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Call of Duty: Ghosts - Pushing Ahead

Tutorial Name: Call of Duty: Ghosts - Pushing Ahead  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Kixa

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Views: 874

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Trophy description - Gain access to the Compound area in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. .

- Bronze

As with the previous map, this map includes three areas, the crossing of the first area of which would unlock this Trophy.

Unlike the first map, however, the area is not sealed by a barrier hive, but a new formidable enemy. It is here where you will be introduced to the Breeder the beast that guards the gates, and your newest arch nemesis. It is a massive arthropod that launches projectiles from its chelicerae and claws, and hurls eggs and damaging red orbs from its tails. Though formidable, the Breeder is, thankfully, predictable: before it launches the projectiles, you will see an absorption scene with threaded aura, as though the Breeder gathering energy. Also, these projectiles are aimed where the Breeder is looking, inadvertently alerting you as to where you should hide. The tail, intermittently, launches eggs and mist-unleashing orbs. The eggs hatch seconds after landing, and the orbs are launched into the sky and explode midair, hurtling down in the wake of that explosion two clusters that, upon landing, burst into red, toxic mist that lasts for a significant period and can drain the players health at an alarmingly fast rate.

Depending on what challenge you have, the best way to kill him is to shoot onto his head with either the Assault Rifle (Maverick, found at the very beginning and dropped by the soldier at the gates) or the LMG (LSAT, found in a room protected by a hive. It is in the building across from the Breeder). Equally instrumental is the mounted turret atop that building. It has a significant bullet count and costs $850 to unlock. Fixed in position, the turret by that virtue has an incredibly high accuracy rate. Use that to your advantage while being mindful of the overheat indicator bar below the bullet count on the screen. If playing as a team of four people, it is advisable that two players position themselves at a safe distance from the Breeder, with the third controlling the turret and the fourth protecting the turret shooter. In lieu of the turret the team can also use the deployable Portable Turret (under Equalizer). But the former is advisable in the long run (i.e. saving skill points for later, keeping the shield as they both occupy the same slot etc). Or, best of both worlds, use a mix of both strategies, with each teammate delegated a task. The strategy, ultimately, is left to your descretion. Do what you feel is most efficient with regards to you and your teammates preferences.

The Trophy should unlock upon taking down the Breeder.

Heres a video illustrating the former strategy:


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