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Modern Warfare 3 : Out of Map on Piazza

Tutorial Name: Modern Warfare 3 : Out of Map on Piazza  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: ZeeGeeUK

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Views: 1,840

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


This glitch is going to be on the new DLC map named Piazza. This glitch is really easy to do just as long as you know how to do the invisibility/invincibility glitch on Infected. If you do not, here is a tutorial posted by me on how to do it.



1. Have 2 friends in the lobby with you or another controller and a friend to aid you when doing the glitch.

2. Load up an infected gametype with a Predator Missile kill-streak, Tactical Insertion and any gun of your choice enabled.

3. When the game chooses the infected player(your friend for example), get him to put his tactical insertion down so you can kill him 5 times.

4. Once you get your predator missile, get him to knife you as soon as you open it up. You should have your predator missile which you can put away and you will be invisible and invincible.

5. Go to an area of the map where you can jump down onto the beach and do so. You will not die from the falling damage as you are invincible.

6. You are now free to roam the outsides of the map. Run along the beach, run into the sea and jump around on the rocks and explore.

This is a good glitch if you want to impress your friends and it's really fun to explore those areas that were out of bounds for you originally.

I did not find this glitch, just simply making a tutorial for those that are unaware of how to do this and those that don't know about this.


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