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Alien Isolation - Survivor Trophy

Tutorial Name: Alien Isolation - Survivor Trophy  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Thespian

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Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting (Gold)

For this you need to complete the game on the hardest difficulty which is "Hard", it is unlocked from the beginning and you may as well start the game on hard the first time round since there isn't a whole lot of difference between this and the other difficulties.

The main difference are that enemies are more alert, they give and take more damage and you take less damage. Apart from that the game is the exact same, you get the same amount of supplies and materials so make use of them. The other major thing you need to know is to never run because if you do, then the Alien will hear then kill you. There are a few instances in the story where running is fine and you will know when those sections occur but apart from then just don't run. Crouch walking is your friend here and so is your motion tracker as it can elude you to where enemies are coming from.

You have a suite of items at your disposal such as noise makers and EMPs, and you can use them to your advantage but be careful as sometimes they can backfire. I personally rarely used items apart from the medkit and the EMP mine for Androids as I found most encounters can be stealthed through if you take your time and are vigilant. If you do get spotted by the Alien then you are dead except in later levels where you can use the flamethrower to scare it off but dont overuse it since you can run out very quickly. If you do the Alien will pick up on this. Scavenge as much as you can and keep your guns and weapons for the androids if needed. When you come across humans a lot of the times you can throw a noisemaker to alert the Alien who can clear them for you but if you opt for this method be sure to hide afterwards.

In regards to hiding I wouldn't recommend hiding in closets and cupboards as it can be very dangerous when trying to get out, because it can be difficult to tell where the Alien is (I managed to go through the whole game on Hard without using one). Whenever the Alien is really close put away the motion tracker since it can hear it and when it is gone listen out for the sound of it going into a vent since when it does this is fine to just walk around for the most part (having a good headset really helps). Aside from this just make sure you always know the general area the Alien is in since sometimes you will just have to move instead of staying in the same place the whole time to avoid it. If needed you can always chuck a noisemaker in the opposite direction to distract it. Note: It isn't possible to kill the Alien as it is programmed to be invincible.

The final enemy in the game, the Androids/Working Joes can be very annoying to deal with since they are so relentless. In most cases I advise to avoid them as much as you can and if you are spotted and can't run away, you can either hide in a vent since they can't chase you in there or throw and EMP mine at them and beat them with your wrench. There will be instances where you are forced to fight them and in this case it is ok to use your weapons as the Alien wont show up during these sections. Later on in the game you will come across Androids with hazmat suits on and as a result EMPs and stun batons don't work. In these instances using your weapons is the best option if you can't escape. Boltguns work best against these androids.

If you keep all this in mind and are not reckless you should get through hard in no time. There will inevitable be parts where you have to retry a few times but you will get them eventually, just make sure to save often so you don't have to replay large sections. One final thing to note is to be careful when saving and make sure there are no enemies around, because it takes a few seconds for each Save Station to save and you are extremely vulnerable during this time.

This trophy and any other difficulty related trophy will unlock after mission 19. Note: You can't get this trophy can't be gotten in either of the story DLCs.


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