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Modern Warfare 3 : How to get up and out of Downturn

Tutorial Name: Modern Warfare 3 : How to get up and out of Downturn  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: ZeeGeeUK

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Comments: 1

Views: 2,877

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to get to the top of Downturn and eventually out of the map completely. This glitch will take quite a while to do however once you get it the first time, you won't forget. You will need a brief idea on how to knife lunge with a riot shield or you can do it with a regular knife. If you are unaware on how to do the knife lunch glitch I will link a video at the bottom of this tutorial.


1. Make the game type Free-For-All and make a custom class that has a Riot Shield, Throwing Knife, Tactical Insertion, Quickdraw, preferably a tactical knife and change the health to Double. You will need this later on in the process for this glitch.

2. Start the game and go to where the A flag is located on Domination. Once you are there you will find a little cushion on it's side. Get one person to stand behind the cushion and the other person attempting to knife lunge on the other side of the cushion.

3. Once you have successfully done the knife lunge you will land above the person you are doing it with on a separate floor above. Put your tactical insertion down and jump down. Once you have jumped down, let your friend do the glitch so that they may get up to the position you were in.

4. Once they are up, get them to plant their tactical insertion in the same place as you and kill you so you respawn next to them. Now both of you will be on the second floor of the room.

5. Run to the front of the second floor and put your tactical insertion in between the brick your jumping off and the wall you're landing on. Here's an image on where to put your tac and where you are going to be jumping.
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6. Once on top of this brick and you've planted your tactical insertion, this is where the double health comes into play. Get your teammate to lie down behind you and is in range to knife you. You will need to time it properly and if done so, you will land on the other side of the wall. It may take a couple of tries, but sooner or later you will get it. If you fall off completely then just get your friend to kill you and you will respawn in between the brick and wall.

7. Once you have successfully jumped to the other side of the wall, lie down on the slab to the edge and pick up your tactical insertion. Walk slowly along the wall and follow the pathway of the building's and try not to fall off. There will be a little blockade however this can be overcome by simply jumping a couple of times. Here is an image of where to start jumping to overcome sliding off.
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8. Once you have done that, put your tactical insertion on this slab of rock and aid your friend through the steps that you have just done.
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9. When both of you are up on this slab of rock, you can pick up your tactical insertions and carry on moving forward. There will be a wall with a little hole and a concrete bar that you can jump onto. Once you are on this bar, get your friend to stand in front of you and move back and do the knife lunch glitch again. If done correctly, you will fly up to the next floor and this is where you will be able to exit the map. Put your tactical insertion down then jump down and aid your friend in doing the steps you just performed.
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10. If your friend does the knife lunge correctly he will land on the same floor you just put your tactical insertion down at. Once he is there, get him to kill you so that you spawn next to each other on the next floor. Once done, there will be another slab of rock in a corner that you will be able to jump on. Jump on it and in front of you, you will clearly see gaps in the wall in which you can strafe jump onto.
In this picture, the slab of rock you need to jump onto is at the top of the picture and the gaps you need to jump into are in the top left.
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11. When you have done that and you are on the gap in the wall as this picture below shows, you are now free to explore the out of bounds areas of Downturn that in the beginning you weren't able to access at first.
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12. Put your tactical insertion down nearby and you can start exploring the outside of Downturn with your friend. Once you get the hang of it, it's really easy to pull off.

Below is a video if you find this written tutorial quite hard to follow. I did try to make it as clear as possible. Also, I have added another video for those that are unaware on how to the knife lunge glitch.

Video version of my written tutorial

Tutorial on how to knife lunge

Thank you.


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