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How to check if you been Flag'ed

Tutorial Name: How to check if you been Flag'ed  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: NinjaNoFear

Date Added:

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Views: 4,082

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


1. Turn on the xbox 360.

2. When you get to the home screen there will be no profiles found. That's because you removed your hard drive/memory card which contained all your profiles. Easy to understand =).

3. Now go to system settings.

4. Go to Network Settings.

5. Click Test Xbox Live Connection

6. Start connection and wait for it to finish.

7. When it is done you should get a message saying to update your system. Here is another important thing you need to do DO NOT UPDATE!!!!! I REPEAT
Do not update your system!! Just click No, don't update.

8. You should get a test connection failed message. Just click cancel.

9. After that click Y and you should get a list of numbers or codes.
Check your code under the letter Z
It should say Z: "whatever the code is"
Here are the codes to determine if your console has been banned.
Z: 8015 - 1002 means you have not been flagged yet. Hurray but still be cautious when playing online.
If it shows something other than that like
Z: 8015 - 190D, that means that your console has been flagged or banned. Sorry guys


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