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#11. Posted:
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Stick with a better squad lmao straight up me and my team are plat.
#12. Posted:
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Haitchyy wrote I climbed by following these steps. Not going to sugar coat it.

1. Don't play support until at least high gold(if possible). Which leads to number 2.

2. Always assume your team is terrible and don't trust them to make the right decisions.

3. Pick a carry role, If you feel you can't carry 1v5, either go play normals till you're good enough to or pick jungle and try get the person who looks the least terrible on your team going.

4. If anyone gives you **** for anything, Instant mute and carry on playing. Wasting time arguing can lose you objectives and kill opportunities.

5. The community sucks. Regardless of how much you carry, there will always be someone who didn't get their own way and decides to ruin what could have been a win. It happen's suck it up, report them and move on.

6. Be the shot caller, most players have absolutely no common sense whatsoever. Eg. Keep and eye on death timers when taking inhibs, don't do drake/baron with 5 enemies alive and no vision.

7. Don't use Mobafire for builds, also just because you seen a pro build something doesn't mean you should do it.

8. If you do have to support, rush a sightstone EVERYTIME. Not boots, Not the Talisman-FOTM-Frost Queens Claim. Vision wins games, the sooner people realize this, the faster you will climb. EDIT: Switch out your warding totem for a sweeper as soon as you get a sightstone. Denying vision is key.

9. Don't waste a ban on something you got stomped with in the last game. Eg. omg ban yi hes op last yi got a pentakill and went 20/5... NOPE. Most viable bans at this moment in time (4.14) - Nidalee, Yasuo, Fizz, Akali, Morgana, Tristana, Maokai, Evelynn, Ryze & Syndra. I stated champs like Eve and Akali not because they are OP right now but because at the elo you're at at the moment, people can't deal with them. It's way too easy for an Akali to get going and destroy your full team and for your team not to buy pinks and get absolutely demolished off by Eve ganks.

If you can't do any of the above, either you're just not cut out for league or you need to go grind normals for a bit longer to get better.
Thanks man for the info. I'll try to follow on
#13. Posted:
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Just dont suicide when your teamates are palying proorly say your mid and the jungler comes to gank you ping him off because you dont think you can kill hi if their jungler comes. He goes in you stay back you did the right thing even if he dies you played to your limits an dif he rages just sit there and say so sorry wasnt sure you were coming... etc always act nice and innocent and praise people it makes them play better
#14. Posted:
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well im silver 5 as well but i recognize my lack of game knowledge. i do excellent in lane never lose it but dont have the knowledge to carry my games ive learned to give teammates kills when i can to help them be of little more use to me. but everyone has losing sprees so dont let it effect you play to your full capability and you will win eventually. if you would like to try duo q you can add me and we can talk about it i play mid and jungle.
IGN : Vndta
#15. Posted:
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Evac wrote well im silver 5 as well but i recognize my lack of game knowledge. i do excellent in lane never lose it but dont have the knowledge to carry my games ive learned to give teammates kills when i can to help them be of little more use to me. but everyone has losing sprees so dont let it effect you play to your full capability and you will win eventually. if you would like to try duo q you can add me and we can talk about it i play mid and jungle.
IGN : Vndta
Alright cool dude I will try to add you as soon as I have time
#16. Posted:
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everyone in low ELOs say the same thing.. "everyone is terrible"
you obviously belong there if you cant get out.. sorry to break it to ya
#17. Posted:
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WhatTheSchmit wrote everyone in low ELOs say the same thing.. "everyone is terrible"
you obviously belong there if you cant get out.. sorry to break it to ya

The reason they say that is cause some end up doing better than others in one game. This is what brings there hopes and to critic all the other players in the game. I am usually out of almost all the games i play the one to buy the most wards. Most of the people i play with in solo Q dont buy wards and with the vision that i provide makes it a lot easier to communicate when you are doing something benefiting the team. Doesnt matter what position im in i tend to hold back from saying stupid things to my teammates. If i am ahead/Fed i will tend to throw around the occasional order but thats only because i have to do it to win the game. Whatever you do when playing in ranked to do not get mad at your team for making mistakes!
#18. Posted:
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Spection wrote
Same here. Silver V is ridiculous. The players in this division are horrible. They are usually unskilled and can never work as a team. When I can, I'd love to duo queue with you.

Can't blame your teammates, if you belong in a higher elo it's easy to carry yourself out. I like how you diss people in Silver 5 when you are, in fact, in silver 5 yourself.
#19. Posted:
  • TTG Fanatic
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Everyone has those odd streaks where they either have a crap game or there team just craps the bed. It happens.
#20. Posted:
  • Wise One
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Probably just bad TBH. Climbed from B5 to G5 this season once I started realizing I was the bad one and focused on improving.
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