February’s Games With Gold Free Game For Xbox One Possibly Leaked

Microsoft has yet to confirm Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup for February 2016 but according to an image that shows the Games with Gold lineup on Xbox One dashboard, Hand of Fate will be on of the free games for Xbox One in February’s Games with Gold lineup. As it is usual with these type of “leaked” information, take it with a grain of salt. That said, there is an image currently making the rounds that clearly shows Hand of Fate is available for free with Xbox Live Gold membership. You can check out this alleged off-screen image below. Keep in mind that the reason why it is off-screen is because their is no way to save a screenshot of the dashboard on the Xbox One.

While there is always the possibility that this image is fake, this won’t be an unusual leak because other games have similarly leaked in the past as well. It is possible that Microsoft has already decided the Games with Gold lineup and will announce them soon, but it remains to be seen when they will confirm it. Hand of Fate is a rogue-like action RPG with a deck-building gameplay system. It was developed by an independent studio called Defiant Development and released for the PS4, Xbox One and PC in February2015. The developers also had plans to release a PS Vita version of the game but it was cancelled later due to development issues.

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Source: http://gearnuke.com/februarys-xbox-live-games-gold-free-game-xbox-one-possibly-leaked-report/


"February’s Games With Gold Free Game For Xbox One Possibly Leaked" :: Login/Create an Account :: 42 comments

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like anyone i wish the games were better but I'll take whatever they give tbh


Anything free I'm down to give a try.

Hopefully Hand of Fate is good game.