Nintendo loses battle to take control of domain

Nintendo has lost the fight to gain control over the domain after a complaint was filed back in February. in all its glory...
The decision was posted to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) website on Saturday, confirming that Nintendo's complaint to gain control of was denied, as reported by Fusible.

The domain has been registered by a company in Burlington, Massachusetts since 2004.

Fusible notes that was put up for auction, yet once Nintendo filed the complaint with WIPO the listing was removed. It appears that Nintendo will have to pay a sizable amount in order to have control of the domain. is currently a placeholder site containing link to both Wii U and non-WiiU content.

There has been no explanation provided as to why Nintendo lost the case.

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Jack-Wills Only just seen this, but looks like the owner of this domain will become a millionaire pretty soon.

I know. If he even decides to sell it lol


Only just seen this, but looks like the owner of this domain will become a millionaire pretty soon.


Haha even with all of their money they couldnt get it


they should come out with an actual gaming system that plays like the xbox and ps3 they have the money to hire better people in my oppinion


Danimals this made me laugh. they had the domain since 2004. im glad they lost, they better start digging in their wallets if they want it that bad

lol Nintendo are just going downhill now


this made me laugh. they had the domain since 2004. im glad they lost, they better start digging in their wallets if they want it that bad


wok unlucky nintendo, wii u is doing bad enough, not making money, and now they need to pay big for this, not good.

They don't need to pay for it unless they want it that bad. The Nintendo website has it's own section dedicated to the Wii U so they shouldn't really be worried about a domain.

I couldn't really see Nintendo paying a large amount of money for a site like this, if they do then they are really wanting to get the WiiU's name out there

In all honesty they should just let the people keep the domain. They have their own on the Nintendo site so it's not really that big of a deal.

I know they should just put it on their main site as a subdomain

By going after the domain, they are just doing unnecessary work. The people with the Wii U domain aren't just going to give it over easily so Nintendo should just stick with the domain they have now.


wok unlucky nintendo, wii u is doing bad enough, not making money, and now they need to pay big for this, not good.

They don't need to pay for it unless they want it that bad. The Nintendo website has it's own section dedicated to the Wii U so they shouldn't really be worried about a domain.

I couldn't really see Nintendo paying a large amount of money for a site like this, if they do then they are really wanting to get the WiiU's name out there

In all honesty they should just let the people keep the domain. They have their own on the Nintendo site so it's not really that big of a deal.

I know they should just put it on their main site as a subdomain


wok unlucky nintendo, wii u is doing bad enough, not making money, and now they need to pay big for this, not good.

They don't need to pay for it unless they want it that bad. The Nintendo website has it's own section dedicated to the Wii U so they shouldn't really be worried about a domain.

I couldn't really see Nintendo paying a large amount of money for a site like this, if they do then they are really wanting to get the WiiU's name out there

In all honesty they should just let the people keep the domain. They have their own on the Nintendo site so it's not really that big of a deal.


wok unlucky nintendo, wii u is doing bad enough, not making money, and now they need to pay big for this, not good.

They don't need to pay for it unless they want it that bad. The Nintendo website has it's own section dedicated to the Wii U so they shouldn't really be worried about a domain.

I couldn't really see Nintendo paying a large amount of money for a site like this, if they do then they are really wanting to get the WiiU's name out there