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All Geohot vs Sony Case details

All Geohot vs Sony Case detailsPosted:

  • TTG Senior
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SONY VS George hotz

Geo-hots being sued by Sony that's the short story
longstory with every detail is located below if you'd like to read its very interesting if i find anything else ill be sure to tell update here if youd like any detail new or old it will be here.

Why he's being sued:
Sony has filed lawsuits against Geohot (aka George Hotz) and the fail0verflow team for making PlayStation 3 exploits and jailbreak tools public.

An excerpt from the lawsuit reads:

Defendants George Hotz, Bushing, Hector Cantero, Sven Peter and Segher
(Collectively, Defendants) are computer hackers. Working individually and in concert with one another, Defendants recently bypassed effective technological protection measures (TPMs) employed by plaintiff Sony Computer Entertainment America LLP (SCEA) in its proprietary PlayStation3 computer entertainment system (PS3 System). Through the Internet, Defendants are distributing software, tools and instructions (collectively, Circumvention Devices) that circumvent the TPMs in the PS3 System and facilitate the counterfeiting of video games. Already, pirated video games are being packaged and distributed with these circumvention devices. Declaration of Ryan T. Bricker In Support of Ex Parte Motion for Temporary Restraining Order And Order To Show Cause Re Preliminary Injunction; Order for Impoundment (Bricker Decl.) 2, Exh. A. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and Local Rules 65-1 and 7-10, SCEA moves ex parte to put an immediate halt to the ongoing distribution of these illegal Circumvention Devices and avoid
irreparable harm to SCEA and to other video game software developers stemming from video game piracy


nothings happeded yet stay tuned

Geo hots legal team fire back at SCEA
Hotz and his legal team say it should be in New Jersey, where Hotz lives. If Sony can show that Hotz's actions were aimed at SCEA, the arm of the company that sells the PS3, then the judge could grant its motion to have the case tried there. But the company has to tie Hotz to California, either by showing concrete harm aimed there or by tying him to such activity in the state. (SCEA is located in Foster City).

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Geo hot might of fled to south america
Geohot, isn't taking any chances with Sony's legal juggernaut. He may--and we stress may--have fled to South America. He may also have lied about not having a PlayStation Network account.

Geohot might have removed integral components of his impounded hard drives prior to delivering them

Most seriously, after Magistrate Judge Spero ordered an inspection of Hotzs devices and ordered Hotz to appear at a deposition in California, SCEA learned that Hotz had deliberately removed integral components of his impounded hard drives prior to delivering them to a third party neutral and that Hotz is now in South America, an excuse for why he will not immediately provide the components of his hard drives as requested by the neutral.

Judge has grants Sonys request for information that could identify anyone that has visited the web sites belonging to hacker George hots:
In news that could have far-reaching consequences, a Judge has granted Sonys request for information that could identify anyone that has visited the web sites belonging to hacker George Geohot Hotz.

Youll probably remember the news that Sony is suing Hotz for his part in the hacking (jailbreaking) of its PlayStation 3 console, and the Japanese giant has even managed to seize the hackers computer hard drives. Now Judge Joseph Spero has granted Sonys request for identifying information for anyone that has visited the sites owned by Hotz. Along with the sites hosts, YouTube, Twitter and Google are also targets for information requests.

Its the subpoena of the web site hosts, Bluehost that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. As CrunchGear writes, Sony claims the requests are narrowly tailored, though looking through the information requested we find that a little hard to swallow.

Sony contends that the subpoenas are narrowly tailored for jurisdictional discovery. Yet their subpoena for Bluehost, GeoHots host, requires all server logs, IP address logs, account information, account access records and application or registration forms and any other identifying information corresponding to persons or computers who have accessed or downloaded files hosted using your service and associated with the [ Register or Signin to view external links. ] website, including but not limited to the file. Essentially, everyone who visited GeoHots site (or his blog at Blogspot) is subject to involvement in this case.

But Bluehost arent the only ones Sony are going after. YouTube will also be asked to reveal the identity of anyone who has watched videos showing how to jailbreak a PS3 scary stuff.


Sony Demands YouTube Reveal Geohot, Fail0verflows Personal Details:
Now the Japanese behemoth is requesting that a federal judge orders Google to hand over personal information such as IP address of anyone commenting on a private page on social video site YouTube.
Sony also wants Twitter to release information on hackers known to have released a version of the jailbreak Geohot put together.

U.S. District Judge Susan Illston ordered Hotz to remove the YouTube video and the code from his personal website orders with which Hotz complied with last week. Ahead of an unscheduled trial in which Sony is seeking unspecified damages from Hotz, Illston had concluded that Hotz likely breached the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. He did so by publishing or distributing a hack designed to circumvent software meant to protect copyrighted material,

Geohot Ordered To Hand His Computers Hard Drive Over To Sony:

Geohot (or George Hotz to his Mother) has been ordered to provide Sony with his computers hard drive by U.S. District Judge Susan Illston.

The whole sordid affair is related to Sony suing the 21 year old hacker after he successfully hacked the PlayStation 3 and made the tools available online. Obviously Sony were none-too-pleased by the Robin Hood act and took steps to put an end to it. The hard drive request is the next step in proceedings.

Geohots attorney, Stewart Kellar did try to block to move, but got short shrift from Illston.

Here, I find probable cause that your client has got these things on his computer, she said. Its a problem when more than one thing is kept on the computer. Ill make sure the order is and will be that Sony is only entitled to isolate the information on the computer that relates to the hacking of the PlayStation.

Of course nobody knows what information, code or otherwise Sony will be looking for or indeed what they will find when they are let loose with the drive in question, but I think its probably fair to say they arent looking for cooking recipes. Either way, this could end up being a pivotal moment for the PS3 hacking scene.

Geohots starts blog asking for help and support:

After discussing the entire situation with his lawyers, Geohot has decided to start a blog yet again. He is asking for help and support from his fans in an effort to fight his case against Sony.

Geohots statement on his blog

Media, I need your help. This is the first time I have ever asked. Please, if you support this cause, help me out and spread the word.

I want, by the time this goes to trial, to have Sony facing some of the hardest hitting lawyers in the business.
Together, we can help fix the system

Donations here are for legal defense ONLY
I checked with my lawyers before setting this up
If you have another substantial way to donate aside from money, let me know

Sony is lame, and is suing me for hacking MY OWN PS3. Help me own them in court
Sony are bullies
Sony doesnt care if what you did was legal, if they dont like it, they sue. Sony tried to sue a guy for getting his AIBO to do non Sony approved tricks, making it apparent that they dont really care about piracy, they care about control. In (Sony v Bleem), Bleem was the winner on all counts, but the high cost of a legal defense shut them down. Fortunately, that suit helped set precedent on the legality of emulators. I would hate to lose this case due to resource starvation, and with the support of the masses, I wont. Lets turn the bully back on itself. This case has the ability to set a huge precedent for consoles and all closed systems to come. The other two should be begging Sony to back off.
Sony sued the wrong guy
I am an advocate against mass piracy, do not distribute anyones copyrighted work but my own, do not take crap lying down, and am even pro DRM in a sense. For example, I believe Apple has every right to lock down their iPhone in the factory as much as they want, but once its paid for and mine, I have the right to unlock it, smash it, jailbreak it, look at it, and hack on it. Fortunately, the courts agree with me on this point.
My PS3 goal has been to provide users a legitimate path to homebrew, which by the standards of all previous cases (or, in reverse), is 100% legal. Sony does not even try to allege piracy or copyright infringement in this case, they allege I did things like play "super mario world, an unauthorized game" on MY PS3. And access MY PS3 in an unauthorized way.
Who are they to authorize what I do with my taxed and paid for property?
fail0verflows goal was even nobler than mine. They wanted to give you back a feature Sony illegally stole, Linux on your PS3. Its shameful on Sonys part that they are being sued at all. If you have a problem with pirates, sue them, dont sue people who point out your shortcomings.
Why should I care about your personal legal troubles?
You shouldnt. For example, if I was taken to court for sex crimes in Sweden, I would never ask for donations. But this case isnt about me. Clearly I am not being sued because of something I have that Sony wants, I am being sued in order to send a message that Sony is not to be messed with. But if I(and all codefendants likewise) actually win this, we have the power to send a much stronger message back. That consumers have rights, and we arent afraid to stand up for them.
Why should I trust you? I just saw you trying to rap battle Sony

My attempts at humor aside, I do take this whole matter very seriously. Again, its not about me, I was on the verge of quitting this stuff last June, and I would hate to be the one who sets a reputation for hackers that all a company has to do is sue us and we back down. In fact, I want the opposite reputation set, that the more a company tries to abuse the legal system, the harder we rally back.I will be the first person in line on the launch date of the Xperia Play, and itching to get my hands on the Next GEOHOT Project.
Why did you wait until now to set this up?
I didnt want to be trigger happy, and thought the suit might go away quickly. Also, I had to consult with my lawyers about how to do this. Its been over a month, and it looks like this is going to be a drawn out case. I am in this for the long haul. I am very serious ethically when I take donations, for all iPhone work I only accepted after the fact, here after the fact is too late. Now I am pot committed so to say.
How much should I donate?
Put it this way, Sony has 5 lawyers, I have 2. Id like to level the playing field, and really get some hard hitters in there. I have already racked up over 10k in legal bills; donate whatever you feel like. Leftover donations at the end of all this will be donated to the EFF.
What if I want to donate more than I feel comfortable sending through PayPal?
Im excited! Email me, well figure it out.
Why doesnt the EFF fund this?
Ask them. They have offered to provide some legal help though, which is much appreciated.
Donate to help you, youre the reason I cant play Modern Warfare now
No, Im not. Kakaroto explains this really well here. I have never played PS3 online ever. Frankly Im amazed by the apparent ease with which these cheats were created, security 101, why is the security in the client anyway? I had no idea this would happen, and am in full support of the cheaters being permabanned from PSN.
[b]Im a poor college student, what can I do to help?

I feel you, dont worry. Spread the word. Let people know how you feel about what Sony is doing. Let Sony know how you feel about what Sony is doing.
What if SCEA tries to settle?
Lets just say, I want the settlement terms to include OtherOS on all PS3s and an apology on the PlayStation blog for ever removing it. Itd be good PR for Sony too, lord knows they could use it. Im also willing to accept a trade, a legit path to homebrew for knowledge of how to stop new firmwares from being decrypted.
Why isnt SCEA trying to settle?

Beating them in court is just a start says hotz in this interview:


Geohot Sued By Sony Over PS3 Jailbreak:
Sony Corporation has filed lawsuits against Geohot (aka George Hotz) and the fail0verflow team for making PlayStation 3 exploits and jailbreak tools public.

the lawsuit reads:

Defendants George Hotz, Bushing, Hector Cantero, Sven Peter and Segher
(collectively, Defendants) are computer hackers. Working individually and in concert with one another, Defendants recently bypassed effective technological protection measures (TPMs) employed by plaintiff Sony Computer Entertainment America LLP (SCEA) in its proprietary PlayStation3 computer entertainment system (PS3 System). Through the Internet, Defendants are distributing software, tools and instructions (collectively, Circumvention Devices) that circumvent the TPMs in the PS3 System and facilitate the counterfeiting of video games. Already, pirated video games are being packaged and distributed with these circumvention devices. Declaration of Ryan T. Bricker In Support of Ex Parte Motion for Temporary Restraining Order And Order To Show Cause Re Preliminary Injunction; Order for Impoundment (Bricker Decl.) 2, Exh. A. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and Local Rules 65-1 and 7-10, SCEA moves ex parte to put an immediate halt to the ongoing distribution of these illegal Circumvention Devices and avoid
irreparable harm to SCEA and to other video game software developers stemming from video game piracy.

We will have to wait and see what will court have to say on this. In July last year, the United States government ruled in the favor of iPhone jailbreaks and unlocks as legal, as long as they were not used for piracy purposes. (via Geohot)

US District Court has granted Sony a temporary restraining order against George Hotz:

US District Court has granted Sony a temporary restraining order against George Hotz.
Sony had previously sued everyones favorite hacker for jailbreaking the Japanese companys PlayStation 3.

the US District Court for the Northern District of California granted Sonys request for a temporary restraining order forbidding Mr. Hotz and his merry men from distributing or linking to the jailbreak, helping or encouraging others to jailbreak, hacking into the PS3 or PSN, or distributing any information theyve found while hacking.

Thanks guys for viewing this topic i really appreciat it guys i was just getting really tired of all this bs about him guys.

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The following 4 users thanked TTG_Glockyy for this useful post:

SnPrXMafiA (03-30-2011), LxStricken (03-28-2011), Charlie-Sheen (03-24-2011), Critic (03-24-2011)
#2. Posted:
  • TTG Senior
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Thanks for posting this.
Keep us updated.
I wanna know what happens.
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Didnt know much apart from he was being sued thanks for this! Keep updating it!
#4. Posted:
  • TTG Addict
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Very nice post, good work keep it up.
#5. Posted:
  • Rated Awesome
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Very nice post much!
#6. Posted:
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Thanxs for the feed back guys
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  • TTG Contender
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nice post keep it updated
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certifiedsnipe wrote nice post keep it updated
Thank you guys rep will be greatly appreciated
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and microsoft doesn't give a shit about us hackers, lmfao.
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Updated today with new info on him fleeing to south america lol its more of a vaction though just found that out
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