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Top Gear Rally

Tutorial Name: Top Gear Rally  

Category: Video Game Cheat Codes

Submitted By: Loke

Date Added:

Comments: 1

Views: 965

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion


All tracks
At the arcade mode screen, press A, Left(2), Right, Down, Z.

All cars
At the arcade mode screen, press A, Left(2), C-Down, A, Right, Z. Note: The bonus cars will not be enabled with this code. For the Japanese version of the game, hold L + R and press [C-Left + C-Right + C-Up + C-Down] four times at the car selection screen.

Beach ball car
At the arcade mode screen, press B(2), A, Left(2), C-Down, A, Right.

Cupra car
At the arcade mode screen, press C-Down, Up, B, Right, A, C-Down, A, Right.

Helmet car
At the arcade mode screen, press Up(2), Z, B, A, Left(2).

Black or white cars
At the car selection screen, highlight a car, hold L + R + C-Up + C-Down + C-Left + C-Right, and press Up or Down.

Modify car color
At the car selection screen, hold C-Left (for red), C-Right (for blue), and/or C-Up (for green), then press Up or Down to increase or decrease the corresponding color(s).

Mirror finish cars
At the car selection screen, press C-Down after completing all six seasons of year five.

Rainbow mode
While playing the game, press C-Down, Z, B, Up(2), Right. For the Japanese version of the game, press C-Down, Z, B, Up Down, R at the title screen.

Disable Bi-linear filtering
While playing the game, press B, Left, Right, Up, Left, Z, Right.

View completion date
Before the title screen appears, hold C-Up + C-Down + C-Left + C-Right. The date on the title screen indicates when the game was completed.

Alternate credits
On the options screen, select the "Credits" icon. Then, press Left, C-Down, Right, Down, Z. Now a new credit screen featuring the Strip Mine will be displayed.

Return to track
Hold B and repeatedly press Analog-stick Up and Analog-stick Down.


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This should make things significantly more fun in this game, thank you