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Xbox 1 Agonize Gaming eSports, Pubstomping, and Zombie clan.

Xbox 1 Agonize Gaming eSports, Pubstomping, and Zombie clan.Posted:

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About Us -

Agonize Gaming was initially established on November 1st 2016 by AG Might. On a later date, AG Inflection became a co-leader. As one of the most dedicated teams in the Call of Duty community , we would like to strive to our peak of our success. While subscriber count did not show for what we did, our content sure did. We're looking to make teams for eSports, Public games , and even zombies. I will be creating a future website and clan apparel depending on how this goes.

Recruitment -

Agonize Gaming is ready to give it a shot in the Call of Duty community. We are looking for future content creators for YouTube and Twitch, along with competitive (UMG or GB) or pubstomping players. While we are looking for experienced players, we are willing to give anyone a shot who truly wants to make a name for their selves in the Call of Duty community. I'm looking to recruit a good amount of loyal and dedicated players. We have skype and a teamspeak and are looking for key communication ; therefore, please be familiar with the programs and be ready to use it. Fill out the application below and I will get back with you as soon as possible!

Requirements -

Have a mic
Change your Gamertag within a month of joining Agonize Gaming to AG ____ then fill the blank with whatever name you like the best, all we ask is the AG to be at the beginning. The reason we ask you to change your Gamertag is so when we play together or you play by yourself people recognize you as a player in Agonize Gaming.

Skill Based -

We would see how you play in pubs or in Private match
Did you camp or rush?
Did you make good decisions when you played?
Did you have a good attitude or did you complain a lot?

Rules -
If you do meet the requirements or think you will then pay close attention to this part of the page because we will not tolerate some of these rules being broken.
This list is subject to change, so don't think this is the final product.

Do not disrespect members no matter of their rank, everyone is to be treated fair.
If the team is trying to win you will give 110%.
Play fair a sore loser is not a winner.
Do not declare someone a member if u do not have the authority to do so, roster changes is a Leaders job.
Do not ask for a promotion if a Leader thinks you are worthy of a promotion then you will get one.

Public Matches (Pub Stomping)

We are looking for good players who just want to play publically with a decent team who won't lose often. And people who are interested in creating YouTube content. I have heard that SLB will be making eSports for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered, so if that is the case, we will be doing SLB matches as well if I can get enough people interested. I would like to continue playing Cod 4 but primarily focus on Infinite Warfare and make teamtages and upload player episodes.

eSports -

We are looking to recruit around 12 players for our eSports team in order to have a variety of teams who can be competing. We would like for these teams to become familiar enough with each other that they could be interchangeable in the situation that one player could not compete that day for some given reason. Once we create a good, solid team , we will plan to compete in LANs and travel to different events. Team apparel will also be made during this time to wear to the events along with YouTube channels and Twitch channels. We are looking for experienced players; however, we are willing to pick up some newbies to the competitive scene and try you out and see how you can play with a team in a competitive setting. Players who cannot take a loss properly or players who trash talk other teams, please do not apply. Professional must be maintained at all times. For now we're going to be playing public games until we can maintain high skill level in order to win tourneys.

Zombies -

Agonize Zombies will be striving to place records and we are looking to recruit a good amount of people, who are skilled. Experience is recommended, but if you're willing to learn and become a better zombies player in order to place world records under your name as well as the team name, please apply! This section of the team will be laid back and enjoyable considering there is no tought competition other than the leader boards.

Position(s) -

Like in Hardpoint, the slayer needs to be a person with raw gunskill. Knowledge of spawns and spawntrapping is also extremely useful, if not a necessity. The slayers role is to gain map control by killing enemies and advancing into the centre or edges of the map. Map control is one of the most useful things in CTF. By having control over large areas of the map, the opposition is forced to attack and open themselves up to gun fire. You however would be behind cover and would rotate between headglitches for that element of surprise. This allows the whole team to run toward the enemy flag without having trouble from the enemy. Also, when your team pulls a flag, the flag carrier has constant support and can run most of the way without difficulty. Earlier, I mentioned that the rules are interchangeable. An example here would be that if 3 or 4 of the enemy team die, the perfect time to pull, and the slayer is the nearest to the flag, he should pull, even though it is not his job. The rest of the team should then fill in and act as slayers and supports.

The objective player is the primary man for pulling flags. The would almost always use an SMG. The OBJ will need to be able to make quick decisions on where to pull and whether or not to Pre-aim. For example, if 4 members of the enemy team die or a team mate is just round the corner , pre-aiming is not necessary. However if you are pulling into unknown territory, pre-aiming needs to be balanced with sprinting. This will take much experience. The objective and the support will swap jobs at a moments notice, so ready yourself for your team mates command.

The support player has many jobs. What needs to be done depends on the teams positioning and the current situation. Primarily, the OBJ needs to be either followed or lead by the support. This is to kill off enemies or pick up the flag of it is dropped. If the flag is already guarded, the support can go to cut offs. Cut offs are positions where the enemy had to pass through to reach your flag carrier. By guarding these cut offs, the enemy can't reach or, therefore, stop your OBJ from capturing the flag.

The anchor is possibly the hardest role to understand to a newcomer. The anchor literally anchors the team to a spawn. In other words, by sitting in a certain spot or area, they maintain the spawn area for their team. This can give significant advantage to the other members of the team, as hills (hardpoints) are sometimes easier to defend from a particular side. Also, the anchor can scout enemies to their team mates, as well as pick a few off at long range. At around 20 seconds left in the Hardpoint, the anchor should rotate around to gain the spawn of the next Hardpoint, leaving his team to defend the previous one. Keep in mind that there is always players attempting to kill the anchor so the Hardpoint is easier to break for them.
Will need a couple team captains who can help lead and direct a team along with signing your group for tournaments.
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Please complete the following application:

Future Gamertag (If Accepted):
Section(s) applying for:
YouTube/Twitch (if applicable):
GB/UMG Account (if applicable):
Usual playing times:
Reason(s) we should recruit you:
Other information:

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Visxal (11-12-2016)
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Still Recruiting..
#3. Posted:
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I would love to try out!!!! i mainly play OBJ or Anchor is past Call of Duty games. I also placed top 16 out of over 130 teams at Cod xp in the rookie bracket about a year ago with my former team. hit me up!!!

GT: Volt uV
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Most dedicated team for eSports yet you are recruiting on a gaming forum? Lol good try.
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Mean we're going to be soon brother...
#6. Posted:
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tyberius wrote I would love to try out!!!! i mainly play OBJ or Anchor is past Call of Duty games. I also placed top 16 out of over 130 teams at Cod xp in the rookie bracket about a year ago with my former team. hit me up!!!

GT: Volt uV

For sure bro can you complete the full application i'll hit you up.

Future Gamertag (If Accepted):
Section(s) applying for:
YouTube/Twitch (if applicable):
GB/UMG Account (if applicable):
Usual playing times:
Reason(s) we should recruit you:
Other information:
#7. Posted:
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Joined: Nov 23, 201410Year Member
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Gamertag: Pcoolest
Future Gamertag (If Accepted): AG Pcoolest
Country: USA
Section(s) applying for: Pubs
Age: 16
YouTube/Twitch (if applicable): Pcoolest
GB/UMG Account (if applicable): Pcoolest
Usual playing times: 6-11
Reason(s) we should recruit you: I'm a good cod player
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#8. Posted:
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Pcoolest wrote Gamertag: Pcoolest
Future Gamertag (If Accepted): AG Pcoolest
Country: USA
Section(s) applying for: Pubs
Age: 16
YouTube/Twitch (if applicable): Pcoolest
GB/UMG Account (if applicable): Pcoolest
Usual playing times: 6-11
Reason(s) we should recruit you: I'm a good cod player
Other information:

Looks good i'll message you on Xbox
#9. Posted:
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#10. Posted:
  • Resident Elite
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Joined: Dec 01, 201113Year Member
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Gamertag: Lucid Vo
Future Gamertag (If Accepted): AG Lucid
Country: UK
Section(s) applying for: Pubs
Age: 18
YouTube/Twitch (if applicable):
GB/UMG Account (if applicable):
Usual playing times: 5-2
Reason(s) we should recruit you: I'm a good player and like to be competing with a good team and helping one another out
Other information: I recently visited the cod championships with my clan now and I was also apart of the XGN squad
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