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Fallout New Vegas Infinite XP Glitch

Tutorial Name: Fallout New Vegas Infinite XP Glitch  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Dean

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Comments: 2

Views: 5,153

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


You will need a high enough Speech skill in order to perform this glitch.

When you reach Camp Golf, start the quest to get the misfits to shape up.
Find Razz (misfit with a mohawk) and talk to him about his squadmates.
Choose the option to use your Speech skill, you'll convince him to talk to his squadmates more and gain some XP for passing the Speech challenge.
Now, choose the option to talk about his squadmates AGAIN.
The game will still have the option to use your Speech skill to convince him, choose it again and you will receive bonus XP for passing a Speech challenge again.

Repeat as much as you want for 48 XP every time.
Tested and working on the 360 version



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"Fallout New Vegas Infinite XP Glitch" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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This post was helpful when the exploit wasn't patched. Thanks for doing this but I recommend taking this post down. Although your effort wasn't for nothing. You can still post the information on the exploit in the official Fallout New Vegas Wiki if it hasn't already been documented as a previously achievable exploit you could do at some point in Fallout New Vegas.

Also if you remove the patches by uninstalling the game and then reinstalling the game while offline then it is possible to do these exploits, I think. Research the method further but I am pretty confident the offline installation method works but I'm not 100% sure since I've never done it myself. I would feel bad for someone spending the time uninstalling and reinstalling the game only for this method not to work.


doesnt work, its been patched, thx for the 30 mins of my life i just wasted