Xbox One Sales Top 13 Million Units Worldwide - Sales

Microsoft's eighth generation home console, the Xbox One, has surpassed the 13 million mark, according to VGChartz's latest sales data.

The Xbox One reached the milestone for the week ending June 27. The console sold 94,057 units to bring its worldwide lifetime sales to 13,054,203 units. There have also been 61,731,058 games sold for the Xbox One at retail.

Looking at the software sales for the Xbox One worldwide: nine games have sold more than two million units; 21 games have sold more than one million units; and 34 games have sold more than 500,000 units.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is the top selling Xbox One game with sales of 4.57 million units. Grand Theft Auto V has sold 3.03 million units and Assassin's Creed: Unity has sold 2.96 million units. Destiny has sold 2.80 million units, Titanfall has sold 2.63 million units, and Call of Duty: Ghosts has sold 2.47 million units.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is the best-selling first and second party game (i.e. titles published by Microsoft), with sales of 2.41 million units. Forza Motorsport 5 has sold 2.00 million units, Dead Rising 3 has sold 1.38 million units, and Ryse: Son of Rome has sold 1.20 million units.

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"Xbox One Sales Top 13 Million Units Worldwide - Sales" :: Login/Create an Account :: 43 comments

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Teezla PS4 sold units = 30 million

It says 25.3 million on the playstaytion thread


Teezla PS4 sold units = 30 million

A substantial amount more. However, I will more than likely be buying an Xbox one next week. (Still on the 360)


Crazy amount, how do Ps stats compare?