Latest H1Z1 ban wave strikes down nearly 25,000 cheaters

H1Z1 had quite a lot of cheaters, judging by the number of players who got banned this week.

Daybreak president John Smedley and his staff are on a campaign to end cheating in H1Z1, as well as the sites that provide said cheats. Smedley announced yesterday that the developer has banned 24,837 accounts from the game.

Smedley named one site that’s known to the H1Z1 community as a cheat provider.

A quick look on the game’s sub-Reddit reveals that cheaters have been running rampant in the game for a while. One cheat that’s often called out is “ESP,” essentially a wallhack, letting players know where others are at all times.

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"Latest H1Z1 ban wave strikes down nearly 25,000 cheaters" :: Login/Create an Account :: 50 comments

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Mickers Thats a crazy ban wave hahah! Console users would be mad if this happened.

This did happen. On H1Z1. On PC. I'm not mad.


I'm glad their doing this it will be more fun to play.


Thats a crazy ban wave hahah! Console users would be mad if this happened.


cheaters are mad becuase they're getting punished for ruining the game? anyone who has ever gotten banned fully deserves it, and I'm glad you guys do get banned. LOL


Dang bruh thats alot of cheaters ;-;


ImHypped how many people play this game ?

A LOT, it's loads of fun if you get a group to play with:) I'd give it a solid 8/10 on the Alfa scale.


how many people play this game ?


That's a lot of cheaters I did not expect that many


Thats a lot of cheaters bit like GTA V

Potion From what I've read they are allowing cheaters to be unbanned if they publicly apologize on YouTube.

Hmm i dont they should


From what I've read they are allowing cheaters to be unbanned if they publicly apologize on YouTube.