Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 may end Xbox exclusivity deal

Is Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 about to break the trend of Xbox priority DLC?

The Xbox brand has always been considered the home of Call of Duty. Each year’s game would get demoed on a Microsoft stage, all advertisements would carry the Xbox logo, and DLC would always come first to Xbox consoles – and enjoy a 30-day exclusivity period.

It looks like things are going to be a bit different this year. The UK Xbox One page shows a number of AAA games, some are due this year, others next year. If you look at the game covers, there’s a green box that either says “exclusive game” or “content first,” depending on the game.

The Division for instance is not an exclusive game, but will get early-access to content on Xbox.

If you look at the Black Ops 3 thumbnail however, there’s nothing there.

It’s worth noting that Rise of the Tomb Raider doesn’t carry that sticker. This could be due to the fact that the game is also coming to Xbox 360. Although, Ori and the Blind Forest carries the exclusive tag, even though it’s available on PC.

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nobody cares anymore the game looks terrible all true cod players have migrated over to bf anyways


eh you gotta try something to keep everyone on the same page. COD series has been dying for years.


Vladimer If they don`t want cod to die they should release it at the same time on everything.

COD Has been dying for years. You can deny it all you want but the fact of the matter is we're on what our 12th 13th COD, At a certain point there'll be nothing else they could add to make it fresh then they'll get into the habit of making remasters for a decade. This cash cow is drying up essentially so expect remaster very very soon.


Either it is neutral or they just haven't re-upped with Microsoft yet. I don't think MS would let them go to Sony MS need all the help they can get. Honestly though at this point does it matter. I've been playing for just over a decade now and for the most part i only play default maps.


I could care less. It's only a few days difference anyway.


At this point I don't think Xbox or PS users care. We all just want a damn decent game.


Wouldn't surprise me considering how terrible Call of Duty has been looking these past few years. Maybe they've finally gotten some intelligence and switching to a new market, a more open market.


MMMP Plz say that BO3 is normal and not futuristic!!

It has jump packs or w/e they're called just like AW, but they say that it's just to maneuver more quickly and won't play a huge role.
I just hope they keep zombies basic instead of the bs AW tried to do. Never played it, but it looks terrible.


As long as everyone gets it who really cares


Plz say that BO3 is normal and not futuristic!!