Nintendo 2DS out Oct. 12 for $130, plays all 3DS, DS games

The Nintendo 2DS is a new handheld in the DS family due out on October 12 for $130, in red and blue. As its name suggests, the 2DS plays all 3DS and DS games, but in 2D. It's a solid piece of hardware, no hinges, with dual screens the same size as 3DS screens, one circle pad, a camera, a single speaker and standard DS face buttons. Nintendo calls the 2DS "an entry-level dedicated portable gaming system."

Nintendo describes the 2DS as follows: "The system features a distinctive fixed, slate-type form factor .... Nintendo 2DS maintains many of the same hardware features as Nintendo 3DS: dual screens, game-play controls and touch-screen features. The system also has backward compatibility with the existing library of more than 2,000 Nintendo DS games, as well as access to wireless connectivity features like multiplayer online game play, fun Nintendo Video content and great digitally delivered games in the Nintendo eShop."

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"Nintendo 2DS out Oct. 12 for $130, plays all 3DS, DS games" :: Login/Create an Account :: 78 comments

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People keep complaining about how bad this is. You guys are such freaking idiots to not realize what they're doing.
This system is 70$ cheaper than the 3DS. Which could mean quite a lot to people.
This is a 3DS without the 3D in it. I, and a lot of others wear glasses and using the 3D setting on the 3DS gives us terrible headaches within the first 5 minutes of use. So I never use the 3D feature.

Little kids also cannot use the 3D setting. I would hurt their eyes in the future (it could result in them needing glasses in their life a lot earlier than usual).

The only thing I don't like about this is it's design. I looks nasty as hell compared to the 3DS.
But, again this is mainly for little kids. And when My younger brother was little, he broke my first DS, along with my SP by bending it in half. So this design basically makes it so it can't be broken easily.

It's not a bad idea for them to do this. They'll make a profit of it I'm sure of it. If you are an adult, and/or have a 3DS, this is not for you.

Remember, NINTENDO IS A GAMING COMPANY FOR CHILDREN. We grew up with Nintendo because WE WERE KIDS. Nintendo is no longer targeted to us. They're targeted to the little kids we once were.


Oh jeez, Nintendo please quit, you was good with N64 stop pushing yourselves :3


I think this is good for the parents that don't want their child's eyes to be messed up by the 3D feature. It also doesn't close, which it is good so kids don't break it in half. I think smaller kids was the main, but certainly not the only, audience for this system.


Why in the world would you even consider buying this??? LOL


Couldn't you just turn off the 3D on the 3DS and put it to 2D? I don't think the 3DS could play regular DS games but still downgrading from 3D to 2D only seems a little odd.


Bros These look really bad, bet they have a hard time selling these.


Really really bad, keep getting worse lol.

Nintendo seems like they're doing everything they can to make they way up again, but I don't think it will happen :(


These look really bad, bet they have a hard time selling these.



Gmlukens Pretty cool, id buy it for maybe some of the pokemon games :D

really? it looks kinda bad...

never been a pokemon fan


Gmlukens Pretty cool, id buy it for maybe some of the pokemon games :D

really? it looks kinda bad...


Michael1321 Have they actually just downgraded the 3DS

Pretty much, Downgraded and reduced the price really. Think of the Xbox Slim (3DS) vs Xbox Super Slim (2DS)