Battlefield Hardline Open Beta Starts Today With Three New Maps

To catch a thief. Starting today, the Battlefield Hardline open beta will have you living through your grand larceny fantasies with your friends.

Battlefield Hardline’s open multiplayer beta will be active between February 3 and February 8 and will feature three modes and maps. Hotwire mode is where criminals have to steal a number of cars and the cops have to stop them. Battlefield favorite Conquest is coming back along with Heist mode which is essentially a bank robbery.

Play cops and robbers when Battlefield Hardline hits Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, PS3 and PS4 on March 17th. Xbox’s Major Nelson will be streaming Hardline at 3PM Eastern today for a first look at Battlefield Hardline.

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"Battlefield Hardline Open Beta Starts Today With Three New Maps" :: Login/Create an Account :: 47 comments

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Looks pretty good can't wait to get it for the Xbox one.


This game is really amazing and it also very addicting to play, thought this game was going to be bad but its not. Although some of the maps remind me of some off of Battlefield 3 & 4


Looks pretty cool, I still love BF.


Pretty good start. only downside is that within a few hours there were already level 40s! how is it even possible!!!


honestly wont be getting this game.


Im only level 15 now, couple things i can complain about, but with it being a beta, pretty dang good. Not having any lag related problems.


Also downloading this now, can't wait to try it!!


Downloading this now as I type this. I cannot wait to try this out.


I would be downloading this but sadly won't have Internet for a few days


the game looks good. I just hope it has a better than BF4.