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Quick RRoD Fix/ Guide to RRoD

Tutorial Name: Quick RRoD Fix/ Guide to RRoD  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Teravainen

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Comments: 1

Views: 1,666

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


What is the red Ring of death?
A: Caused By A Hardware Malfunction
Fixes To Try: A quick Fix of the RROD is to try unplugging ALL cords and external storage devices. Now Plug In all the cords back In WITHOUGHT the Harddrive/Memunit. If your Xbox works Know it is a Harware Malfunction of the harddrive. Call 1800-4my-Xbox (1800-429-9269)Say Agent. They should ask you Your info. ANSWER WITH YOUR REAL INFO. They should ship you A new HDD With the same storage capacity of your old.
Preventions: When unplugging HDD Handle With care, Dont just pull til it comes out.

Q: Why do you get the RROD
A: Overrheating Of the Xbox Can Cause The X-CLAMPS To Melt And crack.
Fixes: Towel Trick, Any Other Methouds Of Over Heating The Xbox!
Preventions: Keep you Xbox In a Well Air Circulated Area. Dont leave it in a corner or have an object behind it blocking air flow. Put it on a shelf with th back and sides facing out not towards the wall.

Q: Why Does The Towel Trick Work?
A: It Melts The X-CLAMPS and They Mold Back together for a while

Q: What Is the Towel Trick?
A: A Method of overrheating The Xbox

Q: How do you preform the Towel Trick
A: Easy, That is IF You follow directions

Ok, Now I will be teaching you how to preform the towel trick, Read all directions thouroghly and dont skip a direction.

Step One. Grab A few Towels. I Like To Use 2 or 3

Step Two. Disconnect All of the Cables from the back of the xbox (AV, Network Cable) LEAVE THE POWER CABLE IN!

Step Three. Disconnect all Storage Devices. So now all thats connected to your box shoudl be the power cable

Step Four. Turn The Xbox On

Step Five. Wrap The xbox COMPLETELY in the towels

Step Six. Leave the Xbox On in the towels until your xbox turns off by itself.

Step Seven. Unwrap The Xbox and put it in a well air-circulated area

Step Eight. After 20- 30 Minutes or so, feel free to Plug In everything and start Playing!

Enjoy. This is only a temporary Fix and may Need to be Repeated Multiple Times. This is my tut, I wrote this out, there may be typos.

If you dont understand or have problems doing this tut contact me on AIM my Aim= ItZaJhgui


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My first Xbox got RRoD, was a huge problem back in the day >:(