DirectX 12 powered games will appear by the end of 2015

DirectX 12 is still very much in it’s infancy, but we’re likely to start seeing the benefits of the new graphics technology by the end of the year, according to Microsoft’s games head honcho Phil Spencer.

The new API will be used across the PC and Xbox platforms, and is a central component of Microsoft’s plans for its refreshed views on gaming.

Talking to a fan on Twitter, Phil Spencer revealed that, despite the technology only being in it’s early stages, we’re likely to start seeing full games built from the ground-up with DirectX 12 by the end of 2015.

A possible contender for a DirectX 12-powered game for this year would be Fable Legends, with developer Lionhead’s connection to Microsoft probably being beneficial to getting the technology packed in.

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"DirectX 12 powered games will appear by the end of 2015" :: Login/Create an Account :: 40 comments

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Alexyy People really have no clue what they're on about.

Directx12 won't barley effect consoles anyway since they have such hardware level access with the components, which is why this will help pc users much more if the dev's choose to take advantage of it.

Well that made me understand it more but it does suck that it won't effect consoles at to be honest they need it the most but it's still good for pc users but thanks for clearing that up Alexxy.


Maybe even Battlefront will take advantage of this.


People really have no clue what they're on about.

Directx12 won't barley effect consoles anyway since they have such hardware level access with the components, which is why this will help pc users much more if the dev's choose to take advantage of it.


These comments /facepalm

I think you should all google what DX11-12 does, and how it affects Consoles. Also, how it affects games still on DX11, even though 12 is out.


Hopefully this brings much needed optimization for PC and Xbox games.


Multiplatform games won't use DX12 because ps4 doesnt have it so Battlefront wont have it.

Miss Maybe even Battlefront will take advantage of this as well. Would love to see that game at it's full potential.

That's one game I hope will take advantage of as I can't wait for it and if the extra 180p goes to it they will make it look 100x better then any of the others.


Now this right here seems really cool.


Miss Maybe even Battlefront will take advantage of this as well. Would love to see that game at it's full potential.

That's one game I hope will take advantage of as I can't wait for it and if the extra 180p goes to it they will make it look 100x better then any of the others.


Something that PS4 doesn't have lol. Man, that extra 180p must be worth having obsolete games.


Maybe even Battlefront will take advantage of this as well. Would love to see that game at it's full potential.