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US Feminism and Double Standards

US Feminism and Double StandardsPosted:

  • Wise One
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Joined: Aug 03, 201112Year Member
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Joined: Aug 03, 201112Year Member
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I don't have a problem with gender equality, but what I do have a problem with is feminists. Contrary to popular belief, feminism is not about equality, but more so about gender dominance, double standards, and male bashing. Modern feminists dominate pop culture, and media using "equality" as a cover.

This feminist mentality is scattered throughout today's media. Popular talk-show hosts such as Oprah, and Dr. Phil are constantly placing males in a role to be the bad guy. They bring in couples to talk about relationships and the female is placed in a role of innocence, and portrayed smarter. The male is portrayed as ignorant and clueless. This situation, wether it be the view of the host or not, is used because most of the audience is female and that is what they want to hear.

How many television shows have you watched where the woman is smarter than the male? Where she is always right and the male is always wrong. In those innocent Wednesday night T.V. shows you watch, the male is being emasculated to submit to female dominance. If it were the other way around, these "feminists" would have the show off the air within hours, and the male viewers/fans would be deemed as "chauvinist pigs", despite what they believe. In the show "Home Improvement", there is an episode where Tim Allen is being told by his wife to get a vasectomy. Even though he does not want to get the operation, by the end of the episode, his wife has forced him to get it against his will. Not only is his wife controlling various aspects of his life, she essentially owns even his sexual organs. These modern feminists are taking the original aspect of equality, and twisting it around to benefit their unhealthy need to be in control. This propaganda is then brainwashed into the minds of young women, turning them slaves in the feminist agenda.

This double standard doesn't just exist in media. It is littered throughout the workplace as well. Women are constantly complaining about the roles of women at work. If a woman doesn't make as much money as a man, the company are automatically sexist and discriminatory. It doesn't even matter if the jobs don't involve the same workload/difficulty of work. They don't make less money because of their gender, they make less because they don't do as much. If a woman heard a manager saying that he wants a man for the job, he would be fired before you could say discrimination. In turn, if a manager was heard saying he wants a woman for said job, he would be praised. If a man tried to sue because of that, he would have no case. If a woman tried to sue, she would win every time.

How about in relationships? Surely no feminist double standards exist there! Well, they do. Relationships are where they are the most prevalent in my opinion. Women love to be equal when the man has money and things are well, but when the man doesn't have money, sharing doesn't exist. Woman are allowed to start whatever they want, then they rely on the man to protect them. How many men end up in fights because of their girlfriend/wife got into an argument with another woman at the bar? Women are allowed to act like children, but when it comes down to it, they can not even handle the mess they create. These are the same women who are so concerned about being "equal". I have seen this type of situation first hand. My father remarried a feminist, self righteous woman. For 3 years, she was without a job, and my father had to pay for everything from her food, to her car payments, to her house that nobody had lived in for years. This ended up putting him in tremendous amounts of debt. When she finally got a good job, she lost some weight, walked out on my father, and became a lesbian. I guess it is ok for a woman to rely on a man when she is in need, but when she is not that man can go to hell.

These Are Direct Quotes:

"American feminists love to hide behind a false facade by pretending to "defend the rights of oppressed women". But in reality it's just a smoke screen to obscure their real intentions which are much more sinister. Their goal is to proclaim their superiority over men, deprive men of all their rights, confiscate all their money, steal all their property and ultimately rule over them. Since it's difficult for most women to accomplish their objectives with aggression, they seek to distract their opponent with BS----otherwise known as feminism. So when you hear a feminist feign concern for oppressed women don't be so quick to sympathize. There's a hidden agenda behind her words of compassion. Feminists are not genuine or sincere. They're selfish phonies who'll say anything to get their way."

"Ask any non-brainwashed woman and you will find their disgust of the irony. Thanks to the feminist movement, they can now work 9-5 instead of sit home, do nothing; romance and chivalry is gone as the woman is now "strong" and could care less about any "stupid man," etc. Obviously any US-media consumer will relate to the "stupid man" who is always portrayed as less intelligent, more amoral, non-deserving, etc. I recently saw a funny one in an average feminist college textbook- men are only physically stronger because they have forced women to nurture the young while they have developed physical power over time by physical labor. They even included some B.S. charts and graphs. One must take heed and only attend US colleges if he is pursuing a science degree. Otherwise he will be used by the instrument of the new liberals- feminists, PC drones, and the like..."

"Women can get away with denigrating men because they have powerful political organizations that have a lot of influence in government. And men cannot do the same against women because they don't organize their politics along gender-lines. There are no politically powerful men's organizations whose purpose is to speak exclusively for the interests of men.

I suppose this is one of the dangers of democracy. People can organize themselves along gender lines, sectarian lines, or tribal lines and try to deprive each other of rights and privileges.

The Constitution is supposed to prevent this kind of thing. But the Constitution is only as good as the politicians who write it. Perhaps the US constitution doesn't have good protection against sexism. And that's why women have been able to organize themselves along gender lines and change the rules in their own favor."

"Another example of the New Double Standard: Leading womens advocates have, with little substantiation, made statements about men that never would be tolerated if said about women:

As far as I'm concerned, men are the product of a damaged gene. (Germaine Greer, in in an invited address at the Alert! Conference.)

"All men are rapists and that's all they are." (Marilyn French, author of the feminist classic, The Womens Room, in a People magazine interview.)

"I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it." (Former congresswoman Barbara Jordan)

None of those leaders suffered significant reprisals. In contrast, consider what happened when Harvard president, Lawrence Summers, in an internal brainstorming meeting, in response to a request to be provocative, merely hypothesized, with multiple qualifications, that innate differences might partly explain why more men are in science. That statement, especially when opined in a private meeting, is not only less devastating to women than the above statements are to men, substantial research supports Summers hypothesis. Yet, a national firestorm led by NOW ensued demanding Summers firing, and Harvards 762-member Faculty of Arts and Sciences issued an unprecedented and career-devastating vote of lack of confidence in Summers.

This establishes a new double standard: you can, without reprisal, viciously denigrate men without substantiation but dare you make a milder statement about women, your career is eviscerated. That double standard will make academics, leaders, and the media think 10 times before saying something negative about a woman, but not about a man. That will immeasurably hurt how men are treated today, and in future generations."

"Or even worse, imagine if a feminist overheard a male manager saying,

I prefer to hire men because theyre less emotional most of the month and dramatically so the rest of the time. I also prefer to hire men because they devote more time to their careers. More women want to work shorter hours so they can have enough time for family, friends, and so on. Yet another reason I like to hire men is that women, on average, are more devious. Guys are more direct; youre more likely to know where you stand. Even though there is a reasonable basis for that managers assertions, he would be fired faster than you could say, sex discrimination.

Yet if that same manager were to say, I prefer to hire women because theyre more interpersonally sensitive and better team builders, that equally gender-generalizing statement would likely be met, not with a lawsuit, but with praise. There is a new double-standard. People, the media, and the colleges can attack men but not women."

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