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How to make a Cataclysm alpha server + make it public!

Tutorial Name: How to make a Cataclysm alpha server + make it public!  

Category: PC Tutorials

Submitted By: TehJon_Co-Host

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Comments: 3

Views: 3,800

Related Forum: PC Building Forum


Ok, the aim of this tutorial is to tell you exactly how to make a cataclysm alpha server on a step by step basis, then make it public. So lets get started...

What you will need to download

You will need a GIT Client which can be found here - GIT Client

You will need Microsoft Visual C++ 2008/2010 (I used 2010 for my compile). These can be downloaded free from here - C++ 2008 C++2010

MySQL Server which can be found here - MySQL Server

And you need a program to edit your database (an SQL Client). You have 3 options for this. The free option is Heidi SQL and can be found here - Heidi SQL
Then you have the 2 other options which you can download as a trial. (I used SQLyog). SQLyog can be found here and Navicat can be found here

Now you will need to download the Cataclysm alpha.

The enGB client can be found here - enGB Client
The enUS client can be found here - enUS Client

Getting the core

1)Install the GIT Client you downloaded
2)Once its installed, run Git Bash. This is found at start -- All Programs -- Git -- Git Bash. This is shown in a screenshot below...

3)Once Git Bash is open, type the following into the console... git clone git://github.com/Fabi/diamondcore.git

4)Once that has been completed, Type this into the console... cd diamondcore

5)And finally, type this into the console... git pull git pull git://github.com/Fabi/diamondcore.git 400

You now have the core, it should be found at c:/Users/YOURNAME/diamondcore

Compiling the core

1) First install visual c++ express 2010 or 2008. A computer restart will be required in the installation.

2) Ok, once it is installed,we can compile the core. Open up the diamondcore folder and double click on the "win" folder. You should see 2 files named "DiamondCore_90" and "DiamondCore_100".

Compiling with c++ express 2008

1) If you installed visual c++ 2008 open the program and drag and drop "DiamondCore_90" Into the program. This is shown in the screenshot below...

2) Now select the "Build" menu at the top of the page and select "Configuration Manager". There are 2 drop down menus. Once is named "Active solution configuration" and the other one is called "Active solution platform". Make sure that the "Active solution platform" is set to "Win32" and the "Active Solution configuration" is set to Release. This is shown in the screenshot below...

3) Now that you have the settings configured, go on the build menu again and select "Build Solution".

4) Sit back and wait for the Build to finish, it shouldn't take too long.

5) Once the build has been completed, scroll down the page and follow the steps under "After the build"

Compiling with c++ express 2010

1) Open up visual c++ 2010 and drag and drop the file "DiamondCore_100" into the program. This is shown in the screenshot below...

2) On the solution explorer to the left of the page, right click on "Solution 'DiamondCore_100'" and select "Configuration Manager".There are 2 drop down menus. Once is named "Active solution configuration" and the other one is called "Active solution platform". Make sure that the "Active solution platform" is set to "Win32" and the "Active Solution configuration" is set to Release. This is shown in the screenshot below...

3) Right click on "Solution 'DiamondCore_100' and select "Build Solution"

4) Once it has been completed, go onto the next section.

After the build

With the Build finished, we need to move and rename some files. This process is exactly the same on both the c++ 2008 compile and the c++2010 compile.

1) Go to your diamondcore folder and double click on "src". Now double click on the "logonserver" folder. Inside this folder there should be a file called "logonserver.conf.dist". Rename this file to "logonserver.conf".

2) Go back to the "src" file and enter the "worldserver" file. Inside of here there should be a file called "worldserver.conf.dist". Rename this file to "worldserver.conf".

3) Copy the "logonserver.conf" and the "worldserver.conf" and paste them into the following file. "C:\Users\YOURNAME\diamondcore\bin\Win32_Relea se" There will already be files in there but replace them.

4) Download this file... DBC's

5) Place the contents of the zip file into ""C:\Users\YOURNAME\diamondcore\bin\Win32_Rele ase" The folder inside of the zip file should be called "dbc"

6) Open up "WorldServer.conf" with notepad and change the "DataDir = "" To DataDir = "C:\Users\YOURNAME\diamondcore\bin\Win32_Relea se"

MySQL and database editing

1)Install MySQL which you downloaded at the start as a typical install. Once finished, we need to configure the server... During the configuration, select the following when they come up... Standard Configuration -- Install as Windows Path, Service name "MySQL" and tick "Launch MySQL automatically" -- now for this part, set your username as "root" and set your password as "diamondcore".

Now we are done installing MySQL.

2) Install the SQL client which you downloaded. I will be using SQLyog throughout this part of the tutorial so I suggest you install this as well.

3) Open up the client (I opened up SQLyog) on the connection info, fill it out as shown below... (The password was diamondcore)

4)Once we are connected, we are going to create 3 new databases. On SQLyog, I right clicked on the White area to the left of the page and selected "Create Database" I named this database "characters"

5) Right click on the white area again, create a new database named "logon"

6) Create another database and name it "world".

7) Right click on the "characters database you created , go down to import and select "Restore from SQL Dump". Navigate to the following folder and select the "characters.sql" file... "C:\Users\Callum\diamondcore\sql"

8) Do the same with the logon file except select the "logon.sql" file instead.

9) Go to "http://github.com/Fabi/diamonddatabase" and click on "Download Source". Select the .zip file and wait for the download to finish. This button is shown in the screenshot below...

10) Place the files within the zip folder in your diamondcore folder.

11) Extract the file within the "PreAlpha" folder

12)Navigate to your mysql installation folder (Mine was found in C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1) and open the my.ini file with notepad. Once the file is open, press ctrl+f and type "server section" without the quotation marks. Under this section, you need to type the following, again without the quotation marks... "max_allowed_packet = 125M". I placed this beneath the section of text saying "# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on

Once this is done, restart your computer (This is necessary or else you can't import the next sql file.)

13) Go back onto your SQL client and follow the same step as used in step 7/8 except select the file you extracted in the "PreAlpha" folder. This is shown in the screenshot below...

14) Download the source files from this link - "http://github.com/Fabi/diamondcore/tree/400" and place them into your diamondcore folder. Replace all of the files that it needs to overwrite.

15) Go back onto your SQL client and perform the same step from steps 7/8 to install all of the updates from the " C:\Users\YOURNAME\diamondcore\sql\Updates" File. These should all be done on the world database.

16) Now perform the "Restore from SQL dump" to add all of the files from the "C:\Users\YOURNAME\diamondcore\sql\cataclysm_alpha ". The way to tell which database you need to perform the "Restore from SQL Dump" on is yb looking at the first word of the sql file. For example, the file "1_logon_realmlist_realmbuilds.sql" will go on the logon database as it has "logon" in its name.

17)Your database is pretty much complete. Now it is time to make it public.

Making your server public
1) First of all, go to "http://thetechgame.org/" and register an account.

2) Once you are logged in, go to this address... "https://www.dyndns.com/account/services/hosts/add.html"

3)Go through all of the steps on that page. I used the following settings on my page...

4)Port Forwarding time. I have forwarded all of the following ports on my router...
6881 - 6999
1427014 - 27050
8086 - 8087

The reason there are so many is because i have ran off many cores and had many realms running through my router.

5) Once your ports are correctly forwarded and your firewall exceptions have been added, you need to access your SQL client and enter the logon database. To do this, double click on the logon database, then double click on "tables" then select "realmlist". Click on the table data tab to the right of the page just below half way down.

6) Change the name of the realm to what ever you want.

7) Change the address of the realm to your external ip. If your unsure what it is, this website can tell you - [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

Your server should now be ready!

Starting and connecting to your realm

1) Go to your wow cataclysm beta directory "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft Beta" or if your on a 64 bit operating system "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft Beta".

2) Go to the "Data" file and then enter the enUS or enGB file. Inside that file is another file named "relamlist.wtf".

3)Open your realmlist with notepad and enter the following...

So for my realmlist it was
set realmlist delusionwow.dyndns.info
This is what other people need to place in their realmlist if they want to connect to your server.

4)Go to your diamondcore folder and enter the bin/win32 folder. in here, start up both the "Logonserver.exe" and the "WorldServer.exe". I receive quite a lot of errors when the WorldServer.exe is loading however these are to be expected at this stage in the database development.

5)When WorldServer.exe has finished loading, type the following commands to add accounts to the server...

account create accountname accountpassword

account set gm accountname numberfrom 0-3 (0 = member, 2 = Moderator 3 = GM)

account set addon accountname numberfrom 1-2 (1= Burning Crusade 2 = WOTLK/Cataclysm).

6)Load up your cataclysm beta and you should be able to log in.

Thanks for reading this tutorial and I hope it has worked correctly for you. It took quite a while to make this tutorial so please leave your feedback below, cheers!


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"How to make a Cataclysm alpha server + make it public!" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Wicked good tutorial. Very easy to understand aswell.


and links


pictures arnt showing up, help!!