along the cliff face, there is a small alcove. A teddy bear is on the ground there, along with door scrapes on the ground leading to the bomb shelter.
There is some 3D type writing under the small alcove that the player can see in spectator mode that says "ALEXANDER ROYCEWICZ 2009"
The Infinity Ward logo can be seen on several of the cave system's heavy steel doors or being near the cave.
The UAZ-469 in the western portion of the map, behind the high cliff, has blood on the driver's seat and dashboard, implying a fight has already taken place. Shooting this blood splatter actually produces the same sound as bullets impacting a human body. It is exactly the same blood splat that is on the UAZ from the mission The Enemy of My Enemy.
If the player stands next to the building in the farthest northeast corner, they can hear dogs bark.
A village can be spotted behind the OpFor spawn in the radiation zone, but is made up mostly of a mosque and four stone houses.
The C-130 Hercules is identical to the crashed plane in "Exodus". This is similar to Crash, which features a CH-46 Sea Knight wreckage identical to the one in "Aftermath".
At the tail section of the plane, up on the mattresses is a teddy bear that is quite well hidden. Also, on one of the mattresses is the book "The Sign of Four". There is another teddy bear on the rocks below the cliff where the mattresses are, it is on a boulder to the right of the pile of mattresses, it blends in with the other small rocks.
The mattresses will break the player's fall from the cliff, provided they land on them.
There are some propaganda posters scattered throughout the map, an example of which is shown on the right.
It is a North Korean poster.
The C-130 appears to have digital camouflage on it similar to the one unlocked for guns.
Strangely, near the Task Force 141 spawn, a Stryker vehicle is parked, blocking the pathway. In Single Player, this can only be seen in "Exodus", and the Special Ops mission, "Wardriving". Reasons are unknown why it is here in the desert.
Although the map is very close to where Rust would be, Scanning around in spectate will show the player the waterfall or anything else from Rust is gone.
While inside the middle section of the destroyed C-130, if the player looks up they will see in the roof an engraving that appears to say, 'Help'.
Inside the cave are Missiles that don't explode when shot or attempted to be blown up.
It is possible to get out the map and walk around using Super Speed, without painkiller.


The locomotive on the map has the number 1337 on it, also known as l33t or leet.These same markings can be found on the Call of Duty 4 map Backlot.
On the flatbed car of the derailed train there is a part of a satellite that is seen in the hangar during the campaign mission "Cliffhanger." It is possible that the premise for this map is a TF141 sabotage mission on the Russian train.
Also, several of the train cars and containers have the words "Kriegler" (Lead Map Designer) on them making reference to the name that is seen on many levels including "Highrise", "Suspension", "Crew Expendable", and "Mile High Club".
Some of the trains have the letters "IW" and a few numbers, referring to Infinity Ward.
There is a teddy bear in the central building in a file cabinet; it can be opened by hitting it.
In one of the garbage cans in the main office, there is a sticker of Santa.
The power line towers can be heard creaking in the wind.
Weapons, when viewed through first-person, appear to have frosted over. This is easiest seen with Urban or Red Tiger camouflage. On guns where the camouflage cover most of the gun and are metallic, appear to have Blue Tiger on them even though no camouflage is applied. This is most noticeable on the AK-47.
More than likely the map is actually set in the state of Alaska because written on the couplers is AAR which stands for Association of American Railroads and the locomotive itself (an EMD GP9) and the cars are of American origin.
In one of the buildings, the player can find a small sign saying "Roycewicz Storage Company", referring to the Infinity Ward employee Roycewicz.
In the building with all the shipping creates there are multiple pictures of a Russian woman with a Thompson.
Around the computers in the main building there are horse pictures and children's drawings.
In the forest, it's possible to hear snow falling from trees. However, snow never falls from any trees.
The term "Derail" means that a single train or many trains are not on the track, or have fallen off of the track. The trains in this map, as the player can see, are all wrecked and derailed.
It is very easy to get out the map using Super Speed. The player runs over an invisible barrier.


The house is almost exactly the same as in Loose Ends except that there is a kitchen, the basement is a 'mancave,' and the entire house is generally cleared of the tables and plants, and the second floor's layout is changed slightly.
Another fake movie poster has the emblem for completing the "Slasher" challenge with the heading "Evil Cow".
An American flag is flying at the top of the Estate, which is strange as the campaign mission takes place in Russia.
In the basement of the main house, amidst the movie posters and other things, there is a Dutch wife stuffed in the little area above the couch along with a teddy bear.
The estate is full of pictures of William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States (1841). He is known for little other than being the first US president to die in office and having the shortest term of any US president ever. A picture of George Washington can also be found upstairs.
The cars license plates are 2009IW4, A reference to Infinity Ward and the year Modern Warfare 2 was released. The 4 may stand for the fact that Modern Warfare 2 was the fourth game in the Call of Duty series that Infinity Ward developed.
There is a Zodiac near the boat house.
Outside the mansion there is a white truck, and the license plate is in Cyrillic. Infinity Ward most likely reused the trucks from Loose Ends.
On the path up to the greenhouse the player can get stuck in between the fence and the hill if running down.
In the bathroom, if the player jumps on the toilet and looks in the alcove on the other side, one can see a hula doll squeezed in.
This is the only map to feature a red car.
The boots next to the plant are very similar to Shepherd's boots.
The New York license plates on the cars must have been reused from a map that was cut out of production, as there are no New York settings featured in the game, except for the map Highrise.
In the kitchen there are two watermelons, a reference to the watermelons from FNG. If shot or stabbed, the watermelon will explode, sending pieces of it all over the room.
In the upstairs bedroom there is a laptop with the same design used in Headquarters Pro.`
The names Vince Zampella and Jason West can be seen, in very small print, at the bottom of all the movie posters.
In the garage type building which is a popular camping spot for Snipers, there are two platforms. If one plants a Tactical Insertion on the second platform (furthest away from the house) the Tactical Insertion will be planted over the wood planks on the first platform.
All the movie posters have the Infinity Ward logo without the "Infinity Ward" text in it.
In the building with the Snowmobile, there is a picture of a tree. If one stands directly next to the wall and looks at it, the player can see that it is floating off the wall.
The middle windows in the Vioxys (Chevy Suburban or Cadillac Escalade) scattered around the map will always stay fixed when the car explodes. This can be seen when you shoot out ALL of the windows including the middle one and blow up the car the middle window will appear to be fixed.
There is a similar map to estate in Call of Duty: Black Ops called Villa.


When an airstrike is called in at the right angle, the jets will appear to fly through the mountain behind the map.
The Task Force 141 team use Woodland and Desert character models, rather than the Brazilian models like in the campaign.
The ice cream shop is named "Pelayo's". This is most likely a reference to Cpt. "Deadly" Pelayo, the Cobra pilot rescued in "Shock and Awe" in Call of Duty 4. Pelayo is also an employee at Infinity Ward, whom Cpt. Deadly was originally named after.
On the top of the map in the newspaper stands, articles with the headline Call of Duty 2 can be seen. The player can break these open with a bullet or knife, and the papers inside read, "Infinity Ward Times".
If the player goes into spectator mode he can go up to the statue of Jesus on top of the hill which appears to be made out of blocks. This can also be seen if the player looks at it through a sniper scope.
If the player has the English version of the game, the tombstones near the bottom left corner of the map are printed in English.
One of the tombstones says "Pablo Escobar" on it. Escobar was a famous drug lord from Colombia.
If the player goes by the door on the large building in the back of the map, there is a elevation with some bushes and trees, if the player looks closely there are some bricks laid out that spell REMY. This is more visible form the top of the building. A similar signature can be found in Crash.
The Favela in Call of Duty looks very similar to the Favela da Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro.
When a Tactical Nuke is called in on this map it usually starts near the O Cristo Redentor statue and goes slightly higher than the mountain and statue.
If the player stands still long enough he can hear things in the background such as car horns beeping, a child saying "Daddy", a dog barking, a baby cooing, glass shattering, a door shutting hard, etc.
Originally, there were going to be airplanes flying above the map occasionally (like in "The Hornet's Nest" and Highrise). This was cut, due to players getting distracted or mistaking it for a UAV.
Favela is the only multiplayer map set in Brazil to be based on a campaign level, including parts of both "Takedown" and "The Hornet's Nest". Rundown, Quarry, Underpass, and Carnival are not based on campaign levels.
In the ice cream shop, on the counter, there is a VHS tape with a label written in Arabic which says "Death to the enemy. Al-Asad is the savior of the people. Victory is ours".
One of the many papers littering the area reads: ", seeking a job".
In an alcove on the gray building above the soccer pitch, there is strange writing along with a red lizard. The writing is in an unknown language.
From the third floor of the green house, there are three cars in the street. If the player jumps and lands on an unexploded car roof, the car will explode and is highly likely to kill the player.
On top of the mountain in the background, the famous statue "O Cristo Redentor", meaning "Christ the Redeemer" is seen, conveying this map is based in Rio de Janeiro.
Originally, it was impossible to shoot through the banana leaves found on both this map (the garden roof) and Underpass but since the patch was made for this situation, it is now possible.
In free spectate mode, if the player goes all the way up to the mountain with the O Cristo Redentor, the player find that the mountain can be flown through, but the statue is solid and floating behind the mountain.
On the traffic light there is an arrow. This arrow points to the left and down, which is a street. It was most likely an accident on the developers' part.
In the Family Guy episode, "April in Quahog", Peter buys the kids an Xbox 360. At the end of the episode, Peter is playing on the Xbox 360, and seems to be struggling with the controls. The camera then cuts to a view of the TV, which reveals that Peter is playing a game of Team Deathmatch on Favela, very badly. In addition, the killcam reveals that Peter (with a gamertag of pgriffin69x) was killed by FOURZEROTWO, also known as Robert Bowling.
In the movie 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief', the character Luke can be seen playing Free-For-All on Favela, using an L86 LSW w/ red dot sight. He is using a PS3 controller but the player menu is that for the Xbox 360.
The clock in the barber shop does not move.
In the movie Kickass, in the scene where Hitgirl is introduced, the viewer can see a man playing split-screen on this level with someone else. One of them seems to be using a F2000.
If the player looks at the counter in Pelayo's, directly above it there are two Burger Town menus written in English.
If the player looks inside some of the cars in the level, they will not have any seats. There will only be news papers with Arabic writing in them.
Among the background noise, it is possible to hear a small child crying.
If using the UFO cheat, and you go to the "O Christo Redentor" statue, you can actually see that it is very blocky, probably because it was never intended for people to go there, just for scenery purposes.


This map along with 4 other original maps is special for not having an exit blocked by a vehicle.
Despite its urban and mostly CQB combat many gamers choose to use snipers instead for the spawn-to-spawn sniper battle and the chance to use highly elevated positions like the crane and roof.
There is a glitch on the map to bring Harriers down to ground level by shooting through the walls of the corner of the south building.
On top of the southern tower, there is a group of teddy bears with stars on their chests. A teddy can also be found on the light fixtures on the north building.
Highrise is very reminiscent of the Call of Duty 4 map Wet Work. They are both very linear maps and have high up sniper positions on both sides and middle of the map, albeit not as easily on Highrise. Both maps are also infamous for their ease of spawn trapping.
It also shares similarities with Pipeline, having two main buildings, an underground passageway, and multiple ways onto the buildings.
When on the yellow long catwalks, the player can see that the giant letters on the edge of the level spell out "Kriegler" (Lead Map Designer), a fictional shipping company referenced several times in Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2.
On the building with the teddy bears on it where the concrete block is on the side where it says WKM in the lower left hand corner there's a name that says "ALEXANDER ROYCEWICZ 2009", Alexander Roycewicz also made Overgrown and many more MP maps for both Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2.
This map has the most teddy bears in the game.
In the elevators, the same IW sign can be seen scratched into the wood, just as in No Russian.
Even though the level seems to be on a building that is at least 20 stories high, there are only two elevator buttons.
The building is 25 and a half stories tall.
Occasionally, though they are barely noticeable, there are several Mi-24s that fly around the map, indicating that the map is staged during the beginning of the Russo-American War.
According to the SP-GPS on the US Army Rangers wrists, this map is in New York City, though the surrounding cityscape looks like Chicago.
The building to the east of the map (not the side with the building with the pool and tables) the round part at the top is floating above the building, the free-cam can fly right under it.
There is a very detailed office outside of the map, which is odd as usually things outside the map aren't detailed because they'll never be entered by any players. It is possible that this area was originally playable.
Just south of the map, there are a small collection of office objects on top of the building.
There is a mark that looks like a teddy bear on the left building near the R of the Kriegler sign.
If the Javelin is shot directly below the edge of the map, the missile won't engage in the climb but instead just speed straight up.
The boxes that are found all over the map are filled with candy and cookies. This is also seen on other multiplayer maps, such as Quarry.
Despite being set a few years into the future, the desktop computers still contain floppy disk drives, however they could just be old computers.
The phones have the letters CoD4 on them, referring to the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
In the small shack outside the south building, there is an electrical panel next to the window that does damage if shot at close range. There are also several other panels with the same effect throughout the level, but other panels do not do damage and many of them don't react at all to shots.
Even though the map is set in New York City during the Russian invasion, there are signs that have Russian letters. Also the helicopter at the heli-pad is a Russian Mi-8 (Although it was probably how the Spetsnaz were inserted into the area).
If the player tosses a smoke grenade down into the clouds off the side of the building, it will look like a nuke going off.
Due to the map's height, Harriers may, on occasion, fly below the playable area. They are not solid, hinting that they were never meant to interact with solid objects.
Throwing the smoke grenade for a care package down into the street will still send the package. However, there is no way to getting to it and the crate will disappear as soon as it hits the ground.
Despite popular belief, getting to the roof is not a glitch, Infinity ward intended this, that is why the scaffolding is climbable and there are teddy bears on the roof.
On the Ranger Spawn the clock is upside down.
Highrise resembles Vertigo, a scrapped map in Modern Warfare 2. Vertigo is only playable through hacking.
Underneath the fog (which is just a few thin layers) is an aerial photograph of city streets. It is of very bad quality and the cars are not moving.


There is a shop full of dummies used in "F.N.G.".
The player can find posters of Khaled Al-Asad in some of the streets.
Similar to the map Afghan, the player is able to jump to the machine gun position on the Humvee.
The cab seen at the beginning spawn point of the OpFor has the initials "IW", another one of Infinity Ward's hidden references.
In most streets, newspaper articles with a picture of the nuclear bomb that killed Jackson and his squad in Call of Duty 4 can be found although it is actually a picture of the Ivy-Mike explosion.
In the room that appears to be a little restaurant with bar stools and a check out counter, there is a small dropped ceiling a player can get to. It is a formidable hiding spot for unsuspecting enemies. Simply jump up on the counter near the register, continue to jump and then crouch and the player will make their way on top. It's difficult for players to see anyone in that spot unless they are really looking.
The building directly ahead from the gas station has a large glass window that the player can break. However the blinds prevent the player from going through easily.
There is a green jeep on one of the streets with blood over the steering wheel and dashboard, this could be a reference to the mission "The Enemy Of My Enemy", or the map designers at Infinity Ward decided to use the same jeep model as the one with Rook's splattered gray matter on the dashboard. There are also several other green jeeps with the same blood splatter near the gas station.
It is possible to get out the map using super speed hack. The player needs to run at a carpet and land on top of te tallest building. He then simply jumps off using commando pro. It is also possible to get on a skywalk.
A very effective sniping spot is by the Humvees right of the Ranger spawn on the bridge.
Players can use the "Elevator" glitch, demonstrated in the video below.
If the player looks over the bridge, he/she will see 3 destroyed tanks. These tanks appear to be from the single-player mission Team Player.
Under the map on spectate there is a destroyed Russian jeep from Call of Duty 4 just across the bridge along with some tanks.
The large building in the northwest corner could be a reference to the Call of Duty 4 map, "Showdown"


The map is, in fact, a greatly scaled up-port of the Counter-Strike custom map de_karachi. In fact, the modder who made de_karachi (Geoffrey "CompoSITe" Smith) now works for Infinity Ward at the Design and Scripting department; the very designer of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 map.[1]
If the player initiates spectator mode, parts of "Shock and Awe" can be seen, which is strange, since Karachi is a city in Pakistan and Shock and Awe takes place in Saudi Arabia.
Next to the bus, a newspaper receptacle can be seen with a picture of the D-Day invasion.
To the left of the OpFor spawn, the Backlot construction building from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare appears.
Near the Navy SEALs spawn behind the iron fence near the docks there are 3 Zodiacs, which is likely how the SEALs arrived in the first place.
Under the wooden scaffolding, there are newspaper receptacles that cannot be opened but have ads for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on the front.
If the player starts at the Navy SEALs spawn, moves straight forward, past the white van, past the roadblock with the Minigun on it, and go into the blue building on the left. In the corner, there is a photocopier, walk up to it, and it will turn on and start copying. The player can back away and do it again and again. If shot enough times though, the copier will cease to function.
On one of the bulletin boards is a green poster that has the outline of an upright teddy bear from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
This is a map useful for getting the 'MG Master' challenge completed, as there are three mounted machine guns throughout.
Outside of the map are destroyed buildings, all of which will show the entrance to a bathroom, such as some having toilets, bathtubs, and sinks.
Some of the newspaper receptacles also have a newspaper with the name "Infinity Ward" on the front, and the main headline is titled "Call of Duty 2".
It is possible to explore outside the gaming area of this map without use of hacks or exploits, from all sides. In order to get past the section where the A bomb site is at, use of a Care Package or Sentry Gun drop crate will be required once outside the border.
Outside the map are various oil rigs seen from Charlie Don't Surf.
In the Hotel building, there is a soda machine next to a counter, this soda machine is colliding with the counter itself.


There is a soccer ball inside the building with a large crane on top of it in the center of Quarry (Where B would be in Domination). The soccer ball is on a platform between the first and second floor. A player cannot walk onto the platform but he or she can shoot at the soccer ball to knock it down. Shooting the ball causes it to bounce and roll.
From the TF 141 spawn, turn to the right and run down that way, when the player reaches 2 dumpsters, 3 barrels and a stone barrier turn right again and head up a slight slope, the wall is almost set up like a staircase he can climb up to find an actual "camping spot" complete with sleeping bags and a fire.
At one of the offices, it is written in a poster "Office and retail space available. Roycewicz Commercial Developments (555) 555-555". Roycewicz is the name of the Private the player saves in the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare mission "The Bog", also the name of Infinity Ward's head map designer.
On one of the walls, the player can clearly see "Death 2 capitalists Imran Zakhaev" written.
At the TF 141 spawn, in one of the buildings, pieces of a satellite marked off with red tape can be seen.
By one of the tanks, there a truck with blood on the dashboard and steering wheel, a reference to the car in the mission Takedown.
In one of the buildings behind some boxes is the message "ALEXANDER ROYCEWICZ 2009".
On a wall it says "Death to the USA" with a nuclear mushroom cloud.
On one of the walls in a tunnel that connects two warehouses there is a poster of the "Slasher" Emblem. the player can even see it from the outside for there is a hole in the opposite wall from it.
If a player jumps from the highest window in the blue warehouse at the top of the quarry and lands on the large propane tank, the top will blow off and eventually the tank will explode, likely killing the player.
If a player goes into Free Spectate and goes through the edge of the map, a black and white aerial shot of a quarry can be seen, far below. This was presumably used as reference by the developers for the construction of the map.
Many smaller concrete blocks read "A/S3". When running by these blocks, they often seem to say "ASS"
There is a Buk M1 in the hangar. In the hangars too, there are signs written in English and Russian that instruct the player mustn't enter until propellers are off, which is strange.
This is a choice map for thermal sniping.
On a trash can in the storage facility there is a Santa sticker on it.
Directly in front of the TF 141 spawn there is a red tanker truck with a ladder on the back of the oil tank. It is possible to climb the ladder, but not possible to get on top of the truck itself.
On one of the rocks, there is writing that says "Zakhaev".
It is easy to glitch out of the map you need care package related kill streaks and tactical insertion with a few friends.


This map along with 4 other original maps is special as there isn't a exit blocked by a vehicle.
A bombed out building can be found on the Militia side of the map that is similar to the fuel station on Overgrown, including a rough sketch of ex-President Al-Fulani.
A single turret can be found on the map with a commanding view of the middle bridge. It must be climbed to however, so it is generally inefficient to try. Also at the turret if the player goes prone behind the sandbags he can see through and shoot at enemies crossing the bridges without being exposed to enemy fire.
The petrol station on the edge of the map along with the plants near the station is a popular place to "boost" on free-for-all as is the edge of the river.
There is an indestructible TV on this map in front of the bridge.
The cars in this map have newspapers with Arabic letters in it.
Throughout the map there are several posters which feature a picture of the Titanic.
The dead cows are a definite continuation of the Call of Duty franchise to consistently have at least one level and/or multiplayer map in the game that has dead cattle.
From the boathouse it is possible to jump from the top window on to car in the river taking very little if any damage at all.
In the 'Drug Store', upstairs there are two Cocaine bags, and if the player shoot them, white smoke puffs up.
Since this map is fairly large, many people will boost in places like the gas station and in the fields.
Curiously, this map is classified as a "Desert" environment. (e.g. players who use a sniper class will wear the Desert ghillie suit)
At the Militia Spawn point, next to the first house in front (the one with no roof) there will be a palm tree. That tree has no physical properties whatsoever, making it an excellent place to snipe from inside of.
There are several areas on the map which give a direct view across the map, this can lead to easy 'first bloods' and it encourages cross-map sniping.


There is a crashed Sea Knight outside the map. This may be a reference to "Endgame", except for the fact that Shepherd crashed in a Pavelow, not a Sea Knight.
There is a flipped Zodiac near the river. It's a reference to Soap and Price's fight against Shadow Company in Zodiacs, also from "Endgame".
Said Sea Knight is also exactly the same one from "Crash" from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
If you get a Predator Missile and fire it out of the map and towards the river nearby, a reference to "Endgame," the Predator Missile will go down through the water, then will suddenly explode.
There is a narrow strip of land near the river that has two WWII era German Opel Blitz trucks, two destroyed Russian ZPU-4 anti-air guns and a Russian T54-55 tank.
In the tunnel way there is a banging noise.
This map is not available in the playlist Ground War, as it is extremely small for 18 players. Another reason for this is Domination does not have enough space for 3 flags here.
It is possible to guide the Predator Missile off a cliff which glitches the game and causes the Predator to automatically explode. The cliff should be to the far right of the electrical plant of the map.
There is a small village far away from the map - it is possible to get to it by Free Spectating in a private match. In this village, barrels with hazard signs can be found.
It was actually possible to hide in one of the pipes, but since the patch, it is no longer possible. The pipe is north of the shack (see map).
For a view of a Tactical Nuke climb the ladder to the very top and look South East, a sound is heard right before it lands.
Rust is undoubtedly the least used map in the game. Especially since the arrival of the map packs. It is possible to get this map in the Team Deathmatch playlist, but isn't very often. Free for All, also occasionally uses the map. Team Tactical, and 3rd Person Team Tactical both use it sometimes. And it was in the playlist, 3rd Person Cage Match, before the playlist was removed.
Rust used to be a popular map to use for a glitch where players would create "public" private matches. Players would randomly get put in 18 man games of FFA and sometimes other modes on Rust. This can't happen anymore though, because Infinity Ward patched the glitch.
If you drop a care package on the small barrels next to the large tanks, it will remain stuck between the tanks and the barrel. You cannot pickup the care package or see it on the map, suggesting that it gets stuck in the air.


The planes around the yard are passenger aircraft, such as the planes on Terminal. F-15E Strike Eagles, and Sea Knight Helicopters are also seen on the outside of the map.
One of the airplanes has the numbers 818, referring to the area code that Infinity Ward Studios is located in.
Outside the map there are many black F-15s with skull symbols painted on their tail fins.
There is a teddy bear in a storm drain here. It can be found by throwing a grenade on the drain or looking in it on spectate.
If in spectator mode, around the area the Black F-15s, a lone traffic cone under the map can be found. The player can get under the map by "flying" out along the ground until he/she falls under.
On the F-15's tail fins the letters IW can be seen, an obvious nod to Infinity Ward.
The tree in the middle of the map has no physical properties.
If the player flies to the most southern part of the map in spectator mode, there will be buildings and containers that appear underground.
There is a crashed Mi-28 Havoc Helicopter outside the map by the F-15 planes.
There are several warehouses outside the playable area, however they're not solid.
There is a fenced in part outside the map towards the north side of the map that is solid unlike everything else outside the map, stating this might have originally been part of the map
The Sea Knight in this level is one of the only ones in multiplayer to be intact and one of the only aircraft to have a real interior (meaning it has seats, wires, and yolks).
There are only a few planes outside of the map, most of the outside of the map is desert.
On the top of the large office (near flag A) is a sign that says "Squeeky wheels." This may or may not be the company that owns the scrapyard.
Since there are buildings outside, some even underground, it could mean that this place is a Scrapyard and a repair center.
If a player is underneath the plane near the truck with a Riot Shield, players walking above will get stuck and blocked inside the plane.


Some of the shop windows contain posters displaying the Infinity Ward logo as well as the cover art for the Hardened Edition of Modern Warfare 2.
Displayed in some of the stores is a video game console dubbed "Gamestation 5", one of which can be found un-boxed on Estate.
Near the side door of the main building (close to the crates used to access the 2nd floor window) the newspaper on the stands read: "Call of Duty 2"
The Ghillie Suits which snipers receive in this map are Urban.
There are red numbers and arrows on the wall, as well as multiple cameras, indicating this could be a training course. The red numbers and arrows could also indicate a construction or demolition site. C4s wired to the walls also suggest this.
Up near the train tracks there is a chunk of a building that says " ALEXANDER ROYCEWICZ 2009".
The library models in the middle of the map are exactly the same as the one in Terminal - even the books are the same.
Near the containers area, you can see another sign, advertising Roycewicz's company.
On top of the Game Sports shop in the middle it has the titles "Reboot" and "Asass", most likely references to the sport companies Reebok and Adidas. Next to those is a GamerBattles sign possibly a reference to GameBattles, a video game website where teams can fight other teams in leagues.
Skidrow is a rundown and impoverished part of a urban area referencing the old abandoned style of the map.
The map background is the same as Crossfire.
There is a well-clipped area after using the elevator out of this map. It is where two trains seem to be in a depot, like on Underpass.
All of the buildings outside the map are solid and can be stood on. This may serve as evidence that the map may originally have been larger.
The fire hydrants can kill you when they blow up.
If a player does the elevator glitch, they will be able to access the area where Chopper Gunners take off.
The US Army Rangers spawn has an invisible wall above the fences. Grenades will bounce off it and missiles will detonate on impact.
By the parking lot on the table is a throwing knife in the table by a lap top.
Several movie posters can be seen in this map including one called Porter Justice.
Near the Spetsnaz spawn, there is a destroyed taxi. On the back it says "IW (Infinity Ward) Cab".
Judging from the file names, this map was originally going to be named "Nightshift"
Near the Rangers spawn, to the East side of the map there is a small staircase with rails to the left. If a Semtex is thrown between the gaps in the rails the Semtex will float in mid air. Stun, Flash and Smoke grenades will also bounce off.
The broken Merry-go-round can also be seen in the Call of Duty 4 Levels, All Ghillied Up and One Shot, One Kill
One can see the edges of the map and even the black out-of-map zones from many places.
If you go to spectator mode, and go on the outskirts on the Spetsnaz spawn, you can hear police sirens. you can also see two cars as well.

Sub Base

SEALs have a subtle advantage on this map, because they are more difficult to see indoors due to their black suits, however, they are very visible at outside. The Spetsnaz's arctic suit somewhat balances this, but they are still quite visible in outdoors as well.
Along with the obviously Russian submarines at the base there is at least one American Los Angeles-class at the dock and a SEAL Delivery Vehicle hanging from a gantry in one of the buildings, both of these were from "The Only Easy Day...Was Yesterday".
If on the SEALs team, the urban Ghillie Suit will be provided, whereas the Spetsnaz receive an Arctic one.
There is a poster in the building just right of the Russian spawn that shows an AK-47's parts and how to disassemble it.
Near the Spetsnaz spawn point, there is a DART II Tsunami Warning System.
One of the subs near the Spetsnaz spawn can be jumped onto, however despite the abundance of seemingly climbable scaffolding parts, jumping down instantly causes death as if the player had jumped off the map. This occurs even with Commando Pro enabled.


This map along with 4 other original maps are special as there isn't a exit blocked by a vehicle.
There is a poster for the movie 'Vengeance'; which is about two of the most dangerous soldiers on Earth (perhaps a reference to Soap and Price) that were double crossed and left for dead. The same poster can be seen in campaign in the beginning of Takedown and again in the multiplayer map Bailout.
If a player goes into spectator mode and flies over the small barrier on the second floor, there are more shops that are visible. In one of these shops there are posters of bottles of wine, some read "It goes down deep and hard," referencing Mark Grigsby's rap"Deep and Hard" performed in Call of Duty 4. In the same store, there are also two floating Xbox game cases that feature Captain Price on the cover and the title Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The back of the case is the same as the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare case. These cases are in the same spot on the Spec Ops mission as well and in "No Russian".
Looking at the telephones on the wall in Burgertown, one can see: 'COD4', on them. This also applies to every phone in both Modern Warfare games.
The plane does not have any glass in its windows, neither in the cockpit or in the passenger area.
Terminal is supposed to take place in a Russian airport, but there is English all around the map, such Burger Town, the flight schedule board, magazines, and a police car with an American flag on the side.
Inside the terminal, beneath the escalators, there is blood on the ground but no bodies, which is from No Russian.
The metal detectors are still fully operational during an EMP, which is odd since realistically, they should not be functional, at all.
On the plane, the player can only see the "Flugruger" logo on one side and not the other
In the airplane, the pilot, co-pilot and some passenger seats are missing.
Inside the plane are seats that have the oxygen masks ejected out. Above one of the seats (Which is only a single seat), will have three masks dangling down in front of it which is odd as there is evidence that the one seat was the only one ever there.
At the security area, the player can pass through metal detectors, which go off as they detect the player's weapons. The player can also use their throwing knife to make them activate by standing back and throwing the knife through the metal detector.
In the middle of the map, outside, near Flag B in Domination, there are barriers that read: 'IW International Airport'.
The Russian folk song 'Kalinka' can be heard playing in the cosmetics store and the gift shop.
If the player goes into Spectator mode, they can fly over the pile of debris to the right of the escalators, revealing the middle of the level No Russian, albeit, with no civilians or scenery.
The jet engines cannot explode on this map, unlike its campaign counterpart No Russian.
Destroying the traveling bags using either firepower or knife, they pop out clothes and wine bottles, the same with No Russian.
This is the only map other than the campaign mission, "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday" and "No Russian" that has soda machines that dispense soda when pressing the action/reload button.
The choice of factions on this map could be a reference to the foreshadowed American attack on Moscow.
If in spectator mode, go into free camera. The player can see a Call of Duty game case with Price on the front. Many people think this is MW3, however there is no evidence that it is. These cases can also be seen in the store that Viktor goes in No Russian.
If you throw a Semtex, Frag, Throwing Knife, C4, or fire an M203 or GP-25 though the metal detectors they will go off.
Oddly enough, if a player would knife a suitcase or luggage piece *on display* in a store, clothing will pop out although these cases are not meant to be in use as they are for sale.
All or most of the glass can be destroyed. Ceiling glass and airport glass can all be shattered (although the ceiling takes 3 bullets to crack thus making it a waste of ammunition).
Knifing "Departure" screens in a certain way will turn them off. But knifing them again will crack them.
To kill yourself to respawn, without grenades or bombs of any kind is hard. However by jumping down the escalators and running up to jump down repeatedly will kill you because you will take too much damage. Jumping down once will not kill you because it is a short fall.
In this map, the departure board says that the London flight is boarding, suggesting the plane was in fact heading for London.


There is a small train depot in this map with Kriegler train cars similar to the ones in the map Derail. This evidence shows that Underpass was likely to have been one of the maps to have the Train run through.
There is a poster up on many walls advertising a Infinity Ward "Rock Fest" underneath an African-American man with the name "Griggs," and has the Infinity Ward symbol on the top-right corner. This is a possible reference to Staff Sergeant Griggs from Call of Duty 4. Griggs is also the name of an Infinity Ward member.
There is a teddy bear in a warehouse on the catwalk.
There is a wall on the map that has "INFIDEL" written on it. On this wall there are also painted pictures of the AK-47 and Al-Asad.
There is a small banana plant on this map which can't be shot through even with FMJ equipped, similar to the ones in Favela.
Some of the shipping containers have IWCOD written on their doors, no doubt a reference to the Call of Duty franchise.
On the wooden walk on the bridge there is a take out box that has a smiley face and a message that says, "Have a nice day."
A ledge near Flag B can be accessed, although it is very difficult. This video (click here) shows the spot at 0:44.
There is a mattress on the ground near the sniping spot at Flag A on the side with no ramp, and the player can jump from the higher floor onto it and not get damaged, much like the mattresses in Afghan.
Outside the map is a crane reused from Highrise. With the use of mods it is possible to get on the crane.
The ladder to the lookout tower is very long and if climbing, the player can become extremely vulnerable to fire.
The player can place sentry guns inside the pillars supporting the bridge. (Patched)
A viral video that recently arose on YouTube was about an elderly lady opening a door when shooting the corners of the door with a certain number of bullets and then throwing a flashbang. The lady would then disappear for a few seconds, come back with a UMP .45 with a Red Dot Sight and Arctic camouflage, and kill the player. However, this has been disproved multiple times.
Outside of the map is a hidden river with boats from Karachi. These boats are frequently reused in certain maps.
This level is played in the movie Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief.
This map and Storm are the only multiplayer levels in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to feature rain.
Even under the unfinished bridge, rain can still be seen falling through it.
There are some chickens found running in cages.
In some of the shady parts of the map, shiny looking guns, such as the .44 Magnum, may look like a dull grey.
Sentry gun can be placed inside the underpass' support beams. It can shoot enemies normally, but it can't be shot.


This map along with 4 other original maps are special as there isn't an exit blocked by a vehicle.
This map is a remake of the Call of Duty multiplayer map Brecourt, similar to how Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's Chinatown was a remake of Call of Dutys Carentan multiplayer map.
This map contains the church seen in the mission All Ghillied Up (although it is inaccessible), the statues holding the PPSh-41, and other similar buildings. Even the things inside these buildings are still the same (chairs, tables, posters etc.).
Chernobyl nuclear reactor number 4 (the reactor which caused the disaster), can be seen in the distance.
If the player goes behind the reactor, they are able to see black and white pictures of the area around the real reactor.
It is likely that "Wasteland" is right outside of Pripyat as the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant can be seen close by and several Bloc-style apartment buildings can be seen in the distance.
A teddy bear is in the tunnel with the RPGs and a laptop.
What were land mines preventing curious players from leaving the battlefield in the Call of Duty version are now radioactive zones.
There are several dead cows located all over the map, because of the lack of visible wounds they were most likely killed by radiation from Chernobyl.
Inside one of the buildings are some Soviet propaganda posters.
There is a glitch where the player can easily get out of the map (although still bound by an invisible wall at some point). The player must use the Painkiller deathstreak and Tactical Insertion. Simply tactically insert next to the border and run into the middle of a gunfight until painkiller is achieved. Then enter the radiation at any pace. The painkiller will keep the player alive before the radiation causes death. But reentering the map will result in damage from the radiation again if player wishes to go to the edge again. The only effects after achieving the glitch are the radiation warning constantly going off and the player's screen blinking for around a minute.
When achieving the Tactical Nuke, look towards the nuclear reactor designated "4". It will explode there - a possible crude joke from Infinity Ward.
The church in the map is orthodox which is a common religion in eastern Europe, this is known because of the Cross shape, and the dome on top.
If glitching out of the map, there is virtually no cover or grass, so it would be unwise to snipe from there. But if the player goes out of bounds on the side of the small scrapyard, there is a small bush on the right that can be used to conceal oneself, although it possesses a very small field of view.
It is possible to glitch into the wall of the bunker in the center of the map from the Domination flag B. This is very useful, but difficult. Unpatched as of 4/18/10. Unknown if still active.
English words and phrases can be seen on the helicopter at C flag spawn. This is unusual as it is a Russian helicopter. It reads, "AMERICAN EX-PRISONERS OF WAR, DEPT. OF FLORIDA, DEPT. OF MARYLAND, DEPT. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE."
Wasteland includes 5 miniguns.
Inside the bunker area, if the player shoots the cardboard boxes the contents will fly out; this includes bananas, oranges and packs of gum and candy.
There is a tail of a Hind Helicopter in the tank graveyard and also a rotor, however no body of the vehicle can be seen.
In the school building on the southwest side of the map there is a poster of a man who looks similar to Malcom X hanging from the ceiling.
There are a total of 16 destroyed BMP-2s in the map
The tarp that covers the B flag in Domination will protect the player from Predator missiles if stood under.
There is a glitch where if the player calls in a Care Package by the helicopter tail in the graveyard, and it lands on it, it has no pickup icon and it won't show up on radar.
Players can access the rotors of the Hind helicopter.
The M60E4 7.62mm Ammo Cardboard Appear in Wasteland, Inside the tunnel in the table.

Map Pack 1


Bailout is an economic term given to the financial rescue of banks who had massive debt through the nationalization of bad loans. The map's name goes along with the title of the downloadable content bundle, Stimulus Package.
This is the only map on Stimulus Package that doesn't include Task Force 141; instead, it includes U.S. Army Rangers.
This map was originally named "Complex" but was changed for an unknown reason (probably to better fit with the "Stimulus" theme of its DLC).
Throughout Bailout there are bloody red hand-prints, which look exactly like the Militia logo.
There are ammunition crates found throughout the map. However, they don't supply ammo to the player.
In the recreation center on the east side of the map there are two arcade games and one of them is called "Modern Warfare" with a picture of an 8-bit Captain Price on the side.
It is possible to see the apartment complex from Exodus from the bomb site under the bridge.
There is an Infinity Ward logo on a "For Rent" sign.
In Spectate mode, if the player travels outside the map just beyond the area with the footbridge on the west side of the map, a parking lot with handicap spaces can be seen. One of the painted handicap squares is in the wrong parking spot and the sign posts are backwards and shifted one space over.
There are a few destructible security cameras scattered around the map.
The website [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] that is mentioned on the side of one of the buildings that overlooks the spawn does not exist.
All cars in this level say Infinity Ward on the license plates.
There is another game console labeled Game Station 5 along with 2 games, and 2 controllers. The controllers look very much like Xbox controllers, but they are fatter and they have more buttons.
In the apartment overlooking the bridge and the pool, there is a wardrobe next to a closed window and the window which overlooks the bridge. However, when viewing from the outside there is the open window, the closed window and another closed window where the wardrobe would be.
By the East side of the level there are soda machines, if the player runs into the soda machine while facing them and then he moves to the right the character will start jumping uncontrollably as long as he's running to the right.


Near the USMC/TF141 spawn, off-map to the right of the grassy hill, there is a signature written clearly in sand bricks. This is easily visible in free-spectate mode. The signature reads "REMY".
Crash is one of the top 10 multiplayer maps according to the GameInformers list of "Top Ten FPS Multiplayer Maps."
This map made a return in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, being included in the Stimulus Package DLC.
In Modern Warfare 2 the destroyed cars have been replaced with still functional ones that can be destroyed. Players can crawl underneath the white pickup trucks before and after they have been destroyed.
The downed CH-46 SeaKnight in the map's square is from Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 161 (it says HMM-161 on each side) the "Greyhawks" based at Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar, California.
There is another version of this map called Winter Crash. It is similar to Crash, but with a Christmas theme. It is only available on PC and Mac.
The buildings on this map, along with the buildings of Overgrown in Modern Warfare 2, are differently colored than in the first Modern Warfare.
On the Northern end of the map, there is a building that has stairs and plants in it. It is never accessed though.
In the top floor of the building behind the crashed helicopter the player can see a photo on the wall, showing two people on camels, dressed like Arabians. These are actually employees from Infinity Ward , during their research trip in Egypt for Call of Duty 2. The man in the front is Grant Collier, former president of Infinity Ward.


Two visible changes in the map are the replacement of the mounted M249 SAW with the mini-gun and the teddy bears have been updated to the new ones.
The map has the highest possibility to be picked for a free-for-all match of any map.
Some of the houses, specifically the blown out one by A and the house by C with the mini-gun, were taken from the Call of Duty 4 level "Safehouse" with minor changes, such as addition of doors, or in the case of the house by Flag A, the side is blown out.
It is worth noting that a staircase in one of the houses can be crawled under. This spot is very good as it is in a high combat area plus enemies will not know the player's position unless they watch killcam. An AA-12 shotgun is most useful in this area because enemies will pass through the area quickly, but any shotgun will work if the player is quicker than the enemy. Beware that if camping here for more than one life, enemies will look under the staircase first thing when entering the house. FMJ users will also go around back of the house and shoot through the wall. Also FMJ users have the advantage under the stairs too, as the player will mostly be shooting through the wooden stairs to hit enemies, and once again with FMJ this is a very easy place to get extended mags for the same reason above.


In the house with the Zakhaev shrine, on the bottom floor there is writing on the roof that says "Death to all capitalist pig dogs". This may be a reference to Battlefield: Bad Company when Serdar refers to the team as "Capitalist Pigs".
The map's console codename is known as 'Compact'.
The map along with the other 4 maps included in the Stimulus Package, was released for the Xbox 360 34 days prior to the PC/PS3 consoles.
The uniforms of the Task Force 141 differ from their other winter camouflage uniforms (as seen in "Derail" and the single player mission "Contingency"). Instead, certain classes are given new appearances, such as the submachine gunners having a yellow-ish uniform, LMG users having CADPAT camouflage pants and snipers (without ghillie suits) having a variant of the U.S. Navy SEALs sniper model.
On the western side of the map, near the attackers' spawn, there is a building full of diagrams of weapons. The weapons are a Dragunov, an AK-47 (AKM) and a 9mm Makarov pistol (like the ones in "Killhouse"). There is also a shrine to Zakhaev, a blue print and CCTV photos for the Zakhaev International Airport, and plans for the airport assault.
In the same house, if the player goes up to the second floor and looks up, a blow-up doll sex doll is visible (much like the one on Estate and in Loose Ends) on the rafters.
Also, in the pile of rubble next to C, if one free spectates to the top to find the name ALEXANDER ROYCEWICZ 2010 and a teddy bear cut in half in the corner.
If the player goes outside the map in Spectator mode, the map is solid for a fair distance unlike the other maps that usually stop being solid after a little bit outside.
Also in the Zakhaev house, on the second floor, there is a poster with Russian writing that appears to detail Cold War Era U.S. military equipment, including an M113 APC and a Cobra helicopter.
A book on Gerard van Honthorst can be found on the floor near the weapon diagrams. This book is also found in the White House during the campaign.
In Capture the Flag, the Spetznaz have the advantage, as in the first half of the match, their flag is in the house by the scrapyard, giving them the ability to camp under the stairs in the house, camp on the second floor, and extensively claymore the area, giving them an early advantage over Task Force 141.


By A in Domination, there is a painting of a ghost on the wall under the bridge.
The map seems to be much like the multiplayer map Hangar from Call of Duty: World At War, with a large warehouse much like the actual hangar from the map Hangar, and much space outside of the actual warehouse.
The warehouse could have been one of Makarov's safehouses due to there being a large supply of gun crates and blueprints to the airport massacre.
There are also two mannequin stores in the map.
There are 50 mannequins on this map.
The containers on this map have "Oscar Mike's" written on them. "Oscar Mike" means "On the Move" and it is said multiple times in the campaign. As well as the motto of "Oscar Mike's" being - We are always on the move - as said on the side of one of their trucks. Captain Price's face is their logo. Also, if a Care Package falls on an Oscar Mike's truck, it can be retrieved.
The name "Kriegler" makes another appearance on the trains again, similar to Derail.
It is unknown where this map takes place but some have suggested that the location is in the United Kingdom due to the style of the houses and the tall buildings in the background which look similar to Canary Wharf in London.
In one of the rooms inside the big warehouse there are a couple of coke packets.
Near the Task Force 141 spawn there are two locomotives with registry numbers 1337 similar to the one on Derail. 1337 is slang for "Leet".
The Task Force 141 spawn is unique as it is technically located outside of the map. Immediately the team will jump down a wall into the map, but it is not possible to get back to the spawn unless one uses a tactical insertion at the start.
Storm is the only new stimulus map that was not renamed (Compact to Salvage) and (Complex to Bailout).
There is an invisible barrier. On the walkway that goes from the main warehouse to the room with the mannequins and the elevator, there is a missing bar but a wall stops the player from falling down. This is quite annoying for players coming under fire as they will try to jump down and get stuck.
If one follows the train tracks to the left of the Task Force 141 Spawn spot they go right through a building.
Storm is probably most similar to Underpass, out of all the Modern Warfare 2 maps.
If the player goes outside of the map in spectator mode, the construction building from Backlot can be seen. It is exactly like it is in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , only with improved graphics and darker textures (due to Storm being a dark map with heavy rain and Backlot being a bright desert map).
The OpFor symbols can be seen in this level since it was going to be a Rangers vs. OpFor map but Infinity Ward changed it at the last minute to a Task Force 141 vs. Spetsnaz.
A picture of this map was featured in the Navy Times review of the Stimulus Package.
Storm and Underpass are the only multiplayer levels in Modern Warfare 2 to feature rain.

Map Pack 2


This is the only map to feature moving traffic.
The cars in the moving traffic feature buses in maps such as Karachi and Crossfire, red cars, ice cream trucks, and some even appear as destroyed technicals.
The cars in the moving traffic are hovering.
On the freeway outside of the map, the signs above the underpass read "Interstate 395 north to Interstate 95".
Outside of the map, the front gates to the park read "DETRE".
Although the map appears to take place in Brazil, the names of the shops around the map are written in English.
The ferris wheel appears to be the same as the one shown in "One Shot, One Kill". It is also moving slightly.
This is the only map in the Resurgence Pack DLC to feature the Task Force 141 and the Militia.
The title above the F in the game is spelled "FunHaus". "Haus" is the German word for "house". It is the only area in the map where the language is used.
There is a large teddy bear hidden in the castle moat behind one of the grates.
The player can only go exactly to the top of one roller coaster, they can only go so far on the other one.
The name of the park is "AdventureLand", a possible reference to the movie of the same name.
Just outside of the map, to the South-East, there are several Freak Shows, which advertise a Lizard Man, The Bearded Woman, and Incredibly Long Shoes. Humorously, all of the pictures are of Infinity Ward workers/developers, and the signs for the bearded woman show a picture of a man. Most of these acts are also a reference to the 2010 film Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant and the books of the same names.
The covered path which leads to the Ferris Wheel and the other attractions outside of the map is actually just the covered bridge from "Exodus".
It seems all the left arms of the clowns around the maps are ripped off, even the giant one in the parking lot, this could possibly be a reference to Zakhaev.
There is a glitch on this map that occurs when a claymore is placed on the top of the FunHaus clown entrance it will fly to certain places on the map. The positions of the claymores can easily be seen using SitRep. It is unknown why claymores do this. The glitch can be seen here.
The fortune teller machine in the FunHaus is a nod to one of the game's producers whose actual birthname is Jaroslav.
Inside the FunHaus, one of the arcade machines is labeled "Modern Warfare".
Outside the Rocket Ship, there is a planet and in front of it the words "Planet Xpress". This is missing the E but it could be a reference to Futurama where the main company is called Planet Express.
There are several other Futurama references. The first words spoken to Fry when he is woken from his cryogenic sleep is "Welcome to the World of Tomorrow". The rocket ship and subsequent mural have a striking resemblance to the Planet Express ship. To the right of the Planet Xpress globe sign, there's a sign that reads C-R-U-S-H-I-N-A-T-O-R. Crushinator is the name of a female robot that lives on the moon, featured in the second episode of season one, "The Series Has Landed".
The mechanical fortune teller in the FunHaus bears a remarkable resemblance to Captain Price.
Also if the player shoots the Price look-a-like fortune teller, he will power down and look like he is dying. Much in the same way that Al-Asad gets shot in COD4.
If the player is close enough to the Price look-a-like fortune teller when it powers down and gets shot, it will damage the player.
Just outside the map near the roller-coaster there is a blue Infinity Ward sign which reads "Thank You Soupy" which may be referring to the gamertag of an employee at Infinity Ward.
In some of the shops at the Carnival, there is a sticker showing the MasterCard and Visa card symbol, but have different names.
If the player goes near the mechanical fortune teller in the FunHaus and destroys it while standing near it, they will take damage. This is similar to the first mirror on the left in the Favela barbershop.
On the bottom floor of the FunHaus, there is a calendar of a girl in a bathing suit. It is the same calendar as the one found in Vacant.
It is possible to get a massive spawnkill killstreak when in the back of the map, standing roughly next to the door on the right side of the fortress. Some players have been known to get higher killstreaks within only a few seconds because of this glitch.
There are popcorn stalls around the map which have 'Popcorn - Nom Nom Nom' on them. If the glass part of them is knifed or shot, it will cause popcorn to spill onto the ground
In the room in the fun house with the calendar of the girl, there is a garden gnome sitting on one of the supports of the roof. This may be a reference to Left 4 Dead 2's Carnival level which also features a gnome.
Just like in Trailer Park, if the player is to shoot the keg, it starts to foam out


There is a suitcase which contains books that say "MW2 Weapons" and "How To Survive MW2".
It is apparent that the refinery is run by an organization called "Compy Corp". There are signs for it all over the place, and this is the first time Compy Corp has been seen in the series.
In the second and last floor of the building of the office that says "Compy Corp" there are maps that indicate the regions the U.S. Army operates in the world, for example; USASOUTHCOM which means United States Army Southern Command.
Compy Corp appears to be an anglophone company, but in the large drainage pipe, and before heading up the stairs, on the left there is Russian. The Russian essentially reminds workers to follow basic safety.
The majority of oil tanks do not explode.
The main complex bears resemblance to the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare map Pipeline.
If in spectator mode the player can see a white castle outside the map in the background and if looking a little more to the right it is also possible to see a small building that looks something like Area 51.
The console codename for this map is mp_fuel2. This hints to the possibility that there is another map in the files named "Fuel".
Since it is reminiscent of Facility from Call of Duty 4, it is probably a remake of the map. So it is possible that mp_fuel (1) is Facility
This map still is pumping oil as fire is coming from smokestacks and oil rigs are pumping

Trailer Park

The Rangers and the OpFor are the teams in this map, though neither were featured in the Boneyard during the mission "The Enemy of My Enemy". However, it is likely that the Rangers have replaced Shepherd's "Shadow Company" and that OpFor have replaced Makarov's men, as neither groups are featured in multiplayer.
This map is the living area for the Boneyard mission, "The Enemy Of My Enemy".
Near the outer edge of the map, on top a the trailer truck there is a blow up doll as seen in Estate. A lawn gnome appears to be staring at it.
The Junkyard outside of the map contains over 15 Boeing 727 tail sections, pieces of C-130 cargo planes and 7 F-15 Eagle fighter jets.
On a fighter jet outside the map, some numbers read, "IW4", a reference to Infinity Ward and the game number in the Call of Duty franchise IW has created (Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2).
The blue sheet metal building in this map appears to be the one from Downpour.
There are empty beer cans everywhere on this map. The writing on it says: "Patriot Beer: Genuine Shitty Taste".
Kegs found on a picnic table will shoot foam when the caps are shot off.
If one listens closely, a gate swinging open and the sheet-metal creaking in the wind can be heard.
Some of the pink plastic flamingos can not be destroyed or moved, while most of the others can be.
It appears that this map was abandoned in a hurry by its original occupants.
There was a map called "Trailer" that was originally going to be in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but was cut.


On the sides of some of the green shipping containers, one can see a stylized logo of Captain Price's face smoking a pipe. Below the face it says, "OSCAR MIKE'S SHIPPING COMPANY", followed by, "WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE MOVE."
The gate separating the back office (Spetsnaz spawn) and hallway is removed when playing Demolition. It is perhaps the only map to feature a piece of terrain that is not in every game-mode.
The map itself is much brighter, having less of a gloomy feeling, possibly due to the lack of Night Vision Goggles in Modern Warfare 2.
If the player goes far enough out of the map in Spectator mode, they will be able to see the background picture is of Prypiat, Ukraine, suggesting that it is in the Chernobyl environment. Also in Spectator, the player can see the building he left before entering the hotel at the end of All Ghillied Up.
In Modern Warfare 2, the color scheme from Vacant has been changed from green in Call of Duty 4 to light brown, which accounts for much of the atmosphere.
In the small make-shift garage on the outside of the map, there is the same calendar of the girl as the one in Carnival.
It is unknown why the US Army Rangers are in Ukraine, where Vacant is located. This may be down to the fact that the Stimulus Package had more Task Force maps than Army Rangers or that the map is set in the near future of an American invasion of Russia.
The main corridor has beams of light, sometimes blocking the player's vision.
In Domination; if the enemy has just taken A; shoot at the fuel tanks near the flag, when it blows up the player will definitely get a number of kills.
Just like in the barbershop on Favela, when shot or knifed, the mirrors in the bathroom will cause damage to the player if they are close enough.
The US Army Rangers seem to have replaced SAS as the good team on this map.
This map appears to be close to the map Wasteland because of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor tower in the background.
The time of day is different as the sunlight enters the rooms at a different angle

Ok Guys. I hope that this is helful and interesting because of the facts. THis took me a very very long time. like 4 hours to be honest.

THank you for reading and i hope i helped

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  • Wise One
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Should Get Stickied Good Post Mate
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im gonna thank you and give you rep because that takes long to make
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BSoKiLLaTuBBYzZ wrote im gonna thank you and give you rep because that takes long to make

Oh yea it did 4 hours and thanks
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BiiGMiiTcH wrote Should Get Stickied Good Post Mate

thankz i appreciate that
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I cant believe that no one is posting on this and all my effort is goin to waste
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dude this is the biggest article ive ever seen defintly rep and thanking the topic! best post ive veer seen
#8. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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I also say copy the whole thing (hola) then in a few weeks post it again and see if you get more rep + thanks to the topic
#9. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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SpaceNinja882 wrote I also say copy the whole thing (hola) then in a few weeks post it again and see if you get more rep + thanks to the topic

Umm thanks for the feedback but i rather not do that
#10. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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seems like a very good and neet post...

this should be getting more attraction, nice post

I think you deserve a sticky bro
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