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Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 - Achievements

Tutorial Name: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 - Achievements  

Category: Xbox 360 Tutorials

Submitted By: Musket

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Comments: 1

Views: 2,496

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Unlocked All Modes - 25 G
Unlock all game modes.

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Magpie - 15 G
Collect 500 geoms in a single game.

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Millionaire - 15 G
Score at least 1,000,000 points in all single player modes.

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Phobia - 15 G
Score 1,000 points in Waves without collecting any geoms.

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Slalom - 15 G
Chain together 5 gates in 5 seconds. Crossing at least one gate every second.

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Surf - 15 G
Dodge 8 lines of enemies in Waves without firing a shot, or destroying any enemies.

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Treaty - 15 G
Activate 30 zones in King without firing a shot, or destroying any enemies.

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Rebound - 15 G
Destroy 75 enemies in a game of Deadline using bullets bounced off of gates.

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Wax On - 15 G
Rub your ship along all four arena walls in Pacifism.

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Wax Off - 15 G
Perform the Wax On achievement twice in a single game, don't forget to breathe.

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Game Over - 15 G
Reach the end of sequence.

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Smile - 25
2, 4, 11, 15, 17, 18 and 19.
(Most Complicated Achievement in the game)
For each of these stages you have 30 seconds
STAGE 1: 4 double pink squares appear, kill them quickly. Once they are destroyed there is one portal to the left and one portal to the right, there are many double pink squares and some pacifism enemies that just roll around. Take out the portals first then focus on the double pink squares and finally the pacifisms.

STAGE 2: 2 squares and 2 blues to start, kill them quickly. Once they are destroyed 2 giant blue waves appear, one at the bottom, one at the top go from left to right and take out the blue waves. Next some pink squares appear and they should'nt be much hastle just go around the screen in a clockwise direction.

STAGE 3: 2 pacifisms and 2 greens to start off with, kill them quickly. Once they are destroyed pacifisms spawn all around the arena except for the right side where a wave of greens appear. No problem shoot a corner free from pacifisms and go into that corner, next target the incoming greens so they cannot come near you. This should kill most of the pacifisms aswell. After the greens are destroyed kill the rest of the pacifisms.

STAGE 4: 2 blues and 2 greens to start, kill them quickly. Once they are destroyed greens spawn at the bottom right and blues spawn at the top left. Quickly make your way to the top left and destroy most of blues and all of them if you can whilst making your way to the top right and then to the bottom right. Shoot the greens and prepare for a wave of yellows in the bottom left corner that charge at you very fast. Take them out or bomb them and go in an anti clockwise direction to easily destroy the rest of the enemies. Once this is done some gates will appear causing no hastle.

STAGE 5: 2 yellows and 2 pacifisms to start, Avoid the yellows and take them all out. Once that is done lots of yellows will spawn and charge at you. Shoot a hole through the right side of them and wait for the next wave of yellows. Do this 6 times and then lots of double pinks and pacifisms will spawn which shouldnt cause much hastle.

STAGE 6: 2 pinks and 2 greens to start, kill them quickly. Once that is done some pacifisms, greens and pinks will spawn. Go around in either direction and shoot forward killing them all. Next a big wave of yellows will spawn around you so prepare to shoot at them very quickly.

STAGE 7: 2 double pinks and 2 pacifisms to start, kill them quickly. Once they
are destroyed pacifisms,double pinks and waves of blues will come in to play. Shoot holes through the blue waves until 2 portals appear. Do not shoot the prtals until all enemies are destroyed.

STAGE 8: 2 portals and 2 blues to start, kill the blues first and then the portals. After that you will be surrounded by portals followed by lots of blues. Make sure you dodge the prtals and takes out the blues first.

STAGE 9: 4 greens to start, kill them. After that hundreds of greens will appear either use a bomb or hold them off.

STAGE 10: 2 double pinks and 2 speedy blues to start, avoid the speedy blues and take them all out, This will trigger lots of pacmen and speedy blues whilst there are lots of double pinks on the outside of the arena. Focus on the speedy blues and the pinks whilst avoiding the pacmen.

STAGE 11: 4 pinks to start, kill them. After that you will fight waves of blues and pinks so be on your guard by shooting through the blues and wait until you have a shot at the pinks. Suddenly you will be surrounded by pacifisms so use a bomb.

STAGE 12: 2 snakes and 2 yellow start, kill the yellows and then the snakes. After that you will be bombarded by snakes and yellows, it's down to your Geo skill!

STAGE 13: You start with some next blue stuff covering a geo nucleus. This is accompanied by 2 greens, Kill the greens first then the blue stuff. After you have done that just use a bomb!

STAGE 14: 4 portals to start and then constand bombards of portals. Take one out at a time and then all of them when they have stopped spawning.

STAGE 15: 4 yellows to start. quickly move the left and take them out. After that you will be surrounded by yellow swarms so either use you bombs or fight them off.

STAGE 16: 4 pacifisms to start so be on your guard! once they are destroyed you will fight many pacifisms and greens so move the right and shoot at the pacifisms. Once you have done this make sure you go in a clockwise direction to eliminate all enemies. You will be surrounded all of a sudden so use a bomb!

STAGE 17: BY NOW IF YOU HAVENT DIED YOU CAN JUST KEEP DIEING! but anyway... 4 blues to start, kill them. After that you will fight loads of blues so just go in a clockwise direction and shoot holes through them to escape. After that there will be many yellow swarms be on your guard or use a bomb!

STAGE 18: 2 pinks and 2 yellows to start, kill them, After that you will fight swarms of pinks and yellows so use a bomb or dodge and shoot them.

STAGE 19: CONSTANT SNAKES!!! so just use your geo wars dodging and shooting at the heads of these geo demons!



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I remember using Horizon on a few of these, for me I didn't feel like going through the hassle, lol. Nice guide though, well written even though really only the last one was explained (but who needs in depth guides for the other ones anyways?)