Assassins Creed, Far Cry in The Humble Ubisoft Bundle

The latest Humble Bundle gathers together a variety of games from French mega-pub Ubisoft.

The Humble Ubisoft Bundle offers Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Grow Home and Rayman Origins for anything over $1.

Beat the average – $5.68 at time of writing – to also receive Far Cry 3, Splinter Cell Blacklist and Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China. More games will be added to this tier later this week.

Cough up $15 or more and you’ll also score Assassin’s Creed Rogue and The Crew.

Finally, a pre-order for The Division is available at $75 or more, and also includes an exclusive T-shirt and a coupon for 66% off up to three Ubisoft titles in the Humble Store – excluding pre-orders, The Division, Rainbow 6 Siege Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and Anno 2205.

All games are Windows only, redeemed through Steam or (mostly) Uplay. As ever, you decide how your payment is split between publisher, organisers and charity, with benefits to Extra Life and Stack-Up.

Go forth and take advantage.

This is The Division’s second Humble appearance, having starred in a recent Humble Weekly Bundle, too. Both were priced at $75, so don’t refine too much upon it.

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"Assassins Creed, Far Cry in The Humble Ubisoft Bundle" :: Login/Create an Account :: 27 comments

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Not a bad deal, but don't want any of these games.


oh wow, one of the first humble bundles in a while that I'm actually going to pick up


Far cry has always been one of my favorite games. its sick!


Woah that is definitely worth the money, never bought a humble bundle but gonna get this one


Nice bundle but I honestly just can't wait for the division.


Just got this, just a game to chill on definitely worth it guys.


I guess its better than most bundles these days, Might pick them up as i need new games to play.


Not a bad bundle to be honest! think i'll have a gander


Looks like a decent bundle, may have to pick this up at some point.


Would love to snag this deal but already own & played some of these sadly.