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Halo 2 Skull Guide (Thunderstorm) 5G

Tutorial Name: Halo 2 Skull Guide (Thunderstorm) 5G  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: -GoldCoast-

Date Added:

Comments: 1

Views: 476

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Hello and welcome to my very first Halo 2 Skull guide!

This is the skull I will be showing how to collect. The skull name is "Thunderstorm"

Skull Effect:
Promotes most enemies to their highest rank. Does not affect Flood Human Combat Forms or Marines.

For this skull you need to choose the mission "Cairo Station" and choose the difficulty Legendary.

In the large room after the armory, you need to use a Crouch Jump to get onto a light fixture on the right wall (right of the room when you enter) and then jump from there onto the higher area. There is a series of diagonal beams. Walk up one near to the end of it and use it to Crouch Jump onto one of the rails. You can fall between the rails, so be careful. Once on the rail, walk down it until you can jump onto the highest platform. Then melee the trashcan away from the wall a few times, the Skull is right behind it.

It is also possible to Grenade Jump up to the platform if you can't stay on the rails. The Sputnik Skull helps a lot here, but it's possible without it. Just get on the ground near the platform the Skull is on and Grenade Jump.

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Cairo station is probably as easy as you're gonna get when it comes to these H2 skulls.