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Halo 2 Skull Guide (Black Eye) 5G

Tutorial Name: Halo 2 Skull Guide (Black Eye) 5G  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: -GoldCoast-

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Comments: 1

Views: 492

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Hello and welcome to my very first Halo 2 Skull guide!

This is the final skull I will be showing how to collect in halo 2. The skull name is "Black Eye"

Skull Effect:
Shield wont regenerate, when you melee someone you get energy power back, so if you melee someone you get a little bit of shield. So you can get a bit at a time all the way to overshield!

For this skull you need to choose the mission "Great Journey" and choose the difficulty Legendary.

SGT Johnson will pilot the scarab and shoot at a building I am calling the Control Tower. If you take a banshee to the tower you will notice that, aside from where spires jut out of it, it has a round slope all the way around. If you take the banshee right up to the slope and as high as you can go, you can almost get over it. Here you must jump out of your banshee to land on the less steep part of the slope. If you turn your banshee to the side or all the way around, it may make it easier to land on the less steep part. Also, try to have your banshee land on a platform below, so you can use it to get back. Once you are on the slope, climb the rest of the way up it. If you are on the right of the door, then you have to jump onto the ledge next to the main part of the building, and then walk up a steep part in the direction of the door. Walk up that, then around and down on the other side. On this side (left of the door from scarab's perspective) you can walk onto the hills and grass. You will notice several angled spires, some of which connect to the building. You must climb the one that is directly opposite the door you would use to enter the tower. It's steep but you can walk up it. I suggest jumping while walking to speed up the process. At the top is a skull which gives you the "black eye" effect - you only recover shields by meleeing enemies. This is only found on legendary. Reverse the process to get back to your banshee (hopefully) or just jump off a cliff and the effect will stay with you.

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I still need to find this. Do they even reward you for finding skulls in H2?