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LEGO Dimensions - Voice Talent Trailer

Video Title: LEGO Dimensions - Voice Talent Trailer  

Category: Game Trailers

Submitted By: Clio

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Comments: 1

Video Duration: 02:50

Views: 339

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Video Description:

In this talent reel video we can see some of the talent at work. This includes Michael J. Fox who played Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd who played Doc Brown in the Back to the Future films, and have rerecorded and reprised their roles in LEGO Dimensions. From The LEGO Movie, Chris Pratt returns as Emmet, Elizabeth Banks as Wyldstyle, Alison Brie as UniKitty and Charlie Day as Benny, among other actors from the film. And as part of the original LEGO Dimensions story, Joel McHale is X-PO, the game’s robot guide, and Gary Oldman is Lord Vortech, the evil mastermind who seeks to control the LEGO Multiverse.

Alongside those featured here, the game also has a wide supporting crew. Members of the original cast of Ghostbusters, The Lord of the Rings, The Simpsons and Scooby-Doo will also be reprising their roles for the game -- although exactly which we don't yet know.

Additionally, Irrfan Khan is Simon Masrani from Jurassic World, along with other members of the film’s original cast. Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor, Jenna Coleman is Clara Oswald, Michelle Gomez is Missy from Doctor Who, and many other original actors from the long running British science fiction television series have also returned to voice their characters in the game as well. From the world of DC Comics, Troy Baker is Batman and Tara Strong is Harley Quinn. Stephen Merchant is Wheatley and Ellen McLain is GLaDOS from the Portal video game series.


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Looks great can't wait to see